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LET'S GET FOLDING by synconi on DeviantArt Sphero Robotic Ball - iOS and Android Controlled Gaming System - White: Cell Phones & Accessories Las catedrales como laboratorios de física experimental | Física | Experientia docet La estructura de los edificios dedicados al culto cristiano supuso una oportunidad para los primeros científicos modernos para realizar toda clase de experimentos astronómicos y físicos. Algunos de los cuales afianzaron ideas contrarias a las enseñanzas de los propios dueños de los edificios. Veamos algunos ejemplos, sin ánimo de ser exhaustivos. El espacio que existe entre la linterna de la cúpula de una iglesia y el pavimento, protegido del viento, constituyó una de los mejores escenarios imaginables a principios de la Edad Moderna para realizar experimentos de caída libre bajo los efectos de la gravedad. Isaac Newton, por ejemplo, “confirmó” sus, por otra parte erróneas, ideas acerca de la resistencia del aire observando cómo descendían vejigas de cerdo infladas desde lo alto de la cúpula de la nueva catedral de San Pablo en Londres, en 1718. Pero sin duda el uso más intensivo que se le ha dado a una catedral para la investigación científica fue el que le dio Leonardo Ximenes.

Automata Mechanisms and Mechanical Toys Guy Builds Miniature Single-Cylinder Engine Out of Paper and Revs It Up Aliaksei Zholner built this incredibly small, single-cylinder engine entirely out of paper and it works! For those interested, Aliaksei shared his build process on the Russian forum, Specs below: LxWxH: 18 x 13 x 22 mm Shaft diameter: 0.5 mm Piston stroke: 3 mm Cylinder diameter: 3 mm “Swept volume”: ~ 21 mm3

Go Sphero WHAT IS OLLIE? || Sphero Connected Toys 720,502 views 3 months ago GET OLLIE: Meet Ollie – the app-controlled robot driven by adrenaline. Launch over the competition at floor-warping speeds. Take connected play to the next level with innovative controls and integrated gameplay. Ollie pairs instantly to your smart device via Bluetooth LE and is powered by USB charging.

:: Design for Change :: CONTACT US DESIGN FOR CHANGE is the largest global movement designed to give children an opportunity to express their own ideas for a better world and put them into action. Children and adults learn through the Design for Change Challenge that “I Can” are the two most powerful words a person can believe. Children who have discovered this are changing their world. This year, Design for Change reaches 34 countries and over 300,000 schools inspiring hundreds of thousands of children, their teachers and parents, to celebrate the fact change is possible and that they can lead that change! The challenge asks students to do four very simple things: Feel, Imagine, Do and Share.

How To Make A Light Up Shoebox Theater Got an extra shoebox lying around? Recycle it into an arctic-themed puppet theater with working lights! It’s a blast to make and perfect for impromptu imaginative play, even after the lights go out. Let’s get started… Note: Because of small parts, this is a project best suited for children 3 years and older. Older children and adults can prepare the box. What You’ll Need Shoebox with lid1 piece of cardboard, approximately A3 sized1 sheet of white copy paper2 sheets of dark and light blue A4-sized paper5 or 6 wooden skewers1 strand of LED Christmas lights (10 lights)Small wooden beads Tools RulerCraft knifeCutting matScissors (kid-friendly)Felt-tip pens, black and coloredPencilScotch tapeGlueGlue stick Step 1 Mark a frame on the bottom of the shoebox and cut it out as shown. Step 2 To make a platform, mark and cut the same lines as before on a slightly smaller piece of cardboard that should fit inside the box as shown. Step 3 Glue in the two separator pieces and the platform. Have fun!

