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Icon Fonts are Awesome

Icon Fonts are Awesome
Because you can easily change the size Because you can easily change the color Because you can easily shadow their shape Because they can have transparent knockouts, which work in IE6 unlike alpha transparent pngs. Because you can do all the other stuff image based icons can do, like change opacity or rotate or whatever. You'll be able to do things like add strokes to them with text-stroke or add gradients/textures with background-clip: text; once browser support is a bit deeper. The icon font used on this page is Fico by Lennart Schoors then ran through IcoMoon for custom mappings. Here's a large collection of more choices. For quick usage, the code is below. How To Use To Enhance a Word Stats <h3><span aria-hidden="true" data-icon="&#x21dd;"></span> Stats </h3> How To Use for Stand Alone Icons

StateFace A font you can use in your web apps when you want tiny state shapes as a design element. It's designed to be used at small sizes, and the shapes have been highly simplified to make for a really small font. All 50 states plus D.C., Puerto Rico and a wee continental U.S. map fit in about 22k, and they look great on Retina displays.

100+ Resources for Web Developers Photo Credit: SMITHMag Update #1 – March 14, 2008 Update #2 – September 22, 2008 Translated into Italian at Geekissimo There is some amazing stuff out there on the Web–resources, tools, tricks, and tips. Problem is, as a Web developer, you spend so much of your time just keeping up with new technologies – learning, playing – and this doesn’t leave much time to go hunting for the latest and greatest tool, or for a better way of doing things.

Living with HTTPS (These are my notes from the first half of my talk at HOPE9 last weekend. I write notes like these not as a script, but so that I have at least some words ready in my head when I'm speaking. They are more conversational and less organised than a usual blog post, so please forgive me the rough edges.) HTTPS tends to cause people to give talks mocking certificate security and the ecosystem around it. Perhaps that's well deserved, but that's not what this talk is about. The Big List of Flat Icons & Icon Fonts Icon fonts are awesome. Other than the fact that they have to be single color, they are superior to using images as icons in every way. But which do you choose?

5 of the Best CSS3 Font Tools Fonts have made the most dramatic visual impact on the web since graphic support was added to browsers. A few years ago, it would be impossible to find a website using anything other than Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, Times New Roman or Georgia (or, heaven forbid, Comic Sans). While there’s nothing wrong with standard font stacks, they can become a little monotonous. Internet Explorer has supported web fonts for more than a decade but it’s taken competing browsers a little longer to catch up. Licensing is still an issue — you can’t use any commercial font — but you should be able to find one which permits web usage or is similar to your corporate style.

CSS3 Monochrome Icon Set A set of 85+ icons / glyphs created purely in CSS3 that you can use in your projects freely. These are inspired by Glyphicons and Glyphish. Related: Canvas tutorial <canvas> is an HTML element which can be used to draw graphics via scripting (usually JavaScript). This can, for instance, be used to draw graphs, combine photos, or create simple (and not so simple) animations. The images on this page show examples of <canvas> implementations which will be created in this tutorial. This tutorial describes how to use the <canvas> element to draw 2D graphics, starting with the basics. The examples provided should give you some clear ideas about what you can do with canvas, and will provide code snippets that may get you started in building your own content. First introduced in WebKit by Apple for the OS X Dashboard, <canvas> has since been implemented in browsers.

Beautiful web type — the best typefaces from the Google web fonts directory Lucius Annaeus Seneca60 AD Among the numerous faults of those who pass their lives recklessly and without due reflexion, my good friend Liberalis, I should say that there is hardly any one so hurtful to society as this, that we neither know how to bestow or how to receive a benefit. It follows from this that benefits are badly invested, and become bad debts: in these cases it is too late to complain of their not being returned, for they were thrown away when we bestowed them. Nor need we wonder that while the greatest vices are common, none is more common than ingratitude: for this I see is brought about by various causes. The first of these is, that we do not choose worthy persons upon whom to bestow our bounty, but although when we are about to lend money we first make a careful enquiry into the means and habits of life of our debtor, and avoid sowing seed in a worn-out or unfruitful soil, yet without any discrimination we scatter our benefits at random rather than bestow them.

Cosmo: A free Metro-inspired theme for Bootstrap - Bootswatch I’m pleased to announce Cosmo, a brand new Bootstrap theme inspired by Metro. Cosmo features bright colors and no-frill components reminiscent of Windows 8. You can jump right in and use it exactly like you would use standard Bootstrap. To really get the Metro look though, try using Font Awesome, sizing up your glyphicons, and combining them with the new .btn-block class.

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