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The power of student-driven learning: Shelley Wright at TEDxWestVancouverED

The power of student-driven learning: Shelley Wright at TEDxWestVancouverED

Related:  Emotional & social developmentclassroom management

Giving Good Praise to Girls: What Messages Stick How to praise kids: It’s a hot topic for many parents and educators. A lot of the conversation around it has stemmed from studies by Carol Dweck, professor of psychology at Stanford who has been researching this specific topic for many years. “My research shows that praise for intelligence or ability backfires,” said Dweck, who co-authored a seminal research paper on the effects of praise on motivation and performance. “What we’ve shown is that when you praise someone, say, ‘You’re smart at this,’ the next time they struggle, they think they’re not. It’s really about praising the process they engage in, not how smart they are or how good they are at it, but taking on difficulty, trying many different strategies, sticking to it and achieving over time.” But what some might not know is that this paradox is strongest for girls.

Limitations and Benefits - Gradual Release of Responsibility Limitations Independent learning requires students to be intrinsically motivated and engaged to complete the work within a subject. It is an instructional strategy that requires dedication and time investment from the student. Independent learning is challenging for students who are struggling with the material as they require assistance and guidance from the teacher to understand what the important information to understand is. Benefits There are many benefits to student-driven or student-centered learning that incorporates motivation and having the students actively learn the material themselves. Why Video is the Best Medium for Microlearning Let’s go back in time 5 years. It was 4 PM and I was bored, frustrated, and confused. I had been staring at my computer screen for the last 8 hours completing a sales training eLearning class. The first 20 minutes were exciting and engaging because I was looking forward to learning something that was going to help me improve my sales skills, make money, and help my company grow. The next 7 hours and 40 minutes made me want to throw my computer out the window.

How Important is Grit in Student Achievement? Culture Teaching Strategies When it comes to high achievement, grit may be as essential as intelligence. By Emily Hanford, American RadioWorks Before she was a psychology professor, Angela Duckworth taught math in middle school and high school. She spent a lot of time thinking about something that might seem obvious: The students who tried hardest did the best, and the students who didn’t try very hard didn’t do very well. Duckworth wanted to know: What is the role of effort in a person’s success?

Modeling Your Class Expectations Modeling rules, as I said last week, involves demonstrating the specific behaviors and language patterns of an expectation in a way that grounds the rules in day-to-day experiences. As teachers, we act out the desired behaviors, showing what each looks and sounds like. Below are the eight procedures for modeling and practicing expectations based on classroom rules. The teacher names an expectation and discusses the purpose for that expectation. Please Don't Touch Me! {Dealing with Anxiety in Kids} As the holidays approached and we were getting ready to visit family and friends, I was tempted to create a festive and sparkly sign to hang around my daughter's neck. As we visited a new-to-her preschool last week I wanted to do the same thing again. I wanted to create one that could be seen from the front and one that could be seen from the back. The sign I wanted to make would've said, "Please don't touch me," "I am really overwhelmed right now" or "I am really nice if you give me some time to warm up." Another main sign that I'd love to hang on her neck would say, "Be kind.

The importance of guided practice in the classroom "Most of all, a man tends to imitate himself. The fact that he has done a thing once, in a certain way, makes it easier for him to do it again in the same way. The oftener this is repeated, the more fixed does the habit become. At last he cannot do the thing in a different way without great effort. How a Bigger Purpose Can Motivate Students to Learn Jane Mount/MindShift A few years ago, psychologist David Yeager and his colleagues noticed something interesting while interviewing high school students in the San Francisco Bay Area about their hopes, dreams and life goals. It was no surprise that students often said that making money, attaining fame or pursuing a career that they enjoyed were important to them.

Reducing Behavior Problems in the Elementary School Classroom: Recommendation 1: Identify the Specifics of the Problem Behavior Reducing Behavior Problems in the Elementary School Classroom Every teacher experiences difficulty at one time or another in trying to remedy an individual student's behavior problem that is not responsive to preventative efforts. Because research suggests that the success of a behavior intervention hinges on identifying the specific conditions that prompt and reinforce the problem behavior (that is, the behavior's "antecedents" and "consequences"), we recommend that teachers carefully observe the conditions in which the problem behavior of an individual student is likely to occur and not occur. Teachers then can use that information to tailor effective and efficient intervention strategies that respond to the needs of the individual student within the classroom context.

How a Shoe Can Teach Responsibility How a Shoe Can Teach Responsibility By Marjan Glavac closeAuthor: Marjan Glavac Name: Marjan GlavacSite: Marjan is currently a gr.6 home room teacher at Wilfrid Jury Public School in London, Ontario, Canada where he resides with his wife and two children. For more information about Marjan Glavac, his books, keynotes, training and seminars, visit him at his site at Authors Posts (51)
