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Faro con Leds - Arduino

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LED calculator. Open source robotics building system. Proyecto - Ardunno. The Mind of Bill Porter. Nothing means more to someone then a gift that took more time to make than money to buy.

The Mind of Bill Porter

This is an example of such a gift. Set your way-back-when machines to 2002. Getting ready to finish high school, I had built up some hacker level of electronic knowledge. Arduino lighthouse. Arduino Controlled Lighthouse : Finished Project. Build an LED lighthouse. Lighthouse schematics and files. Update: I’ve revised the schematic for this project and had a proper PCB made, see the new version here.

Lighthouse schematics and files

For anyone who is interested (Hi Richard) here are my project files for the lighthouse project. The project is written for the PIC12f683 using SourceBoost Technologies BoostC that I use as a tool suite in Microchip’s MPLAB. BoostC is fairly ANSI so if you’re using another C then it wouldn’t be hard to convert. There’s a free version of BoostC too and I think my program will fit within it’s limits. C source code here (7kb). : Compiled hex binary here (1kb zip).