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How to Avoid a Google Penalty. Inside Automattic’s remote hiring process. Home NOTE: This post is over a year old.

Inside Automattic’s remote hiring process

I no longer work for Automattic, and the stats below are no longer accurate How can Automattic consistently hire the best people without ever having a single voice conversation? Let’s face it, hiring is tough. When you ask startup founders what their biggest challenge is, hiring is one of the most common answers you’ll hear. 10 Free Online Courses That Can Benefit Every Entrepreneur. Every entrepreneur can benefit from continued education.

10 Free Online Courses That Can Benefit Every Entrepreneur

Whether you are just starting out and handling multiple roles within your company or an experienced business owner -- enrolling in an online course is always a good way to improve your knowledge and has never been easier or more affordable. Long gone are the days of taking evening classes at local colleges and paying tuition. 5 Things You Must Do to Successfully Launch a Business. The effort required to launch a new venture can seem daunting.

5 Things You Must Do to Successfully Launch a Business

Of course, specifics vary based on the type of business you're establishing; manufacturers face unique challenges, as do retailers and consulting firms. My Free eBook's - Download 'em NOW! For some people, the idea of writing a book is a scary one.

My Free eBook's - Download 'em NOW!

Why, I don’t know! I’ve written several of them. Some have done better than others, but ultimately, I got ‘something’ out of each and every one of them. Regardless of what you want to get out of creating your own ebook, they are here to stay with millions of people using e-readers all around the world. Nowadays, its not just about writing a book – being entertaining, or educating your readers. On this page you’ll see a list of ebooks that have at one point or another either charged for, or used as opt-in magnets. Saving The Day The Virtual Way! This ebook focuses on what it means to work with an outsourced, predominantly offshore Virtual Assistant. And don't look awkward up there... The 4 Elements of Better Branding Your Startup in 2015. 2015 promises to be a year of both challenges and opportunities for startups.

The 4 Elements of Better Branding Your Startup in 2015

The diminishing barriers to enter the marketplace and increasing avenues for reaching and serving new potential customers means that there is more potential for a startup than ever before. However, an abundance of opportunity means an abundance of competition. In an already crowded marketplace, setting your startup apart will be crucial to its survival and success. The four recommendations below represent strategies that have already proven successful for startups and that reflect trends currently developing in branding and consumer behavior. 1. Humans are natural born storytellers. STARTUPWAVE. Managing remote teams: key lessons on hiring, culture, and productivity from 4 top startups.

Kyle’s note: This is a guest post from Dan Virgillito.

Managing remote teams: key lessons on hiring, culture, and productivity from 4 top startups

I asked Dan to examine and compare how some leading startups are managing their remote teams. Remote work is becoming an attractive option for both employees and businesses. Cognitive lode by ribot – Simple advice on product psychology. !How_to_Win_Every_Argument.pdf. - How To Sell Yourself - Winning Techniques for Selling Yourself..Your Ideas...Your Message.pdf.

100 Lessons Learned from 10 Years of Blogging. 3 Qualities That Will Make You Likable. Business leaders and entrepreneurs with superb people skills have a competitive edge over others.

3 Qualities That Will Make You Likable

These skills often take more time to learn than technical abilities, but the results are well worth the investment. Everyone wants to work with people they enjoy being around. If you’re extremely likable, you’ll be able to attract new clients and retain long-standing relationships with minimal effort. Clients evaluate who they want to hire and continue to work with based on what I call the BLT factor: believability, likability, and trustworthiness. They ask themselves, “Does Pamela know what she’s doing and is she enjoyable to work with?” Likability is the culmination of three traits: empathy, reliability and integrity. Empathy. Neil Patel’s Guide to Closing BIG Deals. 7 Things That Make Content Go Viral. How To Use Touch, Warmth, And Taste To Win A Negotiation.

Netflix If you want to get the upper hand in a negotiation, give your opponent a latte and sit them on a sofa.

How To Use Touch, Warmth, And Taste To Win A Negotiation

As new insights into the mind show, people's behaviors are shaped by their physical sensations - all without their knowing. For instance, if you're holding something warm, you'll treat the people around you more warmly. That's great if you want to make a friend, but not so great if you're sticking to your asking price. Tel Aviv University professor Thalma Lobel tells Business Insider that this is all a part of embodied cognition, a growing field within psychology that shows how your mental life is a part of your physical life.

"As children, we first learn the concrete concepts of close or far, smooth or rough, warm or cold," she says. Website Sales Machine. Get Your MBA in Internet Marketing with These 12 Guides and 2 Courses. Small Tactics With Big Results - The Complete Guide to Understand Customer Psychology. The Complete Guide to Understand Customer Psychology Written by Neil Patel & Ritika Puri Chapter Five Marketers are well aware that little changes can make a world of difference.

Small Tactics With Big Results - The Complete Guide to Understand Customer Psychology

Take social media or blogging, for instance. Why You're Losing Design Proposals. Losing proposals, and the potentially lucrative contracts that come with winning them, just plain sucks.

Why You're Losing Design Proposals

You know you can do that job—knock it out of the park, even. But for some reason, the prospective client went in a different direction, leaving you, your proposal, and the hours that went into it in the reject pile. We’ve been there. I write a ton of proposals at my design studio Paper Leaf; some we win, some we lose. Over the years, though, we’ve refined our proposals and learned a lot about why we win the ones we do—and conversely, why we lose. You didn’t pre-validate the client as a good match. This one is simple. Customer Value Optimization: How to Build an Unstoppable Business. You’ve finally found it… This resource is designed for those unfamiliar with DigitalMarketer (DM for short) — and for those salty DM veterans who want a refresher course on the foundational principles of digital marketing. It’s also a road map of sorts.

You see — all marketers and entrepreneurs are at various levels of STUCK. How to Write a Great Value Proposition. 7 Steps to Small Business Marketing Success. How to - Marketing Strategy. 7 Stages of Total Online Presence. Customer Experience Hourglass Book. The dumb pricing mistake people make (and how to fix it) There’s a dumb mistake entrepreneurs make when they price their products and services… Repotics: A Search Engine for Insights. The Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting Content for Conversions.

How many times has this happened to you? The Psychology of Instant Gratification and How It Will Revolutionize Your Marketing Approach. Humans are hardwired to want things -- now.