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Call Your Mayor: Complete List of Numbers for Occupied Cities On October 13, I started calling Mayor Bloomberg’s office to protest his threatened attack on Zuccotti Park, and urged others to do the same. Apparently they did, mostly without any urging from me, because the high volume of calls from around the country was credited, by the New York Times, with making the mayor back off. The next day, prompted by reports from occupiers, I used Facebook to tell people to call the mayor of San Diego. Then it occurred to me: We need a list of the phone numbers of the mayors of all the occupied cities.

Obama administration says Constitution protects cell phone recordings The Obama administration has told a federal judge that Baltimore police officers violated the First, Fourth, and Fourteenth Amendments by seizing a man's cell phone and deleting its contents. The deletions were allegedly in retaliation for the man's use of the phone to record the officers' arrest of his friend. According to the Maryland ACLU, this is the first time the Obama Justice Department has weighed in on whether the Constitution protects citizens' right to record the actions of police with their cell phones. Greg Smith On Occupy Wall Street: 'They Didn't Know What They Were Protesting' Greg Smith wrote the essay that echoed across Wall Street like a thunderclap. Smith was a vice president at Goldman Sachs until March. He announced his departure from the investment bank with a blistering essay in The New York Times, accusing Goldman of routinely deceiving clients and relentlessly pursuing profit at the expense of morality. And he struck a nerve.

OaktownPirate on USTREAM Watch without ads Ustream © Search Log in / Sign up With Facebook (faster) Log in or sign up with Facebook See what your friends like and watch, get awesome recommendations Instant login, no passwords About This Campaign: Uprisings are occurring all over the world as people become more and more disempowered and angry. The Arab Spring ignited a fire of hope for nonviolent revolution in a lot of US citizens. Occupy Wall Street, initially ignored, ridiculed or dismissed by mainstream media outlets, has in turn helped spawn the #Occupy movement in over 500 US cities! We believe it is up to us, common people everywhere, to create sustainable and sustaining ways to live and co-exist in our world – those in power are not going to do it for us. The gap between the rulers and the ruled, between elites and the majority of the world’s citizens, has become an untenable divide – even in allegedly democratic nations.This is not acceptable.

At Occupy Camps, Veterans Bring the Wars Home - Tina Dupuy - Politics Expert at living in tents, some veterans are finding new purpose in the streets We're in a coffee shop near McPherson Square, the location of Occupy DC, and Michael Patterson, 21, and I are having hot cocoa on a cold November night. He's wearing an Iraq Veterans Against the War sweatshirt and baggy shorts. It's freezing outside. "I'm from Alaska," he offers as an explanation. He's been sleeping in a tent in D.C. for over a month now.

How did Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary make his fortune? Kevin O’Leary plays the villain on Shark Tank, and that’s the way he likes it. He likes to be stopped on the street and called names. He likes to say cryptic and sinister things about how he would cut staff to improve efficiency in a company he’s thinking about making a controlling investment in. He wants to be to entrepreneurs what Simon Cowell is to singers. But, Simon Cowell isn’t just rude, he is often also right; so, his caustic criticism can cut through conventional niceties and get down to the hard truths about one’s realistic prospects. Does Kevin O’Leary really have that super power? Occupy, Occupylsx, Occupylondon, Ows marionetta: Zachary Runningwolf sets fire to an American flag, leaves it smoldering in Broadway #occupyoakland #ftp @CrossXBones Vivian Ho: Zachary Runningwolf sets fire to an American flag, leaves it smoldering in Broadway #occupyoakland #ftp Occupy Oakland: All is calm at OGP. Announcement: no violence this is peaceful march.

Occupy Wall Street Screenprinters Cooperative It’s our two-year anniversary and we are announcing our new nonprofit status! We are planning to launch an educational program which will bring screenprinting to classrooms citywide and beyond. Come celebrate with us and be among the first to preview our new designs for Spring 2014. We’re proud to have a lineup of special guest artists, including Molly Crabapple! Also, get this year’s new MayDay prints before the big day. We will (of course) be live printing, so feel free to bring your own clothing items to upcycle.

UC cops' use of batons on Occupy camp questioned A debate over the use of police force has reignited at the UC Berkeley campus after videos surfaced showing officers repeatedly shoving and jabbing screaming students who tried to keep officers from dismantling a nascent Occupy encampment. The videos taken by protesters, journalists and casual observers show UC Berkeley police and Alameda County sheriff's deputies in riot gear ordering students with linked arms to leave a grassy area outside the campus administration building Wednesday. When the students didn't move, police lowered their face shields and began hitting the protesters with batons.

The Occupy Wall Street Bible Is Out, and It's Good - Culture It’s probably no accident that the minimalist brown cover of Occupying Wall Street, the new title from OR Books about the now world-famous Manhattan movement, resembles the posters that, for a few months in 2011, came to define Zuccotti Park’s skyline. The title and subtitle—"The Inside Story of an Action that Changed America"—are written in black scrawl, adding extra authenticity to the stylization. It’s not just a book you’re holding, a reader soon realizes, it’s also a mini-protest sign. Fair warning up front: A little rectangular box on the back cover reads, "All profits from this book will be donated to Occupy Wall Street." If you’re certain you disagree with OWS and don’t want to support their cause, then this book is probably not for you.

Welcome to Canada’s ‘wageless recovery’ The Harper government likes to remind Canadians that we’ve done better than most developed nations in bouncing back from the global economic crisis. But digging into the data shows why many people might be having trouble cheering this news: wages have not kept pace with inflation, and new hires are making 40 per cent less than the average worker. Tiff Macklem, senior deputy governor of the Bank of Canada, recently brought home the official storyline: The level of employment is now higher than it was before the crisis; jobs are mostly being created in the private sector, most are full-time and are emerging in industries that pay above-average wages.

therevolutionwillbestreamed on USTREAM: The media is the front in this struggle, and truth is on the side of OWS. I am here to help to make sure it will be Watch without ads Ustream © Search Log in / Sign up With Facebook (faster) Log in or sign up with Facebook See what your friends like and watch, get awesome recommendations Instant login, no passwords Hey President Obama ... Dear patriots, rabble-rousers, revolutionaries, On Saturday thousands of us will occupy Wall Street. We will wave our signs, unfurl our banners, beat our drums, chant our slogans … and then we'll get down to business and hold several people's assemblies to decide what our "one demand" will be.
