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How to retain 90% of everything you learn

How to retain 90% of everything you learn
Imagine if you had a bucket of water. And every time you attempted to fill the bucket, 90% of the water would leak out instantly. Every time, all you’d retain was a measly 10%. How many times would you keep filling the bucket? The answer is simple: just once. The first time you noticed the leak, you’d take action You’d either fix the bucket or you’d get another bucket, wouldn’t you? Yet that’s not at all the way we learn. That weird thing is that you’re wasting time. To summarize the numbers (which sometimes get cited differently) learners retain approximately: 90% of what they learn when they teach someone else/use immediately. 75% of what they learn when they practice what they learned. 50% of what they learn when engaged in a group discussion. 30% of what they learn when they see a demonstration. 20% of what they learn from audio-visual. 10% of what they learn when they’ve learned from reading. 5% of what they learn when they’ve learned from lecture. 5000bc now has a Waiting List. Related:  Learning

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Marx and Weber: A Comparison When comparing two historic strong personalities such as Karl Marx and Max Weber it is important to look at their overall impact on humanity. Karl Marx, on the one hand, preached a philosophy that is still influential in many cultures around the world. On the other hand Max Weber is considered one of the fathers of modern thought and one of the most influential persons in the world of intellect. Despite their clear similarities, such as both coming from a European protestant background, they have distinct differences that are very important to note. In the world of philosophy and thought there are many different ways of thinking that contrast each other. However, few ideas contrast so much as that of socialism and capitalism. Karl Marx is considered by most to be the father of socialist thinking. Marx believed that capitalism would collapse because of internal tensions just like every other social system. Weber thought of politics as a vessel responsible for the distribution of force.

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Google Scholar Speed learning The general approach is to use procedures or a sequence of techniques that have been shown to provide a more efficient path to attaining the same goal. Some of the techniques have existed since ancient times (e.g. Mnemonics) whilst others are a result of more recent scientific research (e.g. Forgetting Curves).[1] History[edit] Psychologists and educational specialists have long sought methods for improving not just the quality of learning, the comprehension and retention of knowledge, but the rate at which knowledge can be acquired, especially in an age in which the amount of information people need to deal with is growing rapidly and threatening to overwhelm them. The limited "channel capacity" of human individuals has also led to investigation of rapid knowledge acquisition and appropriate dissemination of it by organizations. See also[edit] References[edit] Jump up ^ Bremer, Rod. External links[edit]

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