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Sexism, Strength and Dominance: Masculinity

Sexism, Strength and Dominance: Masculinity

Le sexisme du Roi Lion La féminité dans Le Roi Lion L’une des premières choses qui nous frappe en regardant Le Roi Lion, c’est le sexisme banal et structurant de l’histoire. Dès les premières scènes, Le Roi Lion nous fait connaître un monde structuré hiérarchiquement, avec au sommet de la pyramide le monarque absolu, qui règne en bon patriarche sur, non seulement son peuple docile et servile (les autres animaux), mais également ses lionnes, qui jamais ne remettront en question le bien fondé de la place des hommes, ni de la place des femmes.

What media teach kids about gender can have lasting effects, report says It's not just one movie. It's not just one TV show. It's constant exposure to the same dated concepts in the media over and over, starting before preschool and lasting a lifetime -- concepts like: Boys are smarter than girls; certain jobs are best for men and others for women; and even that girls are responsible for their own sexual assaults. According to the report, which analyzed more than 150 articles, interviews, books, and other social-scientific research, gender stereotypes in movies and on TV shows are more than persistent; they're incredibly effective at teaching kids what the culture expects of boys and girls. What makes these messages stick -- and harder for parents to counteract -- is that they're timed for the precise moment in kids' development when they're most receptive to their influence.

Mom, Dad Parenting Gender Stereotypes Raising Children According to the Williams Institute, which conducts research on sexual orientation and gender identity law and public policy at UCLA, an estimated 111,000 same-gender couples are raising biological, step, or adoptive children in the United States. Individuals in same-gender relationships are often assigned the roles of “mom” and “dad” by society based on who is perceived as the more feminine and more masculine partner, according to a sex and gender study about the division of household labor. As well, lesbian couples are often stereotyped as having a “man” in the relationship.

Méchants et méchantes chez Disney (2) : Hommes faibles Si les méchantes sont toujours des femmes fortes, les méchants sont au contraire le plus souvent des hommes faibles. Pas au sens où ils seraient moins redoutables que leurs homologues féminines, mais au sens où ils ne correspondent pas à la norme sexiste qui veut que les hommes soient virils et puissants. En effet, ils sont la plupart du temps efféminés et ne recherchent pas le combat frontal avec le héros. Comme on le verra, il existe quelques exceptions à cette règle.

Children, Television and Gender Roles A critical review of the available evidence concerning what influence television may have on the development of children's understanding of gender roles and of their own gender identity The society in which we live plays an enormous role in shaping the attitudes and behaviour of all those who are a part of it. Humans, as social beings, are constantly being bombarded with information from the environment which can influence the way we perceive the world and also shape our attitudes and beliefs, gradually moulding each and everyone of us into an 'accepted' member of society. In the past these influences which dictate how we should behave in a 'normal' society have emanated from sources such as the community, family and school. However, in today's world, the influences these institutions have seem to be declining as our changing society adapts to a more technological age.

Television: Journal Article Susan D. Witt, Ph.D. The University of Akron School of Family and Consumer Sciences Abstract As children move through childhood and adolescence, television is an important influence on their gender role socialization. Méchants et méchantes chez Disney (1) : Femmes fortes Dans l’univers manichéen de Disney, le bien et le mal sont facilement identifiables, généralement incarnés respectivement par le héros ou l’héroïne d’un côté, et le méchant ou la méchante de l’autre. Les enfants apprennent ainsi très rapidement ce qu’il convient d’aimer et de haïr, ce qu’il faut devenir et ce qu’il faut au contraire absolument éviter d’être. A force de visionnages et de re-visionnages, ils/elles intègrent de la sorte les normes véhiculées par le studio avec une redoutable efficacité. Or si, dans cet apprentissage, les héros/héroïnes ont une place privilégiée puisque c’est avec eux/elles que l’identification et le mimétisme fonctionnent le plus, les méchant-e-s ont également un rôle important même si uniquement négatif : ils/elles servent de repoussoir, incarnant non seulement ce dont il faut avoir peur, mais aussi ce qu’il faut mépriser et donc ne surtout pas devenir dans sa vie. Femmes fortes Le cauchemar des hommes

