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#whatshouldwecallme. Dear blank, please blank: Hilarious. Biology 101. PrimordialDesign.jpg (1738×720) L-O-V-E Makes The World Go W-E-I-R-D (11 Photos) 7 Innocent Gestures That Can Get You Killed Overseas. If you've ever had your penis cut off and/or been executed while on holiday, you'll probably know that it's easy to offend people from other cultures. Unless you learn the ways of the place you're visiting, even the most well-meaning tourist can regularly find his oesophagus stuffed with burning goat.

But surely just plain common sense and good manners will save you, right? Wrong. Extend Your Hand, Palm Outward in Greece What you think you are saying: "Phew! What you are actually saying: "Phew! What the hell? SHIT, is what we're saying here. If you really want to piss a Greek person off, you can go for the double moutza, which features both hands splayed above your head. Give the Thumbs-Up In The Middle East What you think you are saying: "Ayyyyy!

What you are actually saying: "Ayyyyy! What the hell? The thumbs-up sign has been confusing people for thousands of years. Finish Your Meal In Thailand / The Philippines / China What you think you are saying: "This is a delicious meal. Glass Half Empty. What if a glass of water was, all of a sudden, literally half empty?

Glass Half Empty

—Vittorio Iacovella The pessimist is probably more right about how it turns out than the optimist. When people say “glass half empty”, they usually mean something like a glass containing equal parts water and air: Traditionally, the optimist sees the glass as half full while the pessimist sees it as half empty. This has spawned a zillion joke variants—e.g., the engineer sees a glass that’s twice as big as it needs to be, the surrealist sees a giraffe eating a necktie, etc. But what if the empty half of the glass were actually empty—a vacuum? The vacuum would definitely not last long. Clarence ad for Buenos Aires Independent Film Festival.

Dog on slippy floor. So this is what really happened? Art & Design What if famous paintings were just a single still in a series of images?

So this is what really happened?

It can lead to a whole new, in this case humoristic idea of the original painting. Animator vs. Animation by *alanbecker on deviantART. - StumbleUpon. Some flags around the world. Human Useless Facts. Men fart an average of 17 times a day, and women fart an average of 9 times a day.

Human Useless Facts

If you fart constantly for 6 years, 9 months and 23 days you would produce enough gas to explode an atomic bomb. The longest ever penis recorded by scientists is 13.5 inches. Humans are only second to cats for having the dirtiest mouths. It takes about 40 muscles to smile, but only 4 to pull the trigger of a decent rifle. Beard hair grows at twice its usual rate when you're in a plane. Around 15 men each year have their penises chopped off by their wives and the highest proportion of men who suffer this are Italians. You use more calories eating celery than there are in celery itself. More than 2,500 left handed people are killed every year from using right handed products. Semen is one of the most fattening substances known to man. An average of 76 people a year die playing twister, and about 23 of which are through playing the nude version!

The shortest war in history was between England and Zanzibar in 1896. How to suck at your religion. Pick-Up Lines. Funny What would Beethoven say to get laid?

Pick-Up Lines