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Modul8 VJ software

Modul8 VJ software

The Visual Artist's Guide to Audio in Max/MSP (THE SYNESTHESIA SERIES) World-Wide-Walks / between earth & water / ICE is a video-web-sound installation of Peter d’Agostino’s video walks performed at glaciers in Iceland, Alaska & Argentina. These sites at the top and bottom of the globe provide compelling evidence of escalating man-made climatic changes. The exhibition is presented with a surround-soundscape composed by Reese Williams as evolving resonant glacial dynamics within the complex array of video images, maps, and texts. Continue reading Density is a generative installation of abstract animation with six-channel sound based on a vintage mathematics reference text. Continue reading Visual Instruments is a 5-week online course on how to create your own customized VJ software in Processing. Continue reading Allison Berkoy presents Company, an interactive multimedia experience of stories, games, and performances. Continue reading Continue reading Continue reading Continue reading

¿Qué es el Video Mapping? | Blog de La Sombra Producciones @CristinaBarper. Cada día aparece una nueva manera de sorprendernos, audiovisualmente hablando, por eso hoy os traigo algo que lleva ya tiempo, pero que está sonando cada vez más, puesto que actualmente disponemos de mayores tecnologías y sobretodo ha llegado con mucha fuerza a España. ¿Os suena el Video Mapping? El Video Mapping es una técnica que se ha puesto muy de moda y que va a convertirse en el futuro de la publicidad urbana. Consiste en proyectar imágenes sobre una superficie para conseguir efectos de movimiento o 3D. Esta técnica se ha convertido en un nuevo arte tecnológico. Un buen ejemplo de una correcta utilización de cada uno de los elementos arquitectónicos sería este Video Mapping en La Plaza de Roma. I-Modena Xmas from Apparati Effimeri on Vimeo. Y como os he dicho al principio, esta técnica está llamando mucho la atención en el mundo de la publicidad y ya hay muchas empresas que empiezan a hacer presentaciones usando el Video Mapping. Fuegos del Apóstol. 2011. Me gusta:

Gnomalab - Audiovisual & Video Mapping OF - Sounding Sounding Ornaments (1932) Between ornament and music persist direct connections, which means that Ornaments are Music. If you look at a strip of film from my experiments with synthetic sound, you will see along one edge a thin stripe of jagged ornamental patterns. These ornaments are drawn music -- they are sound: when run through a projector, these graphic sounds broadcast tones or a hitherto unheard of purity, and thus, quite obviously, fantastic possibilities open up for the composition of music in the future. A number of experiments that I have just made confirm the unprecedented range and significance of this method. In reference to the general physical properties of drawn sounds, we can note that flat and shallow figures produce soft or distant-sounding tones, while moderate triangulation give an ordinary volume, and sharply-pointed shapes with deep troughs create the loudest volume. A combination of any chosen sound-images is readily imaginable. Oskar Fischinger

Video Mapping: Arte, tecnología y publicidad | javimarque De vez en cuando sale algo tan bonito que te sorprende, aunque creo que el concepto de bonito y sorpresa están bastante relacionados, pero de eso seguro que me pongo a escribir otro día. Yo quería hablar del Video Mapping, el arte de proyectar imágenes sobre objetos para hacer que cobren vida. Ya sé que es preciosa la definición que me he sacado de la manga, pero más lo es el Video Mapping así que aquí os dejo uno de los máquinas de urbanscreen. Cómo funciona el Video Mapping La teoría es bien sencilla… tengo un edificio, unos proyectores de vídeo, me hago una peliculita, apago las luces y la veo utilizando el edificio como pantalla. Aunque lo suyo sería construirse una maqueta del edificio y poder ir probando lo creado a pequeña escala. Y si queremos rematar la faena le metemos unos efectos de sonido tenebrosos que parezca que lo que estamos viendo le sucede realmente al edificio. Uy, al final parece que no es tan sencillo. El video mapping y la publicidad Antivj - Canal de vimeo.

