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Task Coach

Книга GTD - для тайм-менеджмента на русском! GTD Тот, кто не читал еще убойную книжку тов. Дэвида Аллена «Getting Things Done», идет ее читать. Ленивые знакомятся с моим тезисным пересказом . Книжка предназначена для тех, кто вынужден заниматься несколькими делами одновременно и испытывает ощущение потери контроля над происходящим. Если вкратце, основной посыл в том, что не стоит пытаться удерживать в одной голове все сюжетные линии собственной жизни, если вы, конечно, не Цезарь. Разумеется, набор полезностей и гениально-очевидных мыслей в книге этим не исчерпывается, поэтому настоятельно рекомендую ознакомиться с оригиналом, а я пока займусь обсасыванием канцелярских вопросов, возникающих по ходу. Первой GTD-площадкой был назначен PalmDesktop. Свято место пусто не бывает. Нирвана не далась и на этот раз. Сказать, что я был в затруднении, значит ничего не сказать. Книга о методике GTD, повышающей организацию времени. Вери гуд. Неофициальный перевод из ЖЖ, в repliGo формате: Прикрепленные файлы

ToDoList Downloads Latest Executable + Plugins (6.8.10) - 2.1 MB (Includes all associated resources)Application Source (6.8.10) - 3.1 MB (Includes all plugins - compiles under VC6-VS2008) 3rd Party Note: Please contact the respective authors directly with comments and questions iTDL - for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch Tdl Todo List - for Android Latest Update (6.8.10 Feature Release) The big new features for 6.8 are full drag'n'drop support added to the Gantt and Calendar views for modifying task dates. The Calendar was also rewritten to add support for displaying tasks continuously between their start and due dates. Introduction You know how it is - you start work on one project and halfway through, you find one or two side-projects crop up that have to be solved before you can continue on the original project. This is one such project with the added twist that it too started its life as a side-project. The next step was to hunt around on the web for a tool to meet the following requirements: Simple, huh!

mind42 Lazy Productivity: 10 Simple Ways to Do Only Three Things Today | LifeRemix Blog Editor's note: This post was written by Leo Babauta of Zen Habits. I have to admit, I'm as lazy as the next guy. I have my moments of productivity, where I'm cranking out the tasks and checking things off my to-do list like my life depended on it. But for the most part, I just want to do a few things each day, and then take a nap. And as it turns out, that's all that's needed. How can laziness work? Here are my suggestions for making laziness work for you: Choose only three things to do today. Photo courtesy of Ian Bloomfield.

MyLife Organized egon, по поводу поверхностного чтения ГТД, это пожалуй не здорово. ГТД - это способ и инструкция по созданию собственной, персонализированной системы управления временем и пожалуй жизнью.Я бы советовал выделить время и все же прочесть книгу более вдумчиво, в конечном итоге полученные знания позволят экономить очень много времени и привести "в порядок" голову. По поводу головы это не шутка. По поводу систем "под ключ". Теперь по поводу МЛО. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. P.S. Успехов! WatchMe WatchMe is a feature-rich timer program that can be used to track time for a number of different tasks or events together or independently of one another. You can create any number of timers, give each one name and record additional notes and information about what you are timing – a great solution for those who need to track their time for hourly billing, timesheets and more. Download the latest version (v 2.3.2) – Released December 13, 2013 To install simply copy the executable onto your PC and run it. If you are running an older version of WatchMe, simply overwrite the old EXE file with this latest version. Click here to view the latest change log to see what new features are included in this version. Features Include Timers to track elapsed time (like a stopwatch) and countdowns (3…2…1…blastoff!) Requirements Screenshots Have multiple timers and countdowns running at the same time. Use the “Focus Light” to help you avoid distractions and keep you focused on the work you are doing.

120 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power Here are 120 things you can do starting today to help you think faster, improve memory, comprehend information better and unleash your brain’s full potential. Solve puzzles and brainteasers.Cultivate ambidexterity. Use your non-dominant hand to brush your teeth, comb your hair or use the mouse. Write with both hands simultaneously. Readers’ Contributions Dance! Contribute your own tip! There are many, many ways to keep our brains sharp. TaskUnifier Windows, Linux, Mac... Multiplaform As it is written in Java, TaskUnifier works on any operating system supported by Java. The Windows version is provided with an easy installer. Customize the appearance Themes Select one of the themes provided with TaskUnifier and customize the appearance of the whole software. Change the color of the tasks, folders, contacts, contexts, goals and locations to identify them immediately. Internationalization Language TaskUnifier has been translated in English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish and Chinese (simplified and traditional). You can also customize the date and time formats. Proxy Enterprise ready TaskUnifier works behind a proxy and do not require admin rights in order to run it. Create repeating tasks Repeat & remind TaskUnifier allows you to create repeating tasks. It can also remind you when a task has almost reached its due date.

GCstar Current version Current version is 1.7.1. A mailing list lets you know when new versions are published. You may subscribe to it on the GCstar-release mailing list information page. GCstar 1.7.1 manages these collections: Movies Video games Books Music Numismatic Wines Board games Comic books TV shows episodes Stamps Periodicals Mini vehicles Smart cards TV shows (series) Computer software User defined collections This version is also fully or partly translated in these languages: Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Czech, Dutch, English, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian. There is some documentation for translators that explains how new languages could be added or existing ones, completed. News 13 March 2016: Registration to the forum open I made a few changes to the forum, and I'm going to experiment them. Hello everyone,
