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Related:  Tabletop RPGs

Ben’s RPG Pile Génération de trésors, objets magiques, auberges, scénari,... A la table brûlante est un établissement qui est plutôt médiocre tenu par Hambis "Gloror" Elen (Demi-elfe, masculin). Le bâtiment en forme de L est composé d'un rez-de-chaussée et d'un étage, la toiture semble ne plus beaucoup tenir. Au rez-de-chaussée, se trouve une salle pouvant contenir 20 personnes. Dans le fond, se situe la cuisine où Setica Higrame (Humain, feminin) est au fourneau. La cuistot prépare une omelette à la sauce grise et ses croûtons qu'il est fort déconseillé de manger.Devant l'établissement, deux malheureux tabourets font office de terrasse. A l'étage se trouvent les chambres, 3 chambres où l'on partage sa paillasse avec les puces, sans verrou aux portes.Il est possible de bénéficier des 2 services suivants dans cet établissement : -Chambre, 3 misérables pièces. L'on y rencontre souvent des receleurs fourguant leur camelotte, de plus la proximité des bas-quartiers, rend cet établissement peu fréquentable.

Ten more games that will make you think about life Life, eh? It's all a bit mad really, isn't it? Here we are, the products of millions of years of chance chemical and biological reactions, wandering around on a dying rock as it spins through the vast, indifferent universe with nought but the knowledge of our own inevitable oblivion for company. A sobering thought. 1 One Chance Here's something to think about - every decision we ever make, no matter how seemingly inconsequential it may be at the time, has the potential to fundamentally change our lives forever. Of course, the thing about decisions is you normally only get one chance to make them and, once they're made, you can't go back. You are the super-smart scientist whose discovery appears to have conquered one of the most devastating diseases known to humankind. 2 A Mother in Festerwood Kids, eh? As a mother, it's your job to keep your little tyke in the safety of the homestead until they have enough experience to survive the monster-infested woods. 3 American Dream 4 As I Lay Dying

Decaler sous-titres Move Your Sub OnlineCet outil vous permet d'avancer ou de retarder l'affichage d'un de vos fichiers sous-titre. Instructions : Choisissez un fichier sous-titre .srt en cliquant sur le bouton "Parcourir...". Cochez la case "Ajouter" si vous voulez que le sous-titre apparaisse plus tard ou "Retirer" si vous voulez qu'il apparaisse plus tôt. Choisissez le temps de décalage en Heures, Minutes, Secondes et Millisecondes. OpenQuest 2nd Edition Pre-order NEW: I've added an Upgrade Perk for those of you who want to Upgrade their Perk.. This perk upgrades Initiate to Runelord, or Runelord to RunePriest, or RunePreist to Hero . If you are going from any other perk, just put the extra funds in with your pledge, and I will contact you after the campaign has ended to confirm what level you want. OpenQuest is a D100 fantasy game. More information about OpenQuest including reviews. This campaign is a pre-order for the second edition of the game or OpenQuest 2. OpenQuest 2 IndieGoGo campaign, why? Please note this is a PRE-ORDER. PLEASE NOTE: Shipping anywhere in the world is included in the prices :) So onto the detail of the various options. If the goal is not reached OQ 2 = OpenQuest Remastered - ACHEIVED If we don’t reach the goal, I will merely produce a tidied up version of the rule book which will now be in US Letter size, therefore allowing me to produce Hardcovers. OpenQuest Remastered is Suddenly OpenQuest 2 becomes OpenQuest Deluxe.

Technohol 13: Marvel Super Heroes RPG (Classic & Saga) Source Material Yafnag - Fantasy Name Generator Ce générateur aléatoire fournit une liste de noms de style médiéval fantastique, utiles pour les jeux de type JDR ou équivalent, World of Warcraft, ou toute situation dans laquelle de nombreux noms de personnages ou de lieux sont nécessaires. Liens : Serveur SOAP : Yafnag est disponible en service web SOAP (serveur SOAP). Le fichier de description WSDL et un petit exemple de client SOAP en python. Serveur XML-RPC : plus simple que SOAP, Yafnag est aussi utilisable à travers un service web XML-RPC (serveur XML-RPC). Un lanceur de dés en ligne : "hamete virtual dice server" Un générateur aléatoire de phrases (en français) : "Générateur de Texte Aléatoire" D'autres générateurs de noms : - Générateur de noms Participation : Compteur : Nombre de noms générés par Yafnag : 345209780

