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Pyjamas - Python Javascript Compiler, Desktop Widget Set and RIA Web Framework

Pyjamas - Python Javascript Compiler, Desktop Widget Set and RIA Web Framework
Related:  PYTHON

Python Webkit DOM Bindings The Python Webkit DOM Project makes python a full peer of javascript when it comes to accessing and manipulating the full features available to Webkit, such as HTML5. Everything that can be done with javascript, such as getElementsbyTagName and appendChild, event callbacks through onclick, timeout callbacks through window.setTimeout, and even AJAX using XMLHttpRequest, can also be done from python. Why is this important - why is it a "big deal"? Browser engines are amongst the most powerful GUI engines available, with the world's top software organisations and corporations focussing a lot of effort into competing to be "the best". This competition results in some incredibly exciting developments... that are then restricted to being exclusively used from one of the world's most awkward and obtuse programming languages: javascript. What is Python-Webkit? Python-Webkit is a python extension to Webkit to add full, complete access to Webkit's DOM - Document Object Model. Status

Pyjamas Pyjamas is a toolkit and applications framework, for the Web. (see PyjamasDesktop for the desktop version). Pyjamas comprises a widget set, a library containing "AJAX tricks", and a python-to-javascript compiler. Although it can be helpful, no knowledge of CSS stylesheets, HTML, Javascript or AJAX is required to develop comprehensive applications very quickly. Just like the other webkits such as Yahoo's YUI and Google's GWT, Pyjamas' AJAX library provides you with all of the tricks of the Web trade (from Opera, Netscape, IE, Firefox and Safari) so that you don't have to know any of them. Pyjamas' underlying widget set is very similar in concept to that of KiWi, with the difference being that it targets the Web rather than Desktop. As Pyjamas supports every major browser, if those browsers have SVG support, then there has even been a Widget contributed which provides access to the SVG "Canvas", allowing you to develop exceptionally powerful graphics applications. CategoryPyGUI

Skulpt pyjs/README.rst at master · pyjs/pyjs More Impressions of Python (from a Java developer) Jeff Bail has just written an article on his first impressions of Python. I've been teaching myself Python for the last two weeks as well and I generally share Jeff's impresssions. I just wanted to add some more. Compared to Java Python is not that different from Java. Object-orientation Object-orientation seems a bit clumsy (a bit like JavaScript). Functional Programming Python supports functional programming. Django After reading a book about Python I wanted to actually use it in a simple web project with Django. Conclusion I haven't gotten really deep into Python by now, but my first impressions are generally very positive and I already feel comfortable with it.

Foundations: The Ministry of Silly Objects « Python Tutorials for Kids 8+ DENNIS: What I object to is that you automatically treat me like an inferior! ARTHUR: Well, I am king! (Scene 3) This post is about “objects”. Not everyday sort of objects that you can touch. Programming objects. ... fileObject = open(nameOfFile,'w') >>> # fileObject is a file object ... # the open() function creates a file ... # and then ... # it opens the file for writing - 'w' ... # if the file already exists it just opens it >>> # see, now it exists >>> # let's write something to it: ... testMessage='This is a test message' >>> >>> fileObject.write(testMessage) >>> # after we've finished with a file we should close() it ... fileObject.close() The variable fileObject stores an object in much the same way as other variables store data - that is, they point to the object. ... fileObject.close() The object connected to a function (actually called a "method" in this context) using a dot. fileObject.write() ^ |----- Can you see the dot? fileObject.mode Clean up: Confusing bit:

Pyjeon Software Home · pyjs/pyjs Wiki Introduction to Pyjamas, Part 1: Exploit the synergy of GWT and Python Introduction Google's Web Toolkit (GWT) lets you develop a Rich Internet Application (RIA) with Ajax, entirely in Java™ code. You can use the rich Java toolset (IDEs, refactoring, code completion, debuggers, and so on) to develop applications that can be deployed on all major Web browsers. With GWT you can write applications that behave like desktop applications but run in the browser. Pyjamas, a GWT port, is a tool and framework for developing Ajax applications in Python. Pyjamas contains a stand-alone Python-to-JavaScript compiler, and an Ajax framework and widget set. This article explains the background, rationale, related tools, and benefits of Pyjamas while showing you how to create a sample application that will store basic contact information (name, e-mail address, telephone number). Part two in this series will explain how to build custom Pyjamas components. Back to top Background In the recent past, the chances of doing an entire application in Ajax seemed remote. Prerequisites #!

Minecraft Config Editor: Tkinter Text Widget and Frames « Python Tutorials for Kids 8+ Furtively he looks round, then takes from the desk drawer a comic-book entitled ‘Thrills and Adventure’. We see the frames of the comic strip. A Superman-type character and a girl are shrinking from an explosion. She is saying ‘My God, his nose just exploded with enough force to destroy his kleenex’. In the next frame, the Superman character is saying ‘If only I had a kleenex to lend him – or even a linen handkerchief – but these trousers…!! No back pocket!’ Last tutorial we covered ‘parsing’. Let’s start thinking about how a single key/value pair will look. Here we first create a Tk() object, then create a label widget and a text widget in that object. If I run this code I get something like this: Which is sort of what I wanted – a label on the left, and an editable text box on the right (can you see the cursor in the screen shot?) Exercise: Type something into the text box. However, this isn’t really what I wanted. Here is a revised version which is nearer to what I was looking for:

Pyjamas 0.8.1 Pyjamas Widget API for Web applications, in Python Current Release: 0.8.1~+alpha1--------------- This is the 0.8.1~+alpha1 release of Pyjamas. Pyjamas comprises severalprojects, one of which is a stand-alone python-to-javascript compiler; otherprojects include a Graphical Widget Toolkit, such that pyjamas applicationscan run either in web browsers as pure javascript (with no plugins required)or stand-alone on the desktop (as a competitor to PyGTK2 and PyQT4). Features and enhancements of the stand-alone 0.8 series javascriptcompiler and associated modules include: * more behaviour closer to python, thanks to several contributions including from Daniel Kluev * improvements and additions to the standard modules, including renaming JSONParser to json and changing its interface to match standard python, and a new python-compliant logging module. In the User-Interface suite, which is separate from the Pyjamasstand-alone python-to-javascript compiler, the features andenhancements include:
