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Stop and Learn English
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Every Teacher’s Guide to Assessment It’s not a stretch to say that assessment is a hot button issue in education; however, you’d be hard pressed to find an educator who doesn’t see the value in measuring student progress. Assessments themselves have been vilified, when, in fact, it’s why assessments are given and how the data is used that is really the issue. The Glossary of Education Reform gives this great overview of what high-stakes testing is and how it impacts students, teachers, and schools. Basically, high-stakes testing has consequences for the test-takers and givers—sometimes in the form of a high school diploma, grade advancement, and even teachers’ salaries. But not all assessment is high-stakes, and when done thoughtfully, the right assessment can provide extremely useful information for all stakeholders—students, teachers, parents, schools, and policy-makers Let’s take a look at what assessment is, why it’s important, and how it can be delivered in the classroom in a useful manner. What is assessment? Scoring

Teach them English English Doctor (BC Turkey) English Doctor (#EnglishDoctor) Is English giving you a headache? Are you looking for a magic pill to solve your problems with the language? No need to worry, your English Doctor is here! The British Council English Clinic is open to all learners who want to discuss any problems they have with their English language studies. It could be a grammar point which pains you. Whatever your problem, you are welcome to visit our English Clinic for treatment! Our English Doctor will be on our LearnEnglish Facebook page on the following dates. • Facebook Chat Session 1: Tuesday, 5th November 2013 – 11.30-13.00 • Facebook Chat Session 2: Tuesday, 12th November 2013 – 14.30-16.00 • Facebook Chat Session 3: Tuesday, 19th November 2013 – 19.30-21.00 Our English Doctor will also share interesting English Learning tips and recommendations with you through a virtual classroom. Following your registration, we will send you an email with detailed instructions on how to log in and access the virtual classroom.

6 Alternatives To Bloom's Taxonomy For Teachers | TeachThought This post is updated from an article we published in April. At the end of the day, teaching is about learning, and learning is about understanding. And as technology evolves to empower more diverse and flexible assessments forms, constantly improving our sense of what understanding looks like–during mobile learning, during project-based learning, and in a flipped classroom–can not only improve learning outcomes, but just might be the secret to providing personalized learning for every learner. This content begs the question: why does one need alternatives to the established and entrenched Bloom’s? So with apologies to Bloom (whose work we covered recently), we have gathered five alternatives to his legendary, world-beating taxonomy, from the TeachThought Simple Taxonomy, to work from Marzano to Fink, to the crew at Understanding by Design.

Blog | for teachers by teachers by David Dodgson “But you only teach six lessons a day and you have a guaranteed summer holiday…” Ah, the common misconception that being a teacher is somehow an “easy” job! We all know the truth, however. We devote ourselves to the task regardless. But we have to let go sometimes… Work too hard for too long and the energy and enthusiasm needed to help ourselves and our students develop starts to wane. At work – Time to rewind As mentioned above, a teacher’s day can be a busy one and we are often as keen as the students to head on home once the last lesson has finished. In my next job, the system was different. Now I find myself a few months into another job where once again we are free to go as soon as class is over. Writing a journalTalking to like-minded colleagues After a hectic day, finding a quiet spot to sit down and write my thoughts out on paper helps in a number of ways. After Work – Time to Unwind It is impossible to fully switch off, of course.

Languages - Quick Fix - Essential phrases in 40 languages TES.Web Based on 'The Apprentice' TV show, this project was developed by a Finnish secondary school and involves students undertaking different tasks set by local enterprises over a whole school year. It is a competition-based activity in which the winning solution is actually implemented by the company setting the task. Purpose and process A key aim of Apprentice is to give students the opportunity to co-operate with entrepreneurs and to develop a range of entrepreneurial skills in different real-life situations, particularly: teamwork; creativity; responsibility; innovation. Learning outcomes Students can: Curricular or thematic relevance Can be used within a broad range of different subjects. How to organise: A combination of timetabled and extra-curricular time may be required, plus use of students' own time. Assessment and evaluation approaches Presentation event/competition in front of a panel of experts Volunteer involvement Additional comments Many possibilities to use within different subjects.

About | Teaching Village Hi! I’m Barbara Hoskins Sakamoto. I’m an English teacher currently living in Kitakyushu, Japan. I’ve taught English as a Second or Foreign Language (ESL/EFL) for a little more than 20 years, and in those years I have taught all ages in many different environments–private language schools, public schools, businesses, community centers, my home, and even a university extension class or two. Why do I use three names? I’m passionate about teaching, especially about teaching English to young learners. I’m hoping that Teaching Village will help me connect with EFL teachers I’ve met in workshops around the world, and to make new friends, too!

Home of free rubric tools: RCampus Welcome to iRubric iRubric is a comprehensive rubric development, assessment, and sharing tool. Designed from the ground up, iRubric supports a variety of applications in an easy-to-use package. Best of all, iRubric is free to individual faculty and students. iRubric School-Edition empowers schools with an easy-to-use system for monitoring student learning outcomes and aligning with standards. Click. Finally, spend more time teaching and less time grading. Build, Assess, Share, Collaborate. "Use rubrics like never before." It's Free. I just click on the box under each one of these,... and it does all the math for me. "Free? Individual educators and students can use iRubric and a hundreds of other free RCampus features at no charge. iRubric Enterprise Edition "Monitor student learning outcomes the efficient way." The iRubric Enterprise Edition empowers schools to take their assessments monitoring to the next level. We provide flexible licensing and hosting plans that meet your needs.