Changing Media? Disney's new campaign is shattering gender stereotypes Kate Parker The INSIDER Summary: Disney launched a #DreamBigPrincess campaign to inspire women and girls to pursue their passions.Female photographers from 15 countries took photos of inspiring women and girls around the world.Every time a photo with #DreamBigPrincess gets posted or liked, Disney donates $1 to the United Nations Foundation's Girl Up program. Photography can be a powerful way to tackle gender stereotypes that keep women and girls from feeling like they're strong and capable, like this photo series of women doing "men's work" that went viral. Showing real-life examples of people who overcome incredible obstacles and lead their communities with courage can inspire others to explore their full potential. While there is evidence that exposure to Disney princesses can enforce "damaging stereotypes," a new photo series is aiming to shift classic ideas of what a princess can and should be.

How Stereotypes in Movies and on TV Impact Kids' Development [downloadable] - Children's Health Council Resource Library A new Common Sense Media study shows that learning gender roles from movies and TV shows has real consequences on kids’ self-esteem, relationships, and even their future careers. The Common Sense Media report, Watching Gender: How Stereotypes in Movies and on TV Impact Kids’ Development analyzes more than 150 articles, interviews, books, and other social-scientific research and finds that gender stereotypes in movies and on TV shows are widespread and very influential — teaching children what the culture expects of boys and girls. According to the report, a lifetime of viewing stereotypical media becomes so ingrained it can ultimately affect kids’ career choices, self-worth, relationships, and ability to achieve their full potential. Key Findings:

Petition garder Merida brave Merida was the princess that countless girls and their parents were waiting for -- a strong, confident, self-rescuing princess ready to set off on her next adventure with her bow at the ready. She was a princess who looked like a real girl, complete with the ‘imperfections’ that all people have. The redesign of Merida in advance of her official induction to the Disney Princess collection does a... The redesign of Merida in advance of her official induction to the Disney Princess collection does a tremendous disservice to the millions of children for whom Merida is an empowering role model who speaks to girls' capacity to be change agents in the world rather than just trophies to be admired. This new Merida is a paler reflection of her former self without the spark and the 'you go girl' quality that her creator intended.

Kids Books That Defy Gender Stereotypes Not all moms are sole caregivers at home, making dinner and disciplining the kids. And we know that it’s not only dad who goes to work these days and comes home to be buddies with his kids. However, these are some of the roles mom and dad characters are pigeonholed into in many of the books we share with our children, according to a study on gender stereotypes in children’s books. Want to read the kids a story that isn’t so traditional for a change? Break the mold by cracking open one of these stereotype-defying reads at bedtime. Five strategies for creating gender equality in the media In an ideal world, women and men would enjoy the same professional opportunities, share equal pay and feel equally represented in the workplace. But like most industries, the media continues to struggle with gender equality, in everything from creating news that is for and about women to promoting equal amounts of men and women to senior executive positions. But creating gender equality is more than fulfilling a quota or being politically correct – it’s actually good business. Research by non-profit organisation Catalyst found companies that reported the highest number of women in senior leadership roles financially outperformed those with lower rates of women, with a 35% higher return on equity. Similar data from McKinsey & Company showed that the 89 companies in Europe with the largest representation of women in senior roles came out with 10% higher return on equity and 48% higher earnings before interest and tax (pdf).

Disney relooke Merida de façon sexy En 1938, il ne faisait pas bon être une femme chez Disney comme en témoigne cette lettre de rejet exhumée aujourd’hui sur Flickr. Mary V. Ford, qui avait écrit au studio d’animation pour connaître les critères d’admission à l’école Disney qui formait ses animateurs, avait ainsi reçu la réponse suivante :
