Search & Replace InfoRapid Search & Replace is one of the most powerful text retrieval programs currently available for Microsoft Windows. With its built-in converters, it's excellently suitable for searching and previewing HTML and RTF documents. In pure text files, the found text passages can be replaced after the search is over. The search and replace process can be automated with the help of batch files to replace several phrases in one step. The found documents can be opened in a preview window, in which the matches are highlighted. The advantages of InfoRapid Search & Replace lie in the diverse search options and in the simple operation and handiness. InfoRapid Search & Replace is freeware and may be copied, distributed and used for private purposes without any limitations.
USA.Czy rewolucja w nauczaniu? Harvard oferuje wykłady w internecie Dwie turystki zabłądziły w Tatrach, jedna spadła w przepaść Turystki szły w niedzielę późnym popołudniem szlakiem na Przełęcz Krzyżne. Zabłądziły, weszły w trudny, mocno eksponowany, odsłonięty teren. Jedna z kobiet spadła, gdy nadlatywał już z pomocą śmigłowiec TOPR. Amerykańska Polonia chce, aby Kongres USA zajął się sprawą katastrofy... Natural Language Processing Natural language processing has come a long way since its foundations were laid in the 1940s and 50s (for an introduction see, e.g., Jurafsky and Martin (2008): Speech and Language Processing, Pearson Prentice Hall). This CRAN task view collects relevant R packages that support computational linguists in conducting analysis of speech and language on a variety of levels - setting focus on words, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. In recent years, we have elaborated a framework to be used in packages dealing with the processing of written material: the package tm. Extension packages in this area are highly recommended to interface with tm's basic routines and useRs are cordially invited to join in the discussion on further developments of this framework package. Frameworks: tm provides a comprehensive text mining framework for R. Words (lexical DBs, keyword extraction, string manipulation, stemming) wordnet provides an R interface to WordNet , a large lexical database of English.
Qualrus - The Intelligent Qualitative Analysis Program CAQDAS Networking Project Homepage 'Najlepsza mapa wszechświata ever' została opublikowana - dzięki współpracy Europejczyków z Amerykanami Tak, jesteśmy w posiadaniu mapy wszechświata, chociaż warto zaznaczyć, że siłą rzeczy nie należy ona do najbardziej aktualnych - przedstawia ona widzialny kosmos około 380 tys. lat po Wielkim Wybuchu. A ten miał miejsce ~13,8 mld lat temu. Dlaczego siłą rzeczy? Ponieważ mapa powstaje w oparciu o mikrofalowe promieniowanie tła. Ta pozostałość po Wielkim Wybuchu pozwala spojrzeć w przeszłość wszechświata. Agencje kosmiczne starają się stworzyć mapę wszechświata od wielu lat: Historia badań Najnowszym etapem w badaniach jest misja satelity Planck (nazwanej na cześć niemieckiego fizyka Maxa Plancka). Satelita Planck Nowa mapa została zaprezentowana kilka dni temu. Mapa widzialnego kosmosu - ESA, NASA Wraz z mapą zaprezentowano szereg innych danych - według ustaleń misji Plancka wszechświat jest nieco starszy niż sądzono. Podane przez zespół Planck wartości parametrów kosmologicznych wyraźnie odbiegają od wartości obecnie uznanych za "obowiązujące".
