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Weave (Web-based Analysis and Visualization Environment)

Weave (Web-based Analysis and Visualization Environment)

Parallel Sets Parallel Sets (ParSets) is a visualization application for categorical data, like census and survey data, inventory, and many other kinds of data that can be summed up in a cross-tabulation. ParSets provide a simple, interactive way to explore and analyze such data. Even though the screenshots here show the Mac version, the program also runs on Windows and Linux. Links to the executables are in the Download Section. SHANTI INTERACTIVE Weave Data Tutorial Weave Data TutorialTutorial for Weave Magazine 03.10 about visualizing network data Client: Weave Magazine / Page publisher We all use twitter, write emails, skype and blog all day long. There isn’t a single day we are not going to visit websites like google, youtube, the website of our favorite newspaper or social network and browse through the web. Despite that, or actually because of it, everybody tends to use the web in a different manner. Even if you are not using your computer at all, it is heavily communicating with the internet by sending and receiving so called IP-packets from all different kind of software that is installed on your PC.

Visualization of Relationship Data Before uploading a data file, check the samples gallery to make sure that your data format is compatible. Your file must be plain text. Your data values must be non-negative integers. Data must be space-separated (one or more tab or space, which will be collapsed). No two rows or columns may have the same name. Column and row names must begin with a letter (e.g. Google Chart Tools API Google Charts provides a perfect way to visualize data on your website. From simple line charts to complex hierarchical tree maps, the chart gallery provides a large number of ready-to-use chart types. The most common way to use Google Charts is with simple JavaScript that you embed in your web page. You load some Google Chart libraries, list the data to be charted, select options to customize your chart, and finally create a chart object with an id that you choose. Then, later in the web page, you create a <div> with that id to display the Google Chart.

10 Awesome Free Tools To Make Infographics Advertisement Who can resist a colourful, thoughtful venn diagram anyway? In terms of blogging success, infographics are far more likely to be shared than your average blog post. This means more eyeballs on your important information, more people rallying for your cause, more backlinks and more visits to your blog.

Chartist - Simple responsive charts You may think that this is just yet an other charting library. But Chartist.js is the product of a community that was disappointed about the abilities provided by other charting libraries. Of course there are hundreds of other great charting libraries but after using them there were always tweaks you would have wished for that were not included. Highly customizable responsive charts Facts about Chartist The following facts should give you an overview why to choose Chartists as your front-end chart generator:

StatPlanet StatPlanet (formerly StatPlanet Map Maker) is a free, award-winning application for creating fully customizable interactive maps. StatPlanet can be used to visualize location-based statistical data, such as life expectancy by country or demographic statistics and voting patterns by US state. In addition to maps, StatPlanet also has the option of including interactive graphs and charts to create feature-rich interactive infographics. If you wish to use StatPlanet for commercial purposes, please contact us. Restrictions: StatPlanet comes with only two maps: a world map (country level) and a US map (state level).

GeoVation » Enter the Challenge Entrepreneurs, developers, community groups, innovators – enter the GeoVation Challenge for a chance to win a slice of innovation funding to help you develop your idea. There will be funding for ideas that make best use of Ordnance Survey data, including OS OpenData. How can we encourage active lifestyles in Britain? Enter the Challenge This challenge has now closed. It ran from 7 November 2013 to 15 January 2014 (12 noon). GoJS Diagrams for JavaScript and HTML, by Northwoods Software GoJS is a JavaScript and TypeScript library for building interactive diagrams and graphs. GoJS allows you to build all kinds of diagrams and graphs for your users, from simple flowcharts and org charts to highly-specific industrial diagrams, SCADA and BPMN diagrams, medical diagrams like genograms, and more. GoJS makes constructing JavaScript diagrams of complex nodes, links, and groups easy with customizable templates and layouts. GoJS offers many advanced features for user interactivity such as drag-and-drop, copy-and-paste, in-place text editing, tooltips, context menus, automatic layouts, templates, data binding and models, transactional state and undo management, palettes, overviews, event handlers, commands, and an extensible tool system for custom operations.

Data visualisation: in defence of bad graphics Are most online data visualisations, well, just not very good? It's an issue we grapple with a lot - and some of you may have noticed a recent backlash against many of the most common data visualisations online. Poor Wordle - it gets the brunt of it.
