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SXSW 2011: The internet is over

SXSW 2011: The internet is over
If my grandchildren ever ask me where I was when I realised the internet was over – they won't, of course, because they'll be too busy playing with the teleportation console – I'll be able to be quite specific: I was in a Mexican restaurant opposite a cemetery in Austin, Texas, halfway through eating a taco. It was the end of day two of South by Southwest Interactive, the world's highest-profile gathering of geeks and the venture capitalists who love them, and I'd been pursuing a policy of asking those I met, perhaps a little too aggressively, what it was exactly that they did. What is "user experience", really? What the hell is "the gamification of healthcare"? Or "geofencing"? Or "design thinking"? The content strategist across the table took a sip of his orange-coloured cocktail. This, for outsiders, is the fundamental obstacle to understanding where technology culture is heading: increasingly, it's about everything. Web 3.0 The game layer The dictator's dilemma Biomimicry comes of age

The ten rules of gamification Gamification may have been the buzzword of 2010, but its influence shows no sign of abating in 2011. It is a term derided by game designers, misunderstood by brands and unknown to consumers. So as you set out to “gamify” your business, what are the cardinal rules of gamification? 1. Gamestorming Gamification: what are the rules? As multichannel commerce becomes commonplace, it’s more important than ever to focus on long-term engagement and coherence, creating a uniform, satisfying customer experience across every platform. Recently, Gamification has become an increasingly important part of this mix, using game mechanics to enhance UX and guide user behaviour. When it’s done well, the rewards can be impressive; boosting engagement and brand awareness as well as vastly increasing direct conversion, shareability and repeat business. But what exactly do we mean when we use the term? It’s important to remember that gamification is a blanket phrase which can relate to multiple levels of deployment.

Serious Games? Definitely. Gameification? Too Early To Say. As readers of this blog know, I have a keen interest in serious games. Among other virtues, they provide a way to deal with tough circumstances by changing the way team members interact. In an upcoming research document on the subject, I relate the story of a development team that had to rewrite a creaky old application from scratch. Which features did the team need to re-implement right away? By running a serious game with the stakeholders, the team pinpointed which features were essential and why.

Le double jeu de la gamification » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism Glisser du challenge dans chaque interstice du quotidien ? C'est tout l'enjeu de la gamification, nouvelle expression à la mode et alléchante potentielle machine à cash. La gamification est un des gros buzz du moment. En janvier 2011 s’est tenu d’ailleurs le premier “Gamification Summit“. Elle consiste essentiellement à se demander ce qui nous attire tant dans les jeux, puis d’en extraire les recettes fondamentales, afin de les appliquer hors du cadre ludique. Au coeur de ce processus se trouve l’idée que le gain de points, l’acquisition d’un statut, sont des moteurs d’amusement suffisants pour encourager les utilisateurs à recourir à un service.

Les ambiguités de la gamification Par Rémi Sussan le 01/03/11 | 9 commentaires | 7,377 lectures | Impression La gamification est un des gros buzz du moment. En janvier 2011 s’est tenu d’ailleurs le premier “Gamification Summit“. Gamification: The Art of Turning Work Into Play Gamification is a hot topic as of late and has seen marketing, education, and non-profit groups adopting the use of gamification concepts at a rapid rate. While some will say gamification is not true gaming and others see it as an unnecessary distraction, I think both groups may be missing the point. Before I dive into why I believe this let’s recap what gamification actually means and some real world exampled.

Buzzword Watch: The Gamification of Work Gamification, according to Wikipedia, is " is the use of game play mechanics for non-game consumer technology applications." Our own Audrey Watters defined game mechanics as a "rule-based system for scoring, setting goals, and allocating rewards." A related idea is the "Gamepocalypse," Jesse Schell's hypothetical future in which everything is gamified. Wikipedia emphasizes consumer applications, but the enterprise is not exempted from the gamification trend.

What's The Difference Between Game Mechanics in the Enterprise and Good Management? We covered the emerging trend of gamification - the application of game mechanics outside of games - in November. A few enterprise vendors, such as Moxie and Rypple, are starting to incorporate elements of gamification into products. Constellation Research analyst and co-founder R "Ray" Wang has identified five engagement factors for gamification in the enterprise: intrigue, reward, status, community and challenge. BranchOut Tries to “Gamify” Career Networking on Facebook: Tech News and Analysis « I recently pegged LinkedIn as a social media company to watch in 2011, but a (relatively) new kid in town, BranchOut, is using social gaming tactics to take on the career-networking giant. BranchOut’s app launched last summer, but CEO and founder Rick Marini told me that over the next week or so, the company plans to roll out game-like quizzes — and, later, badges and leaderboards — geared towards helping users further their careers. How?
