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Social Collider: mapping 591 items about franckperrier...

Social Collider: mapping 591 items about franckperrier...

Anatel pode rever conceito de reversibilidade As controvérsias recentes sobre a reversibilidade ou não do backhaul pode ter disparado uma discussão mais ampla sobre o retorno de bens à União ligados hoje às concessionárias. O gerente-geral de Outorgas, Acompanhamento e Controle de Obrigações Contratuais da Anatel, Fernando Pádua, disse nesta sexta-feira, 20, em reunião no Conselho Consultivo, que existe a possibilidade de revisão do Regulamento de Bens Reversíveis em vigor. Pádua não se aprofundou sobre quais itens poderiam ser mudados, nem se a reforma será mesmo concretizada. Após o encontro, o gerente confirmou que o assunto está sendo discutido internamente considerando três linhas de análise: conceitual, estratégica e operacional. O trabalho que está sendo feito poderia gerar uma proposta de revisão para ainda este ano. O conselheiro consultivo Amadeu Castro elogiou a iniciativa da agência, mas com ressalvas. Backhaul Acompanhamento O caso, no entanto, ainda não está encerrado para o Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU).

100 Free Useful Mac Applications (Part II) | Tools This article is a sequel of last week’s 100 Useful Free Mac Applications. As a part II of the article, we continue to showcase you some of the free and useful applications you can install for your Mac, concentrating on: Audio and Video,,Security Tools,Graphics and Image,Internet and Utilities Recommended Reading: 100 Free Useful Mac Applications (Part I) More from Part I.. Before we take a look into what Part II has in store, we’d like to first featured some useful Mac application and tools recommended by readers. System tool: iFreeMem Recovers memory for your applications to use and helps avoid the performance hit you get when running low on Free memory. System tool: Silver Keeper Mac’s free backup application with scheduling ability. Productivity: The Unarchiver Think of it as WinZIP for Mac. Productivity: Name Mangler If you need to rename several files at once every now and then, this is the application you have always been looking for. Reader: Skim PDF reader for Mac. Editor: Nvu Security Flame

Backhaul não é suporte do STFC, diz Guerreiro A polêmica sobre a reversibilidade do backhaul ganhou um novo elemento nesta sexta-feira, 20. Os novos argumentos em favor de que esta rede não é fundamental para a prestação do STFC partiram de Renato Guerreiro, consultor e ex-presidente da Anatel. Com um duro discurso contra a atuação recente da agência reguladora, Guerreiro pôs em xeque os argumentos apresentados pela autarquia durante debate no Conselho Consultivo da agência reguladora em favor da reversibilidade desta infraestrutura. Em sua apresentação, o procurador da República Paulo José da Rocha Júnior ponderou sobre a crescente evolução dos serviços na área de telecomunicações e a necessidade de se repensar conceitos nesse novo cenário. A pergunta do procurador, no entanto, reverteu-se em uma das mais contundentes falas de Guerreiro, onde o ex-presidente da agência mostrou seu entendimento de que o backhaul inserido como meta de universalização talvez não seja reversível, como alega a Anatel. Empresas achacadas Ambiente confuso

Tweetizen: Create Instant Twitter Community on Your Website This post is part of Mashable’s Spark of Genius series, which highlights a unique feature of startups. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here. The series is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. Name: Tweetizen Quick Pitch: Tweetizen allows you filter tweets and display them in nice and easy groups that you can embed on to your own website. Genius Idea: There are plenty of ways to create groups for Twitter, but Tweetizen fills a slightly different need than most of the other tools we’ve seen so far, in that it lets you create a group and embed it on your own website. Tweetizen lets you create Groups around either interests or people. The result is both a webpage on Tweetizen and a widget that you can embed on your own website. What I like best about Tweetizen is that it’s a way to add instant community to your website. Sponsored by Microsoft BizSpark

10 Must-Know Topics For Software Architects In 2009 In the last year or so, after quite a lull, the software architecture business has gotten rather exciting again. We're finally seeing major new topics emerging into the early mainstream that are potential game-changers, while at the same time a few innovations that have been hovering in the margins of the industry are starting to break out in a big way. The big changes: The hegemony of traditional 3 and 4-tier application models , heavyweight run-time platforms, and classical service-oriented architecture that has dominated for about a decade is now literally being torn asunder by a raft of new approaches for designing and architecting applications. These might sound like incautious words but major changes are in the air and architects are reaching out for new solutions as they encounter novel new challenges in the field. Let's also not forget about Web 2.0 approaches and design patterns which are becoming ever more established in online applications and enterprise architecture both.

Palm CEO: WebOS bigger than just the Pre base This was originally posted at ZDNet's Between the Lines. Updated: Amid weak fiscal third-quarter results reported Thursday, Palm Chief Executive Edward Colligan said that the company is well positioned to launch the Pre and promised a road map of smartphones and an application ecosystem built on the company's new WebOS. Bottom line: Palm envisions an entire product line built on the WebOS. Palm didn't put a date on the Pre launch, but said the device and its software were "being polished up" and being certified from Sprint as the company prepares to ramp up manufacturing. The big takeaway: There are no showstoppers for the Pre launch in the first half of the year. Chief Financial Officer Doug Jeffries also added that "there's an enormous amount of interest globally for the Pre." On a conference call with analysts, Colligan provided an upbeat tone to what were predictably dismal results. Colligan said the company is well positioned to launch the Pre on time.

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