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Woodworking for engineers

Woodworking for engineers

Pallet Adirondack Chair Pallets come in many shapes and styles. They're made from lots of different types of wood. They are readily available for free. In fact, most companies pay people to take them away. But there's a catch: pallets aren't easy to take apart. If you're expecting perfection, than pallet lumber may not be right for you. If you're not interested in turning a pallet into something else or trucking around the nation looking for free stuff, substitute the pallet wood for some nice cedar or pressure treated wood.

Wood turning lathe tips:techniques: woodturning instruction The Sagulator - Shelf Sag Calculator The Sagulator helps you design shelves by calculating shelf sag (deflection) given type of shelf material, shelf load, load distribution, dimensions, and method of attachment. You can also specify an edging strip to further stiffen the shelf. See the notes below for usage tips. Notes 1. The deflection calculations use average wood stiffness properties of clear, straight-grained samples measured in controlled laboratory conditions (mainly from the U.S. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Tips for Managing Shelf Sag If shelf span is reduced by one-fifth, stiffness is roughly doubled (deflection is halved). Credits and References The Sagulator employs established engineering formulas for calculating beam deflection. Special thanks to Steve Stephenson for providing initial formulas and Jeff Bratt for his very helpful input (including the spiffy shelf diagram), and derivation of formulae for handling an edging strip.

Cœur de branches , Idée déco à fabriquer Fournitures Matériel Pince pour couper le fil métallique Consommables Branches souples Fil métallique Ruban pour décorer Comment faire ? Formons un bouquet de branches de même longueur. Le tuto original (en allemand) est disponible ici. Woodworking - Free Woodworking Plans, Power Tool Reviews & Woodw Kayak Design Software Like many kayak builders before me, having built a few different designs, I began to think about designing one of my own. I was not prepared to pay for a commercial naval architecture package, and I thought it would be a fun project to develop my own kayak design software. KayakFoundry is the result. Version 1.6 is now available for download below. This is a free program, but contributions are welcome! Download: KayakFoundry 1.6.4 (November 14, 2009) KayakFoundry 1.6 Features: Stability Curves Multiple views for shaping the kayak in Plan, Profile, and Body Supports 1, 2, or 3 cockpits with independent or shared shapes Auto-positioned cockpit tracks with changes to center of buoyancy Resizable/hideable panels Waterlines and buttock lines Active Section view shows all section dimensions Curve shaping by dragging control points Rubber-banding for multiple control point selection Keyboard arrow keys provide fine adjustments of control point position. KayakFoundry BBS

Lampe en bois flotté - Les cadres et meubles en carton de Véro Voilà bien longtemps que je voulais m'y essayer et que j'entasse le bois flotté que je vais ramasser en bord de Loire. Et bien ça y est, c'est fait ! J'ai utilisé : ... un interrupteur, une douille, une fiche mâle et du fil électrique : ... un socle en carton (patiné avec soin) pour faire passer le fil et soutenir la tige de lampe qui n'est autre qu'une tringle de vitrage extensible : ... et bien sûr, du bois flotté (que j'ai éclairci à l'acide oxalique) : Après quelques heures de travail... ta daaaaaaaaaaaaa ! Vous aurez peut-être remarqué que j'avais fait deux socles... c'est normal, une deuxième lampe verra le jour dimanche. En attendant, bonne soirée à tous.

Homepage | Woodworking New on Our Blog: Setting Up Factory Blade Guard Systems (Editor's Note: Join us every day for new posts from the web's best woodworkers. You can check out our past content on our new blog page.) When set up properly, factory blade guards are easy to use and offer another level of protection for the operator. Frustration with factory table saw blade guards is uncomfortably common today. Making sure that the splitter/riving knife itself is flat is important. Naturally, the truth about factory blade guard / splitter assemblies lies somewhere closer to the middle of the road. Splitter/Riving Knife Setup The splitter/riving knife must be centered on the blade, not "cheated" to one side or the other. Though designed to work differently, the splitter and riving knives are aligned the same way. On most saws the blade guard and anti-kickback pawls are mounted directly to the splitter plate which in turn mounts the whole assembly to the saw. First, be sure that the splitter/riving knife is flat.

Tabouret en bois Un tabouret de bois massif, à décliner dans toutes les tailles, selon les destinations qu’on lui réserve : sellettes, supports pour plantes, petit bout de canapé, tabouret pour enfant. Avec des planches de chantier récupérées, on peut fabriquer ces petits tabourets robustes et polyvalents. Matériel : - 1 planche de chantier 2 m x 25 cm x 27 mm - scie et ponceuse - perceuse-visseuse ou chignole - 1 mèche à bois et des tourillons - colle à bois Selon la taille de tabouret, débiter :Grand tabouret : Plateau : 25 x 25 cm (1 x) Pieds : 18 x 16 cm (2 x) Traverses : 15 x 5 cm (2 x)Petit tabouret : Plateau : 22 x 22 cm (1 x) Pieds : 16 x 15 cm (2 x) Traverses : 12 x 5 cm (2 x) Assembler les éléments avec la technique du chevillé-collé : Après avoir percé des trous avec une mèche à bois – le diamètre de la mèche doit correspondre au diamètre des chevilles de bois. Déposer un peu de colle dans chaque trou puis insérer une cheville.

Rustic Hammock-Style Wilderness Chair Build a hammock style wilderness camp chair fit for a Scoutmaster. Made from only Logs and Rope, this stout chair will beat any of those flimsy folding camp chairs when it comes to strength and comfort. So here you are in the middle of the woods far away from the comforts of home. You've got a campfire to stare at as a make-do substitute for the Telly. When personal comfort is at risk... a whole new panicked sense of self-preservation arises - and the Wilderness Survival instincts kick-in. Remember, stay calm, don't panic, keep a level head and survey your surroundings. In the Bush, an ugly rustic log chair could just make all the difference for your survival. - Woodworking Products Modified Paulk Workbench | Jays Custom Creations When I built my last workbench, assembly table, oufeed table combo I was in a shop about half the size of the shop I am in today. I made it to fit that space and with materials I had on hand. Since moving to a larger shop I’ve often wanted a larger work surface but put it off until I had most of my other tools organized. Finally I got around to making a new work bench. My original intention was to design something of my own but I’ve been drawn to Ron Paulk’s workbench for quite some time now. The idea behind his design is to make a lightweight, break down workbench that contractors can take with them from jobsite to jobsite to work efficiently. Preparing The Lumber The base I came up with is just a simple construction grade lumber workbench frame. Having a dedicated stop block system in a miter saw station makes cutting repeatable sizes much quicker and more accurate. For the legs I used 2×6’s. Assembling The Base The base would consist of an upper and lower frame. Making It Mobile
