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For Websites

As mentioned, the code above uses the common defaults for the options available when initializing the SDK. You can customize some of these options, if useful. Changing SDK Language In the basic setup snippet, the en_US version of the SDK is initialized, which means that all the dialogs and UI will be in US English. You can change this language by changing the js.src value in the snippet. Take a look at Localization to see the different locales that can be used. <script> (function(d){ var js, id = 'facebook-jssdk'; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} js = d.createElement('script'); = id; js.async = true; js.src = "//"; d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(js); }(document)); </script> Disabling Login Status Check By setting status to true in the FB.init() call, the SDK will attempt to get info about the current user. Setting status to false can improve page load times, but you'll need to manually check for login status using FB.getLoginStatus.

About BuddyPress About BuddyPress BuddyPress was conceived in 2008 while working to add social networking features to a WordPress MU powered site. The first official stable release was in May 2009. The platform has grown and morphed considerably since then, into the dynamic, easily extensible package you see today. Just like its parent project WordPress, BuddyPress is a completely open source endeavor.

Sign in with Twitter Updated on Wed, 2012-09-26 12:20 Place a button on your site or application which allows Twitter users to enjoy the benefits of a registered user account in as little as one click. Works on websites, iOS, mobile and desktop applications. Solutions Les données provenant des capteurs par l’intermédiaire des AGRIBASES et de la PASSERELLE sont enregistrées sur notre [extranet] . Toutes les données agronomiques sont centralisées sur ce site . Le site internet est accessible 24h/24 et 7j/7 depuis n’importe quel point d’accès à internet . Depuis votre ordinateur ou votre téléphone, les données sont visualisables. Notre infrastructure permet de stocker les données pendant 2 ans . L’interface du site internet permet de visualiser les données brutes des capteurs , de les comparer mais, surtout, d’effectuer des calculs pour vous fournir des repères agronomiques comme le point de rosé, des sommes de température, etc …

Wiki CMS Groupware The Tiki Community is proud to announce the release of , the latest version of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware. This release, with more than 1,000 code contributions by dozens of Tiki Community members, includes many new features, some architectural enhancements, and many bug fixes. Some of these new features include: Sign In With LinkedIn The LinkedIn JavaScript API makes it incredibly easy to let you customers authenticate using their LinkedIn account. You can then use that information to register them for your own site, identify them in a blog comment, or otherwise use this to streamline their experience. This provides you with increased registrations with minimal work. The most important piece of data for you to capture and store is the LinkedIn member id. This is an application-specific unique identifier for every member. With this token, you can easily retrieve profile information about any of your users who have authenticated using Sign In with LinkedIn.

Bienvenue sur Ce logger ou boîtier d’enregistrement PLUS est dédié pour une sauvegarde des données directement sur Internet selon la technologie du GPRS. Le PLUS sauvegarde les données issues des sondes d’humidité et salinité Sentek : EnviroScan, EasyAG et TriScan. Quelque soit l’endroit où vous vous trouvez vous pouvez accéder aux données de votre sonde via Internet. La récupération des données se fait simplement par Irrimax. La proximité entre le logger et la sonde est privilégiée pour éviter des longueurs trop importantes de câble. Pour cela, une seule sonde est connectable par logger PLUS.

Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware version 6.3 Demo Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware is a full-featured, web-based, multilingual (40+ languages), tightly integrated, all-in-one Wiki+CMS+Groupware, Free Source Software (GNU/LGPL), using PHP, MySQL, Zend Framework, jQuery and Smarty. Tiki can be used to create all kinds of Web applications, sites, portals, knowledge base, intranets, and extranets. It is actively developed by a very large international community. Tiki is the Open Source Web Application with the most built-in features. Connect with Viadeo Integrate the “Connect with Viadeo” button and users can login with their Viadeo details to access personalised features. By clicking “Allow” members will authorise your site or app to access their profile information and their professional graph. Example (see code below) Click on the button below to see the demo: Code

foursquare Developers Start by registering your app to obtain its foursquare API credentials. Be sure to use an account with a secure password to own these credentials. If you're creating an app on the behalf of a full-fledged company, consider creating the key in association with the page account for your company. Since each set of credentials is tied to a particular URL, you may want to create different credentials for your development server and production server.
