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Deciduous Forest Biome

Deciduous Forest Biome
Deciduous forests can be found in the eastern half of North America, and the middle of Europe. There are many deciduous forests in Asia. Some of the major areas that they are in are southwest Russia, Japan, and eastern China. South America has two big areas of deciduous forests in southern Chile and Middle East coast of Paraguay. There are deciduous forests located in New Zealand, and southeastern Australia also. The average annual temperature in a deciduous forest is 50° F. In deciduous forests there are five different zones. The small tree and sapling zone is the second zone. The deciduous forest has four distinct seasons, spring, summer, autumn, and winter. The animals adapt to the climate by hibernating in the winter and living off the land in the other three seasons. The plants have adapted to the forests by leaning toward the sun. A lot of deciduous forests have lost land to farms and towns. by Connie T. 2001 bibliography: nbsp; Bibliography: The soil is very fertile.

American Black Bear | National Geographic Common Name: American Black Bear Scientific Name: Ursus americanus Type: Mammals Diet: Omnivores Group Name: Sleuth, sloth Average life span in The Wild: 20 years Size: 5 to 6 ft long Weight: 200 to 600 lbs Size relative to a 6-ft man: Least Concern lc nt vu en cr ew ex Least ConcernExtinct Current Population Trend: Increasing About the American Black Bear Black bears are North America's most familiar and common bears. Black bears are very opportunistic eaters. Solitary animals, black bears roam large territories, though they do not protect them from other bears. When winter arrives, black bears spend the season dormant in their dens, feeding on body fat they have built up by eating ravenously all summer and fall. Female black bears give birth to two or three blind, helpless cubs in mid-winter and nurse them in the den until spring, when all emerge in search of food. Did You Know? Black bears are not true hibernators.

Dispelling Myths About Bears - ” The best thing people can do for bears is replace misconceptions with facts.” – Dr. Lynn Rogers Bears have fascinated humans for millennia. Stories of ferocious attacks by blood-thirsty bears on defenceless hikers make great lead stories in the media. Another commonly held myth is that bears are cuddly creatures that resemble the teddy bears we owned as kids. It is important to dispel both myths – the one based on fear, and the other based on a misplaced belief that bears are tame cuddly animals. Bears are intelligent and resourceful wild mammals that deserve our respect. Myth #1: Bears are unpredictable Fact: Bears use body language and vocalizations to show their intentions. Myth #2: Bears can’t run down hill Fact: Bears can run more than 60 kilometers an hour, and they can do it up hills, down hills or along a slope. Myth #3: A bear standing on its hind legs is about to charge Myth #4: Once a bear has tasted human food, he won’t eat wild food any more Myth #7: Bears are carnivores.

What Do Foxes Prey On? Popular culture gives the impression that foxes live on rabbits, but they actually eat a wide variety of food. They are highly adaptable and their diet varies with location and seasonal availability. Species include the red fox, fennec fox, gray fox, kit fox and arctic fox. The red fox is found throughout Europe, Asia, North America and the United Kingdom and is the most widely distributed carnivore in the world. Foxes are omnivores and eat small mammals, birds, reptiles, frogs, eggs, insects, worms, fish, crabs, mollusks, fruits, berries, vegetables, seeds, fungi and carrion.
