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Top 20 Ultimate Ways to Use a Disposable Camera

Top 20 Ultimate Ways to Use a Disposable Camera
When it comes to photography, we like to root for the little guy. He’s the picture taker that works hard, is easy going and is always around when you need him. Yep, we’re talking about one of our old favorites: the disposable camera. While we love adding filters to our phone pics and making masterpieces with our DSLRs, there’s something magical about disposable cameras we can’t forget… They’re cheap, fun to play with and can do almost anything! Here’s our top 20 list of didn’t-know-you-could-do-that ways to use, abuse, modify, and make the most of your disposable camera! Top 20 Creative Ways to Use a Disposable Camera Smack some extra exposures out of it Our first tip started out as a simple way to get our disposable’s flash to fire, but we soon discovered something far greater. Much to our surprise, this trick will also often force the shutter open to make a double exposure! The process is simple: Charge your flash (most disposables have a button for this.)Hold camera in one hand, and SMACK! Related:  DIY/ other

Freelensing — lukeroberts Photos taken with the lens detached from the camera but held in place and moved around to focus. This also lets extra light in sometimes causing light leaks and giving a vintage look and feel. Freelensing can also: Give extra bokeh by shrinking the area in focus (aperture is 0)Allow for super macro shotsProduce ethereal lighting by allowing stray light to get in to the sensorMake delicious light leaksCreate tilt-shift effects If you just want the tilt-shift effect, you can detach the lens, but hold it in place against the camera. It’s easier if your camera has a “live view” so you can see what it looks like, but it’s not too much harder with the view finder. You only need to move the lens a few millimetres (fractions of an inch), and doing it this way, there’s not much risk of dust getting in to the sensor. If you want lightleaks or the super-macro kind of effect, you will need to hold the lens a little bit further away (probably no more than a finger width, though). Canon – Yes

Miniature Weaving {Craft Camp} I am excited to be offering 30 days of fun crafts to keep kids active and entertained this summer! You won’t want to miss a day of these fun crafts for kids from some amazing bloggers! Please be sure to pay them a visit! Hi! I’m Ellen Luckett Baker from The Long Thread, where I write about sewing, crafting and DIY inspiration. Today I wanted to show you how to shrink a weaving! Supplies Needed for Weaving -chipboard (thin cardboard) -scissors -ruler -embroidery floss in the colors of your choice -tape -embroidery needle -iron -small piece of felt for backing -glue gun -necklace with jump ring How to weave 1. 2. lines 1/8″ apart and snip about 1/8″ cuts along your marks. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. How to Reload a Used Disposable Camera A short video that show how to reload used disposable cameras and how to do multiple exposures with some models. This is a Konica disposable camera that you can reload and do multiples exposures. See this little video on youtube that explain it without a word (to be more universal, because I only speaks Portuguese). With some work you can reload almost any disposable camera. No special tools, no mods, no surgical interventions. Good Luck! PS Do it in a dark room or in a changing bag (remember that films are sensitive to light) So you might need some training with this trick before you try real film in the dark. You are currently not logged in, do so now to add comments, like articles as well as photos, submit to competitions, translate articles and gain access to unlimited photo upload!

ISO - guida agli ISO per foto perfette Cos'è e come si utilizza il valore ISO nelle fotocamere digitali L'elemento principale di ogni fotografia, probabilmente lo sapete, è la luce. Modificando valori come il diaframma e la velocità dell'otturatore si lascia passare più o meno luce nella fotocamera e la foto assume diverse caratteristiche a seconda delle impostazioni. Il valore "ISO" indica la sensibilità alla luce che date al sensore della fotocamera digitale. Utilizzando ISO 200 ad esempio il sensore ha bisogno della metà della luce che avrebbe bisogno ad ISO 100 per effettuare la medesima fotografia. Ad esempio: se fotografate in priorità di apertura di diaframma, il diaframma che impostate resta "bloccato" sul valore che gli date, e quindi aumentando gli ISO verrà aumentato il tempo dell'otturatore. Se siete alle prime armi, si può dire che serva per "fare foto dove è più buio, senza avere foto mosse". Aumentare gli ISO o usare il flash? Foto di paesaggi Il flash, per potente che sia, non va oltre una determinata distanza.

Basics: How to Make a Custom Loom – Make Scout So I have been seeing weaving projects EVERYWHERE! If all of you follow any other DIY bloggers well then chances are that you’ve seen them too. I’ll admit that it took me a little while to warm up to the idea, but then all of a sudden, I absolutely had to try weaving! So I thought, hey I could probably make a decent quality basic loom for the same price and it turns out you can! What you’ll need: 2 pieces of wood for the top/bottom of your loom (I used 18-inch canvas stretcher strips)2 pieces of wood for the left/right side of your loom (I used 22-inch canvas stretcher strips)Poster nails or other short nailsHammerSet of 4 Flat Angle Brackets and screws (Pick a size to fit your frame!) What to Do: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (#1) At the top and the bottom of your frame mark half inch intervals with a pencil, leaving about an inch of empty space at the inside corners. 6. (#2) Hammer in a nail at each pencil mark, trying to keep the nails straight up and down. 7.

