YeOldMapMaker SIN MANUAL GM Advice: A Learning Mechanic I had a reader ask about the mini-game that appears in my D&D campaign. A few people have expressed interest in it, and I thought it might be worth a look. I don’t pretend this is clever or innovative. This is very much a system I cobbled together as I was groping around trying to simulate a character learning. In our game, I had a situation where one player was working to translate a “book”, which was several pages of backstory they needed to know. As an aside, if you need to feed your players a bunch of backstory, this is a pretty good way of going about it. Oh boy! The Goal D&D has mechanics for long-term learning. I also wanted a system that would work independently of their other skills, levels, and abilities. The System (I had an alphabet novelty die that went along with the translation game, but let’s just assume we’re using Ye Olde d20.) The player writes down all the numbers from 1 to 20 on a notecard. Each attempt needs to simulate a stretch of in-game time. That’s it.
RPGMapShare CON MANUAL compatible race & class compendium Bored of yr. Fighter/Wizard/Cleric/Thief? Roll up and get your variant classes, sub classes and completely novel classes right here. Arranged sort of haphazardly from least gonzo to most. Will keep adding to this as I find them. My 4E-to-old-school conversions:WarlordEmpath (4E Ardent)Shapechanger (4E Druid) Zak's alternate classes where you roll on a table for feats each time you level up:Random FighterRandom ThiefRandom RangerRandom WizardRandom Barbarian and Reynaldo's Random Paladin Dust PC classes (not actually gonzo if you happen to be playing 1920s dust bowl D&D)AthleteDancerCarnyScrap PrincessMidwifePreacherActivistMurder Ballad Boy Races (not many of these because most people seem to like doing race-as-class)AtlanteanDogfolkSky-ManIn-vest-igatorHengeyokaiA shitload of races including 'Void Elf', 'Deodand', 'Goblin from Labyrinth' DCC Classes (not quite OSR-compatible)WarforgedDwarven ClericGnome, Bard, Ranger and PaladinMonkDruidMuscle WizardBarbarian
Fantasy Name Generator By Samuel Stoddard - Version 1.5 One of the perks of creating fantasy stories -- whether by writing a story or game or by role-playing -- is you get to make up the names. Some people relish the task while others are frustrated by it. Some like it but can't seem to create names that are diverse enough. Fantasy Name Generator is a tool that can help you. It can generate an endless number of random names (of people, places, or anything) that would be suitable for use in a fantasy setting. In addition, this tool can be fairly amusing to use even if you don't have any name creating to do. You can use the fantasy name generator below.
EJEMPLO - Mapa del Taller de Moodle by eLMformacion on Genially Biblioteca Inicio de la aventura Isla de San Simón Islas Cies Estas en las Islas Cies El último Módulo del curso en el mismo tendrás que realizar las siguientes actividades. - Creación de archivo .csv con nuevos usuarios de la plataforma. - Modificar los permisos a una actividad. - Creando un cuestionario de evaluación del curso. - Creando una copia de nuestro curso. Revisión y calificaciones Estas en las Islas Estelas El quinto Módulo del curso en el mismo tendrás que realizar las siguientes actividades. - Creando nuevas escalas de calificación. - Creando un sistema de insignias. - Creando nuestro sistema de calificación. Gestión de usuarios Actividades Toralla Islas Estelas Mapadel curso Bloques y temas Vigo Recursos Puntuación El tesoro esta escondido en uno de los cuestionarios. Completa una de las actividades colaborativas para acceder a él Mis insignias Si aun no lo has descubierto sigue incrementando tu puntación
Campaign Wiki Adventures: HomePage This wiki collects cool OSR adventures. Feel free to add, edit, improve and remove!✎ Check out the Top Blogs, based on number of links submitted Inspiration Pad Online Azgaar - Generador de mapas de fantasía. VER MANUALES Layers preset: Displayed layers and layers order: Texture Heightmap Biomes Cells Grid Coordinates Wind Rose Rivers Relief Religions Cultures States Provinces Zones Borders Routes Temperature Population Ice Precipitation Emblems Labels Icons Military Markers Rulers Scale Bar Vignette Click to toggle, drag to raise or lower the layer Ctrl + click to edit layer style View mode: Map settings (new map to apply): Generator settings: Edit Regenerate Add Show Create Fantasy Map Generator is an open source tool by Azgaar. Join our Discord server and Reddit community to ask questions, get help and share maps. The project is under active development. Special thanks to all supporters on Patreon! Check out our other projects: • Armoria: a tool for creating heraldic coats of arms • Deorum: a vast gallery of customizable fantasy characters