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43 Intricate Mind Map Illustrations

43 Intricate Mind Map Illustrations
For the uninitiated, a mind map is a graphical organization of ideas and concepts that can be used to facilitate the generation of ideas and the learning process. The reason why this has been argued to be more effective than the traditional method of learning (e.g. rote learning, linear text reading, etc) is because such structuring of ideas and concepts resembles the way our brain works – i.e. via links or associations. Mind mapping is done by connecting one idea to another with the aid of colors and images to tap both sides of our brains. When that happens, creativity gets a boost without compromising our sense of logic. If you’re thinking of how you can start adsopting mind mapping in your learning or brainstorming needs, check out these 43 great examples of how mind maps can be made. Course Structure. Global Rewind. L’art Invisible. Metaphore Sur Le Cerveau. Another Life Mindmap. Learning Styles. Art & Design. Seven Da Vincian Principles. The Art Of Mind Mapping . Time Management .

untitled Scientific Speed Reading: How to Read 300% Faster in 20 Minutes (Photo: Dustin Diaz) How much more could you get done if you completed all of your required reading in 1/3 or 1/5 the time? Increasing reading speed is a process of controlling fine motor movement—period. This post is a condensed overview of principles I taught to undergraduates at Princeton University in 1998 at a seminar called the “PX Project.” I have never seen the method fail. The PX Project The PX Project, a single 3-hour cognitive experiment, produced an average increase in reading speed of 386%. It was tested with speakers of five languages, and even dyslexics were conditioned to read technical material at more than 3,000 words-per-minute (wpm), or 10 pages per minute. If you understand several basic principles of the human visual system, you can eliminate inefficiencies and increase speed while improving retention. First, several definitions and distinctions specific to the reading process: You do not read in a straight line, but rather in a sequence of saccadic movements (jumps).

Trauma based mind control.. The Mind-Mapping Wiki In a post some months ago, I promised to tell you more about WikIT, the mind mapping wiki but kept getting distracted. Now I have found a few minutes to keep my word. WikIT is a facinating resource. It takes the line that different uses of ‘information maps’ (I’m planning a post about that phrase!) This wiki covers the many types of maps – mind maps, concept maps, argument maps and others. Although it looks a lot like Wikipedia, and has the same types of search facilities, WikIT often uses mind maps for navigation – that must be a boon – and takes advantage of MindManager 8′s ability to deliver Flash and PDF mind maps that work, as well as looking pretty. The best place to start is the list of all the subjects covered by the wiki. Information Tamers, who put this wiki together, have also remedied a hole in my site by adding a list of free mapping software on one of its pages. The master list of mind mapping & information management software Google

Mindmapping, concept mapping and information organisation software 7 Speed Reading Mac Home | 7 Speed Reading Software It’s one thing for a company to promise that they’ll give you your money back if you don’t enjoy their product. That doesn’t say much. We want our guarantee to show you exactly how sure we are that our software is the best in the market: We’re so confident that our award-winning speed reading system will help you read 3.471 times faster that we’ll put our money where our mouth is. If you’re not able to read blazingly fast, comprehend what you are reading, and increase your memory by using our software, we will not only give you a full refund of your money…we’ll also pay you $50! A full refund and $50 in your pocket… As you can see, you’ve got nothing to lose – and everything to gain. Either 7 Speed Reading does everything we promise it will do, or you make $50. Download 7 Speed Reading now by clicking on the green button below and see why we’re so willing to put our cash on the line!

The Journal of 9/11 Research and 9/11 Issues Mind Maps Unleash Your Brain's Creativity & Potential Comment choisir mon logiciel de mindmapping ? Il y a en ce moment (mars 2013) plus de 200 logiciels de mindmapping sur le marché. Comment m’y retrouver dans ce foisonnement ? Et comment faire le bon choix parmi ce qu’on me propose ? Voici quelques critères et conseils qui devraient vous aider. (Article mis à jour le 23-03-2013 : nombre de logiciels disponibles sur tout support et plateforme collaborative de MindMaple. Pour les traitements de texte ou les tableurs, le choix n’est pas trop compliqué : quelques standards se sont imposés et ils proposent des fonctionnalités presque semblables. Mais pour les logiciels de mindmapping, la situation se complique : plus de 200 noms s’affichent dans le domaine et vous êtes parfois perplexe devant cette offre pléthorique. Je remercie Pascal Le Rudulier qui m’a donné l’idée de cet article au cours d’un échange sur Linked’In. Des critères objectifs Lorsque vous prévoyez l’achat d’un véhicule, vous tenez compte d’une série de critères objectifs. Critères pour choisir votre logiciel de mindmapping

Social CRM Simplified. | Turn Communities into Customers. MIND CONTROL MIND CONTROLThe Reign of Evil "In the Kingdom of the Blind, the ONE EYED shall be King" 'This drug......IMPEDES mind control.'--Fritz Springmeier “Two percent of the people think; three percent of the people think they think; and ninety-five percent of the people would rather die than think."---George Bernard Shaw [Mind control is the Reptilians Matrix of Evil, put into action by their on planet proxies: the Psychopath SatanicReptilian hosts. Good film on Beta slave programming, an almost blatant portayal, is Wild Orchid with Mickey Rourke and Carre Otis. London Riots, 7–11 August 2011 – An Insight from those who Control Same Information Control For Social Manipulation by David B. Japan: Schoolkids to be tagged with RFID chips Major Electromagnetic Mind Control Projects by Val Valerian COMING - THE MIND READING MACHINES (excerpts) by William Hamilton © 1980 Terms Mind Control Programming Seminar Taught by Steve Oglevie [ 2005]

Getting Started With Mind Mapping Software This new How-To Guide collects some of the best articles from this blog on how get started with mind mapping software. It provides answers to questions such as why should I use mind mapping in my work? What features should I look for? And where can I get inspired and get a better sense of what types of maps can be created using this type of software? Click on the links below to answers to all those questions and more that will help you to get on your way to being more productive, creative and effective with mind mapping software: How to get started with mind mapping software 5 essential features you should look for when buying mind mapping software The compelling business advantages of mind mapping software (infographic) A mega-map of over 80 of the best mind mapping resources on the web Mind map galleries provide places to help you get inspired The important advantage of mind mapping software you may not know about Related posts Elements of effective mind maps Questions?

La pensée en arborescence … Voici un dessin que je n’ai pas pu insérer dans le livre que j’ai publié. C’est une tentative pour expliquer ce qu’est la pensée en arborescence (ou pensée analogique) par rapport à la pensée linéaire (ou séquentielle). Nous sommes en général formés depuis la plus petite enfance à réfléchir en établissant des listes déroulantes comme le présente la colonne de gauche. Mais quand un surdoué réfléchit, c’est en feu d’artifice, ainsi que le représente le dessin de droite. Le dessin de droite ne se lit pas de droite à gauche ou de haut en bas : Il faut chercher la bulle centrale (ce sur quoi on est en train de réfléchir) et ensuite cheminer le long de chaque arborescence. Pour résumer tout ça, un petit dessin… Quand il a fallu que je réfléchisse à un plan linéaire pour rédiger mon livre, autant dire qu’il m’a fallu « pas mal » de temps pour trouver un arrangement qui satisfasse à mes envies quelques peu perfectionnistes… Ici, quelques sources pour aller plus loin :