Storytelling through infographics workshop2nd and 3rd editions | CADA Data visualisation for journalists, designers and marketeers Christian Tate & Rob Orchard (UK)Lisbon, Portugal. 3rd edition 19 June, 10am-5pm 2nd edition 18 June, sold out [The first edition of this workshop took place on 28 March 2014, and also sold out] Português em baixo OverviewIt seems like everybody is creating infographics and data visualisations these days. But while these can look pretty, all too often they don’t tell a clear, compelling story. This one-day course will teach you how to spot key stories in data and bring them out in engaging and attractive infographics which pack a punch. The workshop is led by Christian Tate, Art Director of Delayed Gratification magazine and Rob Orchard, Editorial Director of Delayed Gratification magazine, both of whom lecture on the subject at Guardian Masterclasses. Alongside lectures, participants will engage in a series of hands-on exercises. Rob Orchard is the Editorial Director of the Slow Journalism Company. Dates 19th June 2014 10am–5pm
The Art of Text Analysis » The history of MAXQDA First released in 1989, MAXQDA is one of the world leading QDA software programs for Windows and Mac computers which revolutionized the field of qualitative and mixed methods data analysis. MAXQDA quickly earned a reputation as an indispensable analysis tool, and has since become a market leader for qualitative researchers around the world. Interview with MAXQDA creator, Prof. “Everything began in the mid-eighties, a time when there were no PCs yet and one was still working with the generation of so-called giant computers. In 1992, MAX was exhibited for the first time at the Computer Fair Cebit in Hannover at the “Research Market Berlin” booth and in the same year the book “Textanalysesysteme für die Sozialwissenschaften” by Udo Kuckartz was published by the Gustav Fischer Verlag Stuttgart. The DOS-era was drawing to a close and the mouse was slowly becoming an indispensable tool for working with computers. In September of 2004 MAXqda 2 was released.
Qualrus - The Intelligent Qualitative Analysis Program Qualrus is an innovative qualitative data analysis tool that helps you manage unstructured data. Use it to analyze interviews, organize field notes, measure survey responses & more... or download the free demo Fast, accurate codingQualrus learns your coding trends and offers relevant suggestions as you go. See your data clearlyVisual semantic network display helps you visualize relationships among codes. Easy to learnDesigned to be simple and intuitive so you can get up-and-running quickly. Helpful supportAdvice and technical support is provided to every customer by phone or email.
Cechy | Gephi, open source oprogramowanie do wizualizacji wykresu Gephi is a tool for data analysts and scientists keen to explore and understand graphs. Like Photoshop™ but for graph data, the user interacts with the representation, manipulate the structures, shapes and colors to reveal hidden patterns. The goal is to help data analysts to make hypothesis, intuitively discover patterns, isolate structure singularities or faults during data sourcing. It is a complementary tool to traditional statistics, as visual thinking with interactive interfaces is now recognized to facilitate reasoning. This is a software for Exploratory Data Analysis, a paradigm appeared in the Visual Analytics field of research. Real-time visualization Profit from the fastest graph visualization engine to speed-up understanding and pattern discovery in large graphs. Layout Layout algorithms give the shape to the graph. Metrics The statistics and metrics framework offer the most common metrics for social network analysis (SNA) and scale-free networks. Networks over time Input/Output
Books (on MaxQDA site) 1. General Information Juliet Corbin and Anselm Strauss’s Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory includes a set of exercises to be completed using MAXQDA. This website provides all the information you need in order to work with the data presented in this book. The MAXQDA project file “JC-BasicsQR.mx3″ will enable you to follow all the steps of the analysis presented throughout the chapters of the book. Throughout the book you will find screenshots demonstrating options for working out the analysis with MAXQDA. TIP: You can also find this information inside the project “JC-BasicsQR.mx3″. 2. MAXQDA is a qualitative data analysis software – also called QDA software – which supports the systematic evaluation and interpretation of textual data. For those of you who are not familiar with MAXQDA, we can provide comprehensive help. 3. You may download the project “JC-BasicsQR.mx3″ from the following link: Download the project used in this book
Logiciels d'analyse qualitative en sciences humaines et sociales Deux séminaires donnés pas Christophe Lejeune un collègue de l’Université de Liège, spécialiste des méthodologies qualitatives, sociologue des sciences et développeur en logiciel libre. Il a développé le logiciel libre "Cassandre" qui permet l’analyse qualitative collective des données. Il viendra nous présenter ce logiciel à l’occasion de ce séminaire du 26 septembre. Christophe Lejeune animera au LabCMO ce séminaire de 9h30 à midi le vendredi 26 septembre : "Quand l’analyse qualitative devient collective : le logiciel libre Cassandre" Résumé : Un grand nombre d’outils se proposent aujourd’hui d’assister le chercheur dans l’analyse qualitative de corpus de textes, d’images ou de vidéos [1]. Après le séminaire au LabCMO, Christophe Lejeune fera une conférence au CIRST de midi 30 à 14h30 : "Appareillage informatique et logiciels d’analyse qualitative en sciences humaines et sociales : réflexions épistémologiques et méthodologiques" Résumé [1]