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A Gentle Introduction to Programming Using Python

A Gentle Introduction to Programming Using Python
Course Features Course Description This course will provide a gentle, yet intense, introduction to programming using Python for highly motivated students with little or no prior experience in programming. The course will focus on planning and organizing programs, as well as the grammar of the Python programming language. The course is designed to help prepare students for 6.01 Introduction to EECS I. 6.01 assumes some knowledge of Python upon entering; the course material for 6.189 has been specially designed to make sure that concepts important to 6.01 are covered. This course is offered during the Independent Activities Period (IAP), which is a special 4-week term at MIT that runs from the first week of January until the end of the month.

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The Foos, excelente juego para aprender a programar Seguimos hablando de proyectos que podemos usar para enseñar a los niños (y no tan niños) a programar, y esta vez lo hacemos con uno que es compatible con varias plataformas, tanto móviles como de escritorio: The Foos. Se trata de un juego gratuito en el que los niños pueden construir niveles usando la lógica de la programación. El objetivo es crear juegos, definir acciones y después disfrutar de lo creado, por lo que permite que, además de aprender durante el desarrollo de la plataforma, puedan divertirse jugando exactamente en lo que ellos mismos programaron.

Power Searching with Google Thanks for visiting! For a short time, the course materials for Power Searching with Google will remain accessible below. Then they will be made permanently available at the Google Search Education site. For a handy reference of all search tips from the course, check out our printable Power Searching Quick Guide.

Teaching with Python by John M. Zelle, Ph.D. I have written an introductory CS textbook using Python. Developing Android Apps completely in Python The goal of this training is to show you how to start developing full Android applications using only Python. Different technologies will be demonstrated, including PySide-based QML GUIs using the Necessitas Qt port and the Py4A/SL4A-based approach, which can be combined with Android’s WebKit and re-use Python web frameworks. While Android already has a good SDK out of the box, being able to use Python instead of Java is a big advantage for some developers - it allows for quicker turnaround times, and reuse of Python libraries. Python on Android uses a native CPython build, so its performance and compatibility is very good. Combined with PySide (which uses a native Qt build) and Qt’s support for OpenGL ES acceleration, you can create fluent UIs even with Python. The resulting PySide-based applications run on Android, but also at least on Mac OS X, Windows, Linux and Maemo and MeeGo - basically all platforms on which Qt is available.

Computer and Network Security by Avi Kak Note for instructors using these slides/notes: It is not uncommon for the instructors who use these notes/slides to want to know how exactly I use them in class since there is much more information on a typical slide than you will usually find in a powerpoint presentation. Here is the answer: When I teach the theoretical portions of this course, I actually work out the formulas on the chalkboard and, when I do so, I follow the derivations presented in these lecture notes. Python Tutorial The Python tutorial is constructed to teach you the fundamentals of the Python programming language. Eventually, the Python Tutorial will explain how to construct web applications, but currently, you will learn the basics of Python offline. Python can work on the Server Side (on the server hosting the website) or on your computer. However, Python is not strictly a web programming language. That is to say, a lot of Python programs are never intended to be used online. In this Python tutorial, we will just cover the fundamentals of Python and not the distinction of the two.

Python overtakes French as the most popular language taught in primary schools The programming language Python has overtaken French as the most popular language taught in primary schools, according to a new survey released today. Six out of ten parents said they want their primary school age children to learn the coding language over French. And 75% of primary school children said they would rather learn how to programme a robot than learn a modern foreign language. The survey, which sampled 1,000 five to 11 year olds, 1,000 11 to 16 year olds and 1,000 parents, was commissioned by Ocado Technology to assess progress made since the new Computing curriculum was introduced exactly a year ago today. Computer science GCSE seen as ‘easy option’

Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python 3/Print version All example Python source code in this tutorial is granted to the public domain. Therefore you may modify it and relicense it under any license you please. Since you are expected to learn programming, the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license would require you to keep all programs that are derived from the source code in this tutorial under that license. Apply Silicon Valley May 3rd, 4th, and 17th, 9am-4pm What do Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter have in common? They were all created by people who knew how to code. Get coding in your classroom! Enter the Challenge. 1. Pencilcode Draw is for everyone and works much like the old Logo program where you write simple commands to make a turtle move on a grid. forward 10, right 90, forward 10, right 90 forward 10, right 90, forward 10. Boom. You just coded a square.

7 Fun and Creative Apps and Websites That Teach Kids to Code These iOS and Web Apps are Visually Oriented and Kid-Friendly and Help to Build Critical Logic and Problem Solving Skills Computer coding is becoming an increasingly popular activity for today’s technology oriented kids. Even kids who do not plan to grow up and become computer programmers are enjoying the control and autonomy that coding delivers. Coding encourages kids to be creative, think logically and develop critical thinking skills that they will need throughout their lives. 12 Sites That Will Teach You Coding for Free There was a time when knowing how to program was for the geekiest of geeks. That’s not exactly the case today. As most entrepreneurs, freelancers and marketers will tell you, learning how to program can help you succeed. Over the past year, I've been learning to code. It's helped me to become a much better entrepreneur -- I can dive in when my team needs to fix a few bugs on the site.

8 free sites that teach you how to program Developed in 2011, the main focus of Code Academy is to teach you how to code so that you can transform your career. It features a number of success stories from individuals who knew little to nothing about coding and went on to have fruitful careers as programmers. Code Academy covers a lot of ground, including how to make interactive websites. You can take courses in Rails, Angularjs, Rails Auth, The Command Line, HTML & CSS, JavaScript, iQuery, PHP, Python and Ruby. They are constantly adding new programs as well, so if nothing piques your interest now, you can always check back in a few months to see what they have added to their course load. The courses on Code Academy are free and it has become a well-known and respected resource for anyone yearning to learn how to code.