Paper Starburst Pendant Light So I had a different project that I was going to post today, an update version of my Book Pages Pendant Lantern from Project 19, but then I started working on this light idea, and I am so excited by the results I just couldn’t wait to show you guys! My inspiration and guide was this light from Design*Sponge, that I spotted on Pinterest. I really liked the idea, and I had a roll of white vellum lying around left over from college that I thought would look beautiful. So I started cutting triangles. The roll of vellum that I was using was 24 inches long. I think I glued the pieces on much closer than they did in the Design*Sponge tutorial, but I wanted a really full look. All in all I think the light is pretty awesome, and I can’t wait to post it on Etsy, though I’m a little bit worried about shipping. So I know I need to get back to my 30x30x3 projects, but this light took me by surprise with its shape and fantastic outcome, and I just couldn’t wait to share! Ciao, Allison Like this:

Droide Comunidad | Ollo Action: Construye tu primer robot - Droide Comunidad En el curso podrás aprender a montar tu primer robot motorizado basado en el kit de iniciación robótica Ollo Action de Robotis. ¡¡Desde los cuatro años y solo o acompañado por un familiar!! Con Ollo Action podrás construir de forma guiada hasta 12 robots distintos y las propias creaciones robóticas se mueven y funcionan con un motor y una pila. El taller está orientado a niños y niñas de entre 4 y 10 años. ¡Diversión para toda la familia! Fecha del curso: 14 de marzo de 17:00h a 19:00h. Participantes: Niños y niñas de entre 4 y 9 años. Duración: 2h. Solicita más información

For Schools « Digital Explorer Digital Explorer’s online Academy for Exploration is where schools and expeditions connect. We encourage experiential learning, both inside and outside the classroom, and create multi-faceted education programmes to encourage young people to discover new perspectives on their world. Translating expedition content into educational programmes that link to National Curriculum topics or work schemes, we create exciting and inspiring resources which are also relevant and usable within the UK curriculum, and are an asset to the topic taught – ‘living learning’ wherever possible! Explore the links on the left for: Curriculum-linked classroom resources based on expeditionsEvents and speakersLively and practical teacher trainingLive links with expeditions All resources are free and are downloadable from the Resource Bank.

Week TechVideo, 2008 #12 - Theo Jansen (Kinetic Sculptor) creations, made with LEGO Too much in the sense of previous post... A lot about Kinetic Sculptures, based on the developments from Theo Jansen, and LEGO TECHNIC implementations of his models. Theo Jansen is a Dutch artist born in 1948 and a Kinetic Sculptor. Essentially these sculptures are like robots powered by the wind only. Chris presented his creation, last October at LUGNET, and have several photos at his Brickshelf folder with instructions, for his implementation of TJ's leg. From left to right: Chris Magno's TJ walker; Philo's TJ walker; The wind moving version (once the author doesn't have parts enough, it has legs at one side and wheels on the other). Interesting are also the simulations made on the TJ's leg geometry and parts proportion to make it move smoothly and without significant balance. From left to right: Simulation CGI with Softimage|3D and Adobe After Effects; Mechanism simulation made with The Geometer's Sketchpad 4; An horse variation from

DIY Paper Pinwheel Cupcake Toppers // Tutorial - Pure Sweet Joy Cupcakes are cute, but who can beat cupcakes with a DIY touch? I’m all for DIY’s that are quick, but add loads of detail. These DIY paper pinwheel cupcake toppers are just that! What you need: Paper, cut into squares (mine are 5x5cm) Pearl pins Beads Hollow lollipop sticks or straws Scissors Jewellery pliers Glue gun Cut into each corner of each square, towards the centre point. Bend your pins into a L-shape. Thread your paper onto the pin. Add a bead and push it over the bend.

Droide Comunidad | Talleres con Mi primer kit de robótica de bq - Droide Comunidad ¡Construye tus propios robots imprimibles en 3D, y disfruta programándolos en divertidas pruebas y misiones con mi primer kit de robótica de bq! El curso está dividido en tres niveles, donde en cada uno podrás montar un robot diferente y ¡aprender muchas cosas nuevas de programación! Primer nivel: renacuajoBot Aprenderemos las partes que componen nuestro kit robótico y montaremos nuestro primer printBot, un renacuajo con el que realizaremos las primeras practicas controlando el movimiento de nuestro robot . Además veremos como utilizar los primeros sensores para interactuar con el mundo exterior. Segundo nivel: EscarabajoBot Un temible escarabajo robótico nos está esperando, con unas fuertes pinzas capaces de transportar cualquier objeto. Tercer nivel: cangrejoBot ¡¡Mi primer kit de robótica de bq, una herramienta para iniciarse desde temprana edad en la construcción y programación de robots!! Fecha del curso: Sábados de 10 a 12 o de 12 a 14 horas Primer día de clase: 10 de enero Precios:
