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Digital Storytelling: Cos’è, come utilizzarlo nella didattica, con quali strumenti si realizza

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MyStorybook - A Good Platform for Creating Picture Books MyStorybook is a nice online tool for creating short storybooks. MyStorybook provides blank pages on which you can type, draw, and place clipart. Your storybook pages can also include pictures that you upload. A Visual Primer On Learning Theory Theories on how people learn are not new. Piaget, Bruner, Vygotsky, Skinner and others have theorized for years how it is we come to “know” things. Unlike many theories involving physics for example, it is unlikely that a single learning theory is “right,” and will ultimately prove other theories “wrong.” How people learn is complex, and any unifying theory on how it all happens that’s entirely accurate would likely be too vague to be helpful. In that way, each “theory” is more of a way to describe one truth out of many.

StoryMap JS The StoryMapJS editor uses your Google account for logging in, so that only you can edit your projects, and so that you don't need to remember another password. [ learn more ] Your StoryMap account currently has content from an older version of the StoryMap editor which will not work due to changes in the Google Drive API. In order to continue editing these older entries, please do the following: 1. Find the folder on your Google Drive called KnightLabStoryMap/public

Caricature Software This tool converts photos into cartoons in one click. It's free and easy, no registration or software download needed. Just click Open Photo to load your photo. <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="600" height="500" id="Cartoon"><param name="movie" value="Cartoon.swf" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#dddddd" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><!--[if !IE]>--><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="Cartoon2.0.swf" width="600" height="500"><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#dddddd" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><!

A Simple Guide to Creating Your First eLearning Storyboard What to know before you start: Don't begin an eLearning course without a clear path in mind; like any other effort, planning is key. For that purpose, a storyboard can come in very handy. What's a storyboard? 7 Tips To Integrate Storytelling Into Your Next eLearning Course This article will help you integrate storytelling in your eLearning design and development process in order to create a highly effective and engaging eLearning experiences for your learners. There are a number of reasons why storytelling is so effective in eLearning. Not only does it help to motivate learners and create a more immersive experience, but it also allows them to feel more emotionally connected to the subject matter. The trouble is that converting your content and topics using a storytelling strategy can be challenging, especially if you want to get maximum results from your efforts.

How to Turn Rubric Scores into Grades I have written several posts about the different types of rubrics—especially my favorite, the single-point rubric—and over time, many teachers have asked me about the most effective way to convert the information on these rubrics into points. Even if you are moving toward a no grades classroom, as a growing number of educators are, you may still be required to supply points or letter grades for student assignments. Despite the title of this post, all I can really offer here is a description of my own process. It has been refined over years of trial and error, and the only evidence I have to back up its effectiveness is that in over 10 years of teaching middle school and college, I can only recall one or two times when a student or parent challenged a grade I gave based on a rubric.

Ditch the grammar and teach children storytelling instead A report in the Times has quoted a secondary school teacher who complained that their year 7 intake no longer knew how to tell a story. “They knew what a fronted adverbial was, and how to spot an internal clause, and even what a preposition was – but when I set them a task to write a story, they broke down and cried,” reported the teacher. The fact that no importance is placed on storytelling makes me very frustrated not only because it puts so little value or emphasis on children’s creativity, but also because storytelling is more than simply an art – it is a crucial skill for life and commerce. Politicians should know this better than anyone.

5 Teaching Practices I'm Kicking to the Curb So many of us teach the way we were taught. We may not even realize we’re doing it. And that means certain practices get passed down year after year without question, methods that are such a normal part of the way we do school, we perpetuate them without realizing there are better alternatives. Today I’m going to roll out five of these for your consideration: five teaching practices used every day that are not backed by research. In many cases, these practices are not only ineffective, they can be downright harmful. A few caveats before I start: First, I have used every single one of these methods. New categories and new Templates mean a world of new options At Genially, we love to innovate. This time, our innovation will help you with all of your creations: We’ve upgraded our panel! The new categories will optimize your work when you’re looking for the Template that works best for you and the story you want to tell. Now, creating stunning interactive and animated content in Genially is easier than ever. The new categories and Templates will help you teach, present, communicate, and share better.

A Handy Interactive Visual on The Digital Storytelling Process June 24, 2014 Here is a great interactive Thinglink image on the process of digital storytelling I want to share with you today. This graphic is created by Tonia and features a wide variety of iPad apps that go with each of the stages of the digital storytelling process. Tonia used the concept of process writing (popularized by Donal Murray) to design this digital storytelling process visual.

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