Irreversibel (Film) Irreversibel ist ein französischer Film von Gaspar Noé aus dem Jahr 2002. Er gilt als verstörend und wird kontrovers diskutiert, nicht zuletzt wegen der expliziten Darstellung einer Vergewaltigung mit brutaler Gewaltanwendung sowie eines Rachemordes. Die Hauptpersonen sind Alex, ihr derzeitiger Freund Marcus und Alex’ Ex-Freund Pierre. Alex hat erfahren, dass sie schwanger ist, ihren beiden Freunden jedoch noch nicht davon berichtet. Die drei wollen feiern, doch nach einer Auseinandersetzung mit Marcus verlässt Alex die Party. Die Filmhandlung läuft in umgekehrter Chronologie ab und beginnt mit dem zuletzt geschilderten Mord am vermeintlichen Vergewaltiger. Irreversibel beginnt mit dem Abspann, dessen Text rückwärts läuft. Die einzelnen Szenen sind scheinbar ohne Zwischenschnitt gedreht. „[Der Film] erschöpft sich in delirierenden und voyeuristischen Bildern. „Dennoch: Noés Film ist keineswegs ohne Qualität, sondern dramaturgisch hochinteressant und durchweg brillant gespielt.

Canon o Nikon, qual è meglio? Sei alla ricerca di una reflex e non sai che pesci pigliare? Ho scritto una guida apposta, un ebook in PDF che trovi a questa pagina: conoscere e scegliere reflex e obiettivi. Nikon o Canon? Queste domande sono state poste milioni di volte sui forum, nelle conversazioni tra amici, nei negozi di materiale fotografico. E si trova sempre qualcuno pronto a sostenere la certa ed inoppugnabile superiorità di un marchio sull’altro. Porsi queste domande è lecito, soprattutto quando si entra per la prima volta nel mondo delle reflex. Il vincitore è… La verità è che la situazione è molto più semplice, si può affrontare l’acquisto di una nuova reflex a cuore molto più leggero. Entrambi sono marchi con un assortimento molto vasto e un’esperienza nel campo pluriennale e ricca di successi. Il vero confronto che si potrebbe fare è tra singoli modelli. Inoltre, è bene tenere a mente che ciascuno dei due marchi tiene d’occhio il suo avversario ed entrambi sviluppano continuamente nuovi prodotti.

Kimono DIY I’ve been seeing kimonos everywhere, so I decided to try a Kimono DIY! Turns out it’s pretty simple. Just 5-8 seams…depending on if you want to leave any of the edges raw. The best kimono I own was purchased at Prism Boutique in Long Beach. Dayna’s got an amazing selection of kimonos and the one I bought has the softest fabric and prettiest pattern. Okay, on to the DIY step by step instructions! Cut the fabric in half lengthwise and the fold it in half. Pin the right sides together half way down and sew them together. I like to finish it with a french seam (which just means folding the edges in on each other so they don’t fray). Pin and hem both of the open sides. Fold your fabric in half (right sides together) with the seam in the middle. I decided to leave my arm holes raw since the selvage won’t fray, but you can sew a seam here if you want. You can also leave the hem around the bottom raw or finish with a trim.

Hundert Jahre Einsamkeit Hundert Jahre Einsamkeit (spanischer Originaltitel: Cien años de soledad) ist ein Roman des kolumbianischen Autors Gabriel García Márquez, der 1982 den Nobelpreis für Literatur erhielt. Bedeutung[Bearbeiten] Seit der Erstveröffentlichung 1967 in Buenos Aires wurden weltweit über 30 Millionen Exemplare verkauft. Der Roman wurde in 35 Sprachen übersetzt und gilt als eines der wichtigsten Werke des Magischen Realismus sowie der lateinamerikanischen Literatur überhaupt. Der Autor selbst behauptet, es keineswegs für sein bestes Werk zu halten, doch die lange Entstehungsgeschichte, wie sie u.a. in der García-Márquez-Biographie von Juri Paporow (siehe unter Quellen) beschrieben wird, deutet darauf hin, dass der Autor es als sein magnum opus ansieht. Handlung[Bearbeiten] Der Roman Hundert Jahre Einsamkeit begleitet sechs Generationen der Familie Buendía und hundert Jahre wirklichen Lebens in der fiktiven Welt von Macondo. 1. 2. 3. 4. Stammbaum Interpretationsansatz[Bearbeiten] Siehe auch[Bearbeiten]

Weston Gallery: Photography News Updates Elle Decor Carmel DIY Tutorial: Elastic Strappy Bra » Operation Overhaul Here’s a really simple diy to convert your old/new bras into new elastic and fancy strappy ones! I find this especially useful for when the bands have stretched out and the bra no longer fits well. The tri-strap also looks great layered under loose tanks and low-back dresses! No more ugly bra straps peeking out! Materials you need for this tutorial:- Elastic (0.5″ Wide)An old bra with removable strapsScissorsSewing materials 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I’m really glad at how this turned out and will definitely be wearing it with many of my tops!

Man on the Moon (film) Although the film received mixed reviews, Carrey received critical acclaim for his chameleonic performance and won a Golden Globe, his second win in a row after receiving an award for The Truman Show. He was nominated in the Musical/Comedy category for Man on the Moon, and remarked in his acceptance speech that he thought the film was a drama at heart,[2] an opinion shared by others, but also a reference to how Kaufman saw himself as a "song and dance man". Andy Kaufman's (Jim Carrey) "foreign man" character appears in black-and-white, declaring that (due to massive editing), this is actually the end of the film, not the beginning. He plays a phonograph record alongside the credits before walking off. Kaufman then comes back, and, in his normal voice, claiming he "had to get rid of the people who don't understand me, and don't want to try", he proceeds to show the story of his life on a film projector, starting with his childhood home in Great Neck, New York, circa 1957.

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