New Steampunk Influenced Game In-between waiting for Bioshock Infinite and slaying the last few dragons in Skyrim, there doesn’t seem to be much coming out in the way of video games. And then I spotted Black Gold Online. As you can see, there are strong Steampunk elements in the graphics. The game sounds intriguing; two rival factions competing, technologists versus Nature Lovers. You can read more about this intriguing title here About Lora Sutton I design Steampunk Jewelry and regularly update my Google+ Stream and Blog with Steampunk News. Tagged as: Steampunk, Steampunk Game, Steampunk News

Make your own Word Scramble Puzzle This page allows you to create Word Scramble puzzles using your words. Please enter a set of words. When you are done, hit the "Puzzle" button to generate a word search puzzle. Classic Marvel Forever - MSH Classic RPG | Eternals Important Eternals History When the alien Celestials first encountered Earth eons ago, their experiments created two offshoots of humanity: Eternals and Deviants.Rapidly developing technology and advanced society, eventually a civil war rocked the Eternals, after which a faction of the Eternals, led by Uranos, left earth for refuge on the planet Uranus. The other Eternals, led by Chronos, remained on earth. Instead, the Kree attatcked them for stealing their technology, and the Uranian Eternals crashed on Saturn's moon, Titan, and eventually founded a city there. Alars renamed himself Mentor and continues to rule his people to this day. After the Celestials had judged Earth worty of continued existence, the majority of Earth Eternals formed a Uni-Mind and left Earth, although a few Eternals remain on their city atop Mount Olympus on Greece. Eternals have for the most part departed Earth. Known Powers Eternal Generations The Fourth Host arrived much more recently, only a few years ago.

True20 Adventure Roleplaying: True fun, true excitement, true adventure, True20! Génération de trésors, objets magiques, auberges, scénari,... Bienvenue sur Vous aussi vous avez trop souvent lancé des brouettes de dés pour connaître le trésor aléatoire que vous désirez placer. Il existe bien quelques sites permettant de générer des bribes de trésor mais ceux-ci sont rarement complet.Generation-jdr a pour vocation de concevoir tout ce qui peut se générer et ce dans différents jeux. Mise à jour (octobre 2013) Comme demandé sur le FB j'ai fait une petite génération de villes détaillées. Mise à jour (Janvier) Comme je l'avais dit, j'étais sur un autre projet et comme celui-ci commence à émerger, je vous invite à suivre la page facebook de mon futur jeu de rôle. Mise à jour (Décembre) Petite mise à jour : rajout de la génération de noms de gobelins. Mise à jour (Juin) Suivez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux afin de connaître les mises à jours comme celles de ce mois de juin : Auberges détaillées et générateur de noms.Prochainement les rencontres et d'autres univers générés. Jusqu'à présent ont été générés sur le site :

Bizarre Websites On Which You Can Kill Time With Style - Smashing Magazine Modern Web-building technologies allow designers to realize their most daring and creative ideas. Enhanced interactivity and a remarkable visual appearance can be achieved by means of such tools as Flash, JavaScript and Papervision3D, to name just a few. These strengths usually impress and entertain visitors and thus are often used for conceptual artistic presentations and promotional campaigns. In this post, you’ll find a collection of amusing websites that, by combining unconventional (and sometimes bizarre) ideas and clever JavaScript and Flash effects, will entice you to play on them for an embarrassing long time. Bizarre and Beautiful Websites Link Record Tripping1 Record Tripping is a nifty experimental game by Bell Brothers. Sound of Hamburg3 Here is one of the most creative and unconventional Flash websites we’ve seen lately. Echogenesis5 Echogenesis is another interactive brainchild of Bell Brothers. Bubole19 Bubole will definitely make you smile. Why Do You Stay Up So Late? (al)

Créateur de WebComics Advertisement I have a confession to make. I wanted to learn my alphabets because I wanted to read comic books. Not for the greater good of my life…not for a calling in the future…just for the sake of enjoying Superman fly or Asterix beat up the Romans. It was my gateway to literacy. You too must have enjoyed a comic or two. So let’s see how you can create your own web comics with free tools, and also its more infectious cousin – the Internet meme. Pixton Pixton gives you a very easy to use and intuitive tool to create amazing comics with just click-n-drag movements. Enjoy this: The Samster Strip Generator Strip Generator is another complete site to sign-up with if you are into web comic books. I won’t talk too much about it, but leave you to Tim’s previous review on Strip Generator – Create Free Highly Customizable Web Comics In Minutes. Enjoy this: Beware the geek ToonDoo Enjoy this: Lie Clock in Heaven Bitstrips Give the Bitstrips for schools a miss as it is not free. Enjoy this: Why DoInk
