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De volgende keer dat iemand u vertelt dat de Amerikaanse economie ster... 1. De nationale schuld is sinds de recessie van 2007 ongeveer verdubbeld Ondanks dat de Federal Reserve en de mainstream pers u graag doen geloven dat een renteverhoging niet lang meer op zich zal laten wachten, achten vele economen de kans dat die er ooit komt zeer klein tot onbestaande. De Amerikaanse schuld bedraagt vandaag meer dan 18.000 miljard dollar ( De VS kunnen die schuld nooit terugbetalen en betalen hun oude schulden vandaag af door het aangaan van nieuwe schulden.

Enkel al om die reden hebben de VS er alle belang bij de rente zo lang mogelijk zo laag mogelijk te houden. Elke stijging van een procentpunt in het renteniveau doet de Amerikaanse schuldenlast op jaarbasis namelijk met 150 à 170 miljard dollar stijgen. 2. De Verenigde Staten zijn de voorbije 40 jaar een 'koop vandaag, betaal later'-natie geworden. 3. In een gezonde economie wisselt geld snel van eigenaar en circuleert het snel doorheen het systeem. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Hillary Clinton: 'Failure' to Help Syrian Rebels Led to the Rise of ISIS. She went on to say that “it’s impossible to know what happens in the fog of war. Some reports say, maybe it wasn’t the exact UN school that was bombed, but it was the annex to the school next door where they were firing the rockets. And I do think oftentimes that the anguish you are privy to because of the coverage, and the women and the children and all the rest of that, makes it very difficult to sort through to get to the truth.”

She continued, “There’s no doubt in my mind that Hamas initiated this conflict. … So the ultimate responsibility has to rest on Hamas and the decisions it made.” When I asked her about the intense international focus on Gaza, she was quick to identify anti-Semitism as an important motivating factor in criticism of Israel. She went on, “You can’t ever discount anti-Semitism, especially with what’s going on in Europe today. She also struck a notably hard line on Iran’s nuclear demands. What follows is a transcript of our conversation. HRC: We don’t know. America's Overwhelming Contempt Toward Atheists and Muslims.

July 17, 2014 | Religious tension is nothing new in America. Hatred between religions, distrust and downright anger are the everyday norm for anyone with a television set or access to the Internet. Now according to a new survey by the Pew Research Center, we know who is disliked the most. Atheists and Muslims appear to be in a statistical tie. While atheism itself is not a religion, it is often included in religious polls to help account for those who reject religion, instead of just non-affiliated believers. Given the high level of xenophobia in the United States toward Muslims since 9/11, it is not surprising, but is still depressing to find them ranked so unfavorably. Among those polled, atheists received a rating of 33 or lower (on a scale between 0-100) from 40 percent of respondents and only 20 percent of respondents gave atheists a rating higher than 67.

While many tend to think of America for its evangelical Christian base, Jews and Catholics ranked the highest on the list. WATCH: Jon Stewart Takes Republicans To Task for Their Cruel Attitudes Toward Migrant Children. July 16, 2014 | Like this article? Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. In last night’s segment “America’s Immigration Crisis: Kids Edition,” Jon Stewart took conservatives to task for their callous attitude toward the thousands of undocumented immigrant children who have been overwhelming federal facilities along the US-Mexico border since late last year. As Stewart points out, many Republican congressmen have been quick to blame President Obama for the crisis, claiming he has proven incapable of “securing” the border.

Yet George Bush played a key role in the events unfolding in the borderlands. After cycling through the complex list of forms, exemptions and tests required to apply for temporary stay in the U.S., Stewart asks, “So if they didn’t sign the forms, can’t we deport these kids? And second of all? Allegra Kirkland is AlterNet's associate managing editor. Obama humiliates Muslims at Ramadan iftar. On Monday, President Barack Obama invited American Muslim leaders to an iftar (fast-breaking dinner) at the White House. The invitation was a trap. Obama ambushed the Muslim invitees by unleashing Israel’s viciously racist ambassador, Ron Dermer, as the first speaker at the event.

Dermer has famously said that Arabs and Muslims have “a cultural tendency towards belligerency” that is “deeply imbedded in the culture of the Arab world and its foremost religion.” He even celebrated “the refusal of commuters on a Minneapolis flight to fly until three Arab passengers were removed from the plane” merely because they were Arab. Imagine a 1980s-era South African ambassador saying that blacks have “a cultural tendency towards belligerency” and celebrating racist whites who refused to fly on the same plane as blacks. Such a demented bigot would have been put on the next plane back to South Africa – even by the right-wing Reagan Administration.

