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Welcome to the London Datastore

Welcome to the London Datastore

OpenData Marseille, 6 juillet 2011 Sous le haut patronage du Premier Ministre Monsieur François FILLON Under the patronage of Ms Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission SOM - Michigan Data Store The purpose of Michigan Data is to increase public awareness and access to data and information created by and available from state of Michigan agencies. The data is in machine readable form to allow users of the site to do their own analysis with the data, including mashups. We invite you to participate in shaping the future of Michigan Data by suggesting additional datasets and site enhancements. This site will evolve as we learn more about what it is you are looking for, what kind of analyses you are interested in and how you prefer to communicate with us. For additional information about Michigan, including government operations, visit our Transparency, Accountability and Performance Portfolio. In addition to demographic and geographic databases, information includes state spending and accountability, the status of the recovery and reinvestment plan and assistance with expanding participation in government (e-Citizens).

Reinventing business research | Government Employee Salaries Salary Range ($1000s) Find the annual base salaries of more than 674,000 public employees, including those working at the largest state agencies as well as individual universities, public schools, cities and mass-transit operators. Find salaries by searching for names, or by browsing for a specific agency or job title. To see a list of every agency available, click here. + More

Open-data Cities Conference2012 I wrote this column for The Argus newspaper after the conference: More than 150 people attended the Open-data Cities Conference at Brighton Dome Corn Exchange. The conference, I hope, helped put Brighton and Hove at the forefront of an historic shift – fuelled by emerging internet technologies – that will transform the lives of millions of citizens in a global network of “networked” cities. So what is an open-data city? In simple terms, it is a city where democratically-accountable and publicly-funded organisations take the lead in the widespread release of data – with no licensing strings attached – that can be interpreted or manipulated by computers. As a result, such data can then be used to create innovative applications and services for the public good. To emphasise: open data is not about personal data relating to identifiable individuals. When I gave up my job to organise the conference, I was determined that it should not only generate discussion, but also inspire action.

« Rennes croit en la capacité créative des citoyens grâce à la libération des données » Rennes Métropole est la première collectivité française à ouvrir ses données publiques afin de permettre le développement d’applications au plus près des attentes et besoins des usagers. La démocratisation de cette démarche innovante passe notamment par l’organisation d’un concours à l’échelle du territoire rennais. Xavier Crouan, directeur de l’Information et de l’innovation numérique de la Ville de Rennes et Rennes Métropole, explique cette démarche et ses objectifs. Innov’in the City Pourquoi avez-vous ouvert et diffusé vos données dans la métropole rennaise ? Pouvez-vous nous présenter le concours « Rennes Métropole en accès libre » ? Quelle est votre conception de l’OpenData à Rennes ? Vous avez fait le choix de fournir des données brutes. 10 Best Data Visualization Projects of the Year – 2010 Data visualization and all things related continued its ascent this year with projects popping up all over the place. Some were good, and a lot were not so good. More than anything, I noticed a huge wave of big infographics this year. That's what stuck out in my mind initially as I thought about the top projects of the year. One of the major themes for 2010 was using data not just for analysis or business intelligence, but for telling stories. So here are the top 10 visualization projects of the year, listed from bottom to top. 10. Scott Manley of the Armagh Observatory visualized 30 years of asteroid discoveries. 9. Hannah Fairfield, former editor for The New York Times, and now graphics director for The Washington Post, had a look at gas prices versus miles driven per capita. 8. This weekender by Matt McKeon of the IBM Visual Communication Lab explored the changes of Facebook privacy policies over the years. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Fischer also had a fine series on race and ethnicity.
