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Blooms Taxonomy of Apps by Kelly Tenkely

Blooms Taxonomy of Apps by Kelly Tenkely
Related:  didattica

Deekit — Deekit. Online whiteboard for remote teams. The iPad 2 and Apple TV … Ed Tech Industry Killer? What would you rather get for your classroom, an iPad 2 and Apple TV or an Interactive Whiteboard? Are your teachers asking for Interactive Whiteboards? Hold on to that discussion and don’t answer until you know all of the possibilities! I think we now have the ability to put together a very highly effective digital classroom with the combination of iPad 2′s, a digital projector, and an Apple TV. All of this can be done at a fraction of the cost of most 21st century classrooms that have combined the use of Interactive Whiteboards. I just don’t know why you would ever want to purchase them anymore. Maybe we can get rid of the need for document cameras, scanners, clicker hubs, and still or digital video cameras as well? Perhaps you don’t know about the new possibilities of this fantastic little black box called Apple TV. Now, if you are looking for the rationale on why you might want to go with this new setup, here is mine! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

"thedoor"2 - courtneyannemurray In E.B. White's “The Door”, an unnamed man struggles with the confusion and uncertainty of a capitalistic society. The man, who represents all of mankind, is aware of the unlimited number of options or “doors” available to him. I do not know whether to tell her about the door they substituted or not, he said, the one with the equation on it and the picture of the amoeba reproducing itself by division. From these observations, we learn that the man has a choice enter a financial door symbolized by the check for thirty-two dollars and fifty cents. First, although White mostly expresses his opinion of capitalism in a positive light, he does admit to a few failures present in the system. He meant the rats that the Professor had driven crazy by forcing them to deal with problems which were beyond the scope of rats, the insoluble problems. This passage conveys that life in a capitalistic society is difficult and puzzling; it is literally a “rat race.”

Non solo video: trasformare la visione di un video in una esperienza comunicativa interattiva 1. I video nella didattica online L’introduzione di nuovi modelli e tecniche didattiche incentrate sul web ha posto in primo piano la funzione dei video nell’e-learning: documentari, video lezioni, videoclip musicali, tutorial, screencast, sono solo alcune delle tipologie di video su cui si concentrano Blended Learning e Flipped Classroom. Tuttavia la fruizione di video didattici online da parte degli studenti non fa altro, se non supportata da altri strumenti, che trasferire i limiti della didattica tradizionale trasmsissiva, incentrata sulla lezione frontale, dall’aula al web. Si potrebbe anzi argomentare che la situazione sia comunicativamente anche peggiore della tradizionale lezione frontale, in cui la possibilità dell’interazione comunicativa è comunque garantita e la discussione sempre possibile. 2. 3. Filmare una lezione – spiegazione e pubblicarla sul web significa passare da una lezione frontale in presenza a una lezione frontale online. 4. 1. Marqueed 2. TED-Ed Lessons 3. 4. 5.

myIEPmeeting Creating a collaborative classroom adventure World Adventure Kids 2-1, like any reading text available out there, can be used in a variety of ways as part of a reading program. Aside from possibly the most obvious application (independent reading from individual children), I have been getting questions and suggestions from teachers of classes about how to best utilise WAK 2-1 for whole-class reading. I am happy to say that the interactive, reader-directed format of World Adventure Kids actually makes it an excellent resource to use with a whole class for those contexts or situations whereby a teacher would like to apply it in a way that all the learners progress through it at the same pace. In fact, the role of decision making in the progress of the overall narrative really enhances opportunities for classroom discussion and debate (more so even than with a standard linear narrative). To use WAK 2-1 with a whole class of learners aged 8-11, I would be inclined to apply it in the following way: - Print out one copy of the whole book.

Il compito autentico | Oggi Imparo Io! Se sapete cosa è il compito autentico potete saltare questa prima parte introduttiva e passare alla seconda parte. Per chi invece non sapesse di che si tratta parto da una definizione che mi sembra abbastanza completa: “Il compito autentico è un compito che prevede che gli studenti costruiscano il loro sapere in modo attivo ed in contesti reali e complessi e lo usano in modo preciso e pertinente, dimostrando il possesso di una determinata competenza”. In parole semplici: una normale attività della vita reale, ricca e splendida, in cui si utilizzano tutte le capacità acquisite e la creatività per risolvere un problema vero. A scuola in genere le cose funzionano al contrario del compito autentico. Se nella vita reale quindi risolvere problemi veri è più interessante e dà più soddisfazione che non studiare a scuola, come posso rendere un compito che affido ai miei ragazzi il più autentico e interessante possibile? Come realizzare un compito autentico Buon divertimento! Esempi e riferimenti:

The Very First App You Should Load on Your New iPad I am often asked by new iPad owners which apps they should install first. That’s a tough question as it all depends on each individual and how they want to use their new device. There are literally hundreds of lists out there about the best iPad apps — especially since a lot of those are year-end lists. So, instead of sending all these lists — I’m not going to mention any of them here — simply because all you have to do is search for “Best iPad Apps” on your favorite search engine — try an app called AppStart! AppStart is a great app for finding the apps that fits your needs. For an introduction to AppStart, take a look at the short video in the upper-right hand corner of this post. Tagged as: App Store, ios, iPad

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The Digital Learning Farm and iPad Apps  21st Century Learning Socratic Seminar and The Backchannel Humanities teacher, Shannon Hancock, at Graded, the American School of São Paulo, read and worked through The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo with her 8th grade students. Visible Thinking in Math- Part 1 The conversation about visible thinking in Math started with one of our teachers at Graded, The American School of São Paulo, Adam Hancock, wanting to know how he could incorporate having students’ use their blogfolios in Math class. Redefining My Learning Silvana Meneghini and I work as Academic Technology Coordinators at Graded, the American School of São Paulo. ” A flashlight in the fog of technology integration“, initially the title of a conference workshop proposal, quickly developed into the desire of creating a framework to guide and coach teachers based on … The Digital Learning Farm in Action Student Tutorials- MineCraft, How to Ride a Horse, iMovie and more 3 Need-Scenarios to Engage Students with Authentic Tasks Global Education
