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Interactive Map Showing Immigration Data Since 1880 - Interactive Graphic

Interactive Map Showing Immigration Data Since 1880 - Interactive Graphic

SIG Politique de la Ville Chinese Political Group Life for member of the See Family has paralleled that of many Chinese American families since the 1950s. Spending time with her grandparents at the F. Suie One Company in Chinatown, Guest Curator Lisa See grew up hearing many family stories. The remarkable story Lisa See uncovered became the basis for this exhibition: a glimpse into our understanding of the Chinese American experience. Chinese American Contributions The flood of newcomers, the national obsession with traditional values, and the more personal search for roots, have fueled the resurgence in cultural and recreational activities and traditions that had declined in the 1950s. Science and Technology Many Chinese Americans have played key roles in the design, development and deployment of new sciences and technology. Politics and Government By the 1970s, an increasingly vocal number of Chinese Americans began to promote a Chinese American presence within the electoral and governmental systems. Celebrations Maintain Tradition

Welcome to AIISF - the Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation Gapminder: Unveiling the beauty of statistics for a fact based world view. Chinese Pictures Chinese Laborers In The West Chinese laborers contributed mightily to the economic development of California and the West. Many industries relied heavily on Chinese labor. However, Chinese participation were limited severely after 1882, when Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act, which prohibited workers from entering the country and declared Chinese ineligible for citizenship. Early Immigrants Came Looking for Gold Large scale Chinese immigration to California began after news of the discovery of gold reached China. Railroad Construction Employed Thousands In 1863 the Central Pacific began working east from Sacramento, California, on the nation's first transcontinental railroad. Herbal Remedies Made Camp Life Tolerable Since the Chinese did not trust western doctors or western medicine, men like Fong Dun Shung administered to the needs of laborers. Following the passage of this act, many incidents of deadly violence occurred against the Chinese.

s Best Photos of m1911 Flickr Hive Mind is a search engine as well as an experiment in the power of Folksonomies. All thumbnail images come directly from Flickr, none are stored on Flickr Hive Mind. These photos are bound by the copyright and license of their owners, the thumbnail links take to you to the photos (as well as their copyright and license details) within Flickr. Flickr Hive Mind is a data mining tool for the Flickr photography database, allowing search by: tags(keywords); Flickr photography groups; Flickr users, their contacts, and favorites; free text; the Flickr Explore algorithm for interestingness.

Working in America Jobs are definitely a top of mind subject. Did you know that manufacturing jobs were the largest sector of employment in 1960, yet today the category has fallen to 6th place? In this interactive visualization, browse who has been working in America over the past 50 years by sector, gender or age. Or take a look at GE’s expert opinion on the subject and tweet your own thoughts about key insights uncovered. About this data The data in this visualization comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. Share Downloads Download Application Design Partner Periscopic

La cartographie SIG en ligne ou Web mapping: les outils «libres» Sommaire I) Principe général de fonctionnement d’un serveur cartographique II) Solutions côté client III) Solutions côté serveur IV) Discussion Conclusion Le Web Mapping, ou diffusion de cartes via le réseau Internet, est un domaine en pleine expansion grâce au développement des solutions Open Source. Autour de l’incontournable MapServer, l’objectif du présent article est d’établir un état des lieux des solutions «applicatives» qui facilitent la mise en ligne et la maintenance d’information géographique. 1) Principe général de fonctionnement d’un serveur cartographique Le serveur cartographique est le guichet automatique auquel l’utilisateur fait appel pour afficher des cartes sur son poste informatique. L’utilisateur, à partir de son terminal effectue des requêtes pour demander l’affichage d’une carte spécifique; le serveur cartographique interprète cette requête et renvoie la carte sous la forme d’une image matricielle (png, jpg,…) ou vectorielle (svg, swf,…). 2) Solutions côté client Notes

Chinese Musician By Madeline Sumida, Fall 2012 Intern Veterans Day is a time to honor the men and women in the United States military. Asian immigrants to the United States have served in American conflicts since the War of 1812, but for many years federal legislation prevented most from becoming citizens. Even Asians American citizens did not see significant change in social and legal racism until after World War II, which marked a turning point for Asians in the United States military. During WWII, Asian Americans enlisted in unprecedented numbers. This monument honors the members of the 442nd who lost their lives during the World War II battle at Biffontaine. Items in the Smithsonian collection, such as this monument (pictured above) to the 442nd Combat Team’s sacrifices to liberate French territory from Nazi German control, remind us of the Asian American role in U.S. military history. Sources: McClain, John.

Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Program | InformAsian: eNewsletter, October 2010 Upcoming Event The Great Pinoy Boxing Era A panel discussion and documentary screening about the great Filipino American boxing era. Directed by Corky Pasquil and Agrafino Edralin, this documentary is an insightful portrayal of the Filipino men who came to the U.S. not only as farm laborers, but as prize-winning boxers during the '20s and '30s. Read more… or comment here >> SALTAF 2010: South Asian Literary and Theater Arts Festival The Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Program and NetSAP-DC present the tenth annual South Asian Literary and Theater Arts Festival (SALTAF). Above-Featured guests (left to right): Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, Pireeni Sundaralingam, Naeem Mohaiemen, Rajiv Chandrasekaram, and Canyon Sam. Also featuring the films Tere Bin Laden and Shakti Rising. Help support this project through Kickstarter by clicking here. SIG au collège, une expérience Retour à la lettre d'information géomatique n°11 Pourquoi travailler avec un SIG au collège ? Deux objectifs guident notre usage d'un SIG au niveau collège : En premier lieu, nous l'utilisons à des fins citoyennes. Cette démarche n'a rien d'originale et s'articule en 5 étapes : - élaboration du questionnement en commun avec ou par les élèves ; - choix d'un ou de plusieurs indicateurs pertinents pour répondre à ce questionnement - réalisation de la ou des cartes ; - analyse de celle(s)-ci ; - élaboration de la réponse au questionnement initial. L'exemple proposé en lien est consultable sur ce site. L'usage du SIG est donc avant tout exploratoire. La maîtrise du logiciel nuit-elle à la mise en œuvre de cette démarche ? Bien évidemment, la maîtrise du SIG par les élèves est progressive et accompagnée : Notre expérience montre que son usage régulier tout au long du collège réduit considérablement la durée nécessaire à cette maîtrise. Quel SIG ? Nous utilisons OpenJUMP en classe.

Chinese Actor Personal Statement At the age of 24, I came to America to finally pursue my dream as an artist. Previously my mom had told me that if I was talented I would have won some awards or recognitions early on. She also mentioned art would bring an ambiguous future. So I had kept my love for art abstract. Luckily I had two other dreams that seemed more hopeful to pursue. But above all these, my determination was clear; no matter what I did I would use my profession as a channel to somehow connect to children. Through out my younger years I would draw whenever I found boredom and a piece of paper. When I arrived in New York, I studied illustration at the School of Visual Art. I met Peter Sis when he came to SVA to speak and he became my advisor for the thesis project. I got my first book contract before graduating school and my publishing career took off without me quite realizing it. My storytelling started as a kid when my grandma was my only audience. Yangsook Choi January 2003
