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Researchware - Qualitative Research Software for the Analysis of Qualitative Data

Researchware - Qualitative Research Software for the Analysis of Qualitative Data
Related:  Qualitative Methodology

Home - QualitativeMind NVivo 10 research software for analysis and insight Import and analyze documents, images, PDFs, audio, video, spreadsheets, web pages, and Twitter and Facebook data Theme, case and in-vivo coding Review coding with coding stripes and highlights Merge NVivo for Mac projects Import and create transcripts Import information from reference management software Import notes directly from OneNote Online Autocode datasets Memos and annotations Matrix coding, coding, word frequency, text search and coding comparison queries Word trees and word clouds Export and share items Share your research by printing visualizations, text sources and node reference view Hierarchical visualizations, mind maps, explore diagrams and comparison diagrams Work with data in virtually any language Access user interface in English, German, French and Spanish Import and analyze text Text search, word frequency and coding queries Charts, word clouds, word trees, explore and comparison diagrams Import articles from reference management software Connect to NVivo for Teams Relationship coding

A.A.P.P.Q and C-I-SAID I have been retired for more than 10 years but I still get e-mails about C-I-SAID and the A.A.P.PQ. C-I-Said is a legacy product and may not work on modern operating systems. It is freeware and no longer supported. The programme files are here. To activate the programme use this licence number Download A.A.P.P.Q - Alcohol and Alcohol Problems Pereception Questionairre. A.A.P.P.Q. and associated questionairres seem to be still in use. Download AAPPQ.Zip I also have hard copies of the original articles. The Key References to the AAPPQ are Cartwright, A. (1981) Are Different Therapeutic Perspectives Important in the Treatment of Alcoholism, British Journal of Addiction 76, pp. 347-361. Cartwright, A. & Gorman, D. (1993) Processes Involved In Changing The Attitudes Of Clinicians Toward Working With Drinking Clients, Psychotherapy Research, 3(2), pp. 95-104. Implications of using the composite and short versions of the AAPPQ. Download AAPPQ Key Papers.pdf The following paper is also available.

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Guide 7: Less Structured Designs A refresher from our overview: To start (my opinion), I don't like the terminology distinction "quantitative-qualitative." It confuses the level of the variables (such as nominal or interval) with the way you conducted your study (e.g., experiment, ethnography), and that is just plain inaccurate. Many historical studies, for example, are highly quantitative. Field studies may gather information on quantitative variables. Furthermore, the level of the variables, whether quantitative or qualitative, also has absolutely nothing to do with causality or internal validity. Yet, we suspect that differences exist among methods called "quantitative" and those called "qualitative." I believe that key is STRUCTURE. Less structured ("qualitative") research is much more fluid. A huge reason for this fluidity is that once you enter "the field," whether this is an organization or a set of records, you will almost certainly encounter many unanticipated events, patterns or sequences. Ethnographies Gleaning

Qualrus - The Intelligent Qualitative Analysis Program Software - Resource Library - HIV/AIDS CDC EZ-Text CDC EZ-Text is a software program developed to assist researchers create, manage, and analyze semi-structured qualitative databases. Researchers can design a series of data entry templates tailored to their questionnaire. Download copies of the EZ-Text software and user documentation free of charge. If you have further questions or problems, please send an email message to: Epi Info Epi Info™ is a public domain suite of interoperable software tools designed for the global community of public health practitioners and researchers.

Stepping into software: Student Guide Stepping into software In this section, I've provided a fairly straightforward pathway into software use via a set of suggested steps, with a bundle of hints about how to 'think first' before you take the next step in software. Qualitative research notoriously lacks a clear and fixed order of research processes. So of course does the use of qualitative software. Step 1: Start your projectStep 2: Getting your data 'in'Step 3: Storing information and characteristics of informantsStep 4: Edit and Link - to store what you seeStep 5: Start Coding and Use codingStep 6: Make and manage the categories you needStep 7: Say it in a diagramStep 8: Ask questions about your dataStep 9: Showing patterns Step 10: Out of software and into reports Step 1: Start your project To work in any software package, you create a container that will hold all the necessary items (data records, ideas, information about respondents etc.) What to ask about your project? 1. Think about access. 2. Create a first project!

The placebo effect and a partici The placebo effect and a participatory worldview John Heron, formerly Assistant Director, British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London Published in D.Peters (ed), Understanding the Placebo Effect in Complementary Medicine, London, Churchill Livingstone, 2001, pp 189-212. Outline Inquiry paradigms Cartesian anomaly The downfall of positivism A participatory worldview Critical subjectivity and four ways of knowing Methodology: co-operative inquiry The body as a subjective-objective reality The relevance and limits of conventional medical research The relevance of co-operative inquiry A co-operative inquiry project Inquiry paradigms Any method of inquiry presupposes an inquiry paradigm, which is a set of basic beliefs about the nature of reality and how it may be known (Guba and Lincoln, 1994; Heron and Reason, 1997). These are philosophical presuppositions of the method and are not derived from the method.

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