This is your brain on TED MONTEREY, Calif.--If you sense numbers as colors, or see images when hearing a tone, you might be a poet and not know it. Atypical and subjective responses to colors, sounds, numbers and the like are caused by a neurological condition called synesthesia, a mutation in an area of the brain that can result in a cross-wiring of hearing, vision and touch senses. "One theory (is that) they're just crazy," Ramachandran joked, while speaking here Saturday at the Technology, Entertainment and Design conference (TED), an exclusive confab that draws scientists, tech moguls, politicians and celebrities. "What's really going on (is that) concepts in different parts of the brain are cross-wired in some people, resulting in a greater sense of metaphorical thinking." He said that scientists advance their understanding of gray matter by examining patients with damage to a small region of the brain. "That argument never made sense to me," Ramachandran said.

Como hacer un video mapping | MAPP3D INTERACTIVE Como éste post ha generado diversas consultas donde estaba publicado, en Taringa, hemos decidido publicarlo aquí también y resolver las dudas que tengais acerca de éstos programas. Desde aquí quiero resolver posibles dudas a la hora de hacer un video mapping. Uno de los softwares más utilizados es VPT Video Projection Tools que nos da la posibilidad de utilizar una rejilla con numerosos puntos para poder adaptar nuestro video a cualquier superficie. Dataton Watch out Modul8 VPT diseñado sobre max y jitter, es utilizable tanto en mac como en windows. What´s new in VPT 6.0 A completely new graphical interface making it even simpler to position, scale and distort the layers. 32 layers (previously 16) mesh distortion with variable-sized control grid. a completely rewritten cuelist making it even simpler to create transitions and to build complex sequences. Que quiere decir todo esto?? Con esto tendríamos todo lo necesario para que nos quede un buen Mapping.

Sharpness: What is it and how is it measured? Image sharpness Introduction – MTF – MTF equation – Vanishing resolution – Slanted-edge measurements -MTF measurement matrix – Spatial frequency units – Summary metrics - Results -Noise reduction – Diffraction & Optimum aperture – Interpreting MTF50 – Calculation details – Links Introduction Sharpness is arguably the most important photographic image quality factor because it determines the amount of detail an imaging system can reproduce. Sharpness is defined by the boundaries between zones of different tones or colors. Bar pattern: Original (top); with lens degradation (bottom) One way to measure sharpness is to use the rise distance of the edge, for example, the distance (in pixels, millimeters, or fraction of image height) for the pixel level to go from 10% to 90% of its final value. To get around this problem, measurements are made in frequency domain, where frequency is measured in cycles or line pairs per distance (millimeters, inches, pixels, or image height). Green is for geeks.

Making Digital One-of-a-Kind: Inside Icarus’ Generative Album in 1000 Variations Even the artwork changes. This is my personal copy – #148. Digital: disposable, identical, infinitely reproducible. Recordings: static, unchanging. Or … are they? Icarus’ Fake Fish Distribution (FFD), a self-described “album in 1000 variations,” generates a one-of-a-kind download for each purchaser. If you’re the 437th purchaser of the limited-run of 1000, in other words, you get a composition that is different from 436 before you and 438 after you. Happily, the music is evocative and adventurous, a meandering path through a soundworld of warm hums and clockwork-like buzzes and rattles, insistent rhythms and jazz-like flourishes of timbre and melody. You can listen to some samples, though it’s just a taste of the larger musical environment. Fake Fish Distribution – version 500 sampler by Icarus… 12 GBP buys you your very own MP3 (320 kbps). The creators weigh in on the project for Q Magazine:Guest column – Electronic band Icarus on whether algorithms can be artists? More notes on the album:

Synesthesia: Beyond the Five Senses Share on facebook Share on twitter More Sharing Services 4 Report Contents 1. A. Synesthesia: Beyond the Five Senses by Oyang Teng • (PDF) Gottfried Leibniz once wrote that our sense perceptions are occult qualities, whose familiarity does nothing to render their essential nature more intelligible. Nevertheless, as Leibniz conceded, the study of human perception does yield important truths about that aspect of the physical world represented by our physiology, and the way the mind deploys such physiological functions to construct knowledge of the universe. Long before brain imaging technology showed that even basic perceptual acts involve many different areas of the brain, common observation (and common sense) showed that there is no strict autonomy of any of the senses; rather, they each exist as interconnected aspects in a continuum of perception. So there is a sensuous which is not limited to one single sense. Synesthesia and the Mind’s Eye The Common Sense Additional References: 1.) 2.)

Ben Model - live music for silent film Flong - Interactive Art by Golan Levin and Collaborators