Then it got worse. What can Obama have been thinking? NICE GOING, SCOTUS: Emboldened Religious Organizations Now Asking For Permission To Discriminate Against LGBQT Employees And Students. First, they came for your birth control. In a landmark ruling, the Supreme Court determined that Hobby Lobby could refuse insurance coverage for four types of birth control on religious grounds, and it opened the floodgates.

Suddenly closely-held corporations were no longer required to provide birth control as part of their insurance plans as long as they felt it opposed their religious values, and religion was allowed to trump science (Hobby Lobby argued that the four forms in question cause abortions, when in fact they simply act to prevent pregnancy -- and the Supreme Court indicated that the ruling covers all contraceptives, not just the named four). While the majority might have claimed that it was a narrow ruling with limited applications, dissenting Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg warned otherwise, and she was right.

Almost immediately, the court was demanding reviews of similar cases at lower courts, indicating that it felt the scope of the decision applied more broadly. How we know the NSA had access to internal Google and Yahoo cloud data. The Washington Post reported last Wednesday that the National Security Agency has been tapping into the private links that connect Google and Yahoo data centers around the world. Today we offer additional background, with new evidence from the source documents and interviews with confidential sources, demonstrating that the NSA accessed data traveling between those centers. The background also helps explain the response of U.S. officials following the publication of the story.

The U.S. government declined repeated requests to discuss the story beginning eight days before it was published. Since publication it has made four responses. Immediately after the story posted online, a reporter asked NSA Director Keith B. General, we’re getting some news that’s crossing right now being reported in The Washington Post that there are new Snowden allegations that say the NSA broke into Yahoo and Google’s databases worldwide, that they infiltrated these databases? Alexander replied: Robert S. Noam Chomsky on the era of the drone | Satellite Magazine. Ryan Firebee Noam Chomsky is the Institute Professor and Professor Emeritus in the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy at MIT. The most cited living source in the world, his theories have been extremely influential in the fields of analytic philosophy, psychology, modern language, and computer science.

He has written over 100 books examining the media, US foreign policy, social issues, Latin American and European history, and more. We met with Professor Chomsky in Cambridge in May to discuss the development of the drone era under president Obama. NC: Just driving in this morning I was listening to NPR news. The program opened by announcing, very excitedly, that the drone industry is exploding so fast that colleges are trying to catch up and opening new programs in the engineering schools and so on, and teaching drone technology because that’s what students are dying to study because of the fantastic number of jobs going on. And it’s true. And the criteria are quite interesting. Snowden is het symptoom, oorlog de ziekte.

De VS glijdt af naar een tirannie, het is een imperium dat ten onder gaat. Dat is niet de analyse van een linkse rakker, maar van Lawrence Wilkinson, de voormalige kabinetschef van Colin Powell, die minister van Buitenlandse Zaken was onder George W. Bush. Volgens hem is de komst van nieuwe klokkenluiders onvermijdelijk.

Lawrence Wilkerson (1945) is allesbehalve een linkse rakker met progressieve ideeën. Hij was daarbij o.a. verantwoordelijk voor de beruchte toespraak die Colin Powell op 6 februari 2003 gaf voor de VN-Veiligheidsraad, waarin de ultieme ‘bewijzen’ werden geleverd voor de aanwezigheid van massavernietigingswapens in Irak, de officiële reden voor de daaropvolgende invasie en bezetting. Wilkerson is een Republikein van de oude stempel. Je hebt recent een editoriaal geschreven: "Snowden: symptom or disease? " Ik heb aandachtig toegekeken, net als jij en heel wat Amerikanen die geïnteresseerd zijn in de media, de zogenaamde vierde macht.

Snowden is niet de ziekte. Voetnoten. 11 disturbing things Snowden has taught us (so far) (Spencer Platt/Getty Images) 1) Can you hear me now? The Guardian reported on June 6 that, according to documents leaked by Edward Snowden, the Obama administration enabled the National Security Agency to collect caller information from Verizon through a “business records” provision of the Patriot Act, established under President George W. Bush. The government ordered Verizon to hand over call information on a daily basis, including the time, location and duration of calls. The Bush administration began collecting such information in October 2001 from AT&T, Verizon and BellSouth, which USA Today reported in 2006. The consequence: While US officials sought to reassure the public that such surveillance was legal and part of an ongoing program vital to national security, many Americans called the domestic spying an unnecessary invasion of privacy and lamented that it was even legal in the first place.

(Mario Tama/Getty Images) 2) Yes we scan Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. Tegenlicht: De bananenmaffia.