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Médias Labs

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The Local News Lab. The Local News Lab is a website launched by the Geraldine R.

The Local News Lab

Dodge Foundation to document and share our work and lessons learned around the sustainability of local journalism. Although our focus is the New Jersey news and information ecosystem, we hope that this website will serve as both a resource and hub for conversation for our journalism, media, and philanthropic colleagues wherever you may be. We want all local residents to have easy access to trustworthy, relevant, and abundant news and information. We believe that a highly-informed and highly-engaged citizenry is the foundation for a robust democracy and for vibrant communities.

The Geraldine R. Working with six pilot local news sites in New Jersey and New York City we’ll be testing new revenue models, new strategies for community engagement, and new collaborative projects to strengthen the journalism ecosystem. On the Lab we’ll report back on our findings, mull over challenges, and share the models and materials we create. Future Media Lab. Et l’AFP lancent leur laboratoire ouvert de l’innovation média : Contribuez à écrire l’avenir de la presse et des médias ! Le MediaLab. Le Medialab de l’AFP est une équipe transdisciplinaire composée de journalistes et d’ingénieurs-développeurs Le Medialab de l’AFP, issu au début des années 2000 d’une Direction du développement multimédia, explore de nouvelles pistes dans la structuration, gestion et visualisation de l'information afin de créer des contenus plus attractifs et interactifs dans une approche automatisée, multilingue et multi-écrans, des applications iPhone ou iPad à la TV connectée.

Le MediaLab

Asociación Española de Medios de Comunicación Online. DeWitt Wallace Center for Media & Democracy. Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism at CUNY Graduate School of Journalism. Avons-nous besoin d’Info Labs. Grâce aux outils de prototypage rapide à commande numérique, à du matériel et du logiciel désormais facilement bricolables, demain, un grand nombre de personnes seront en mesure de concevoir et fabriquer des objets de leur choix, passant rapidement de l’idée au modèle numérique, du modèle au prototype, voire du prototype à l’objet tangible.

Avons-nous besoin d’Info Labs

C’est l’essence même du projet des Fab Labs (Wikipédia), ces espaces de travail, ces ateliers de fabrication ouverts et accessibles à tous. Mais pourquoi s’en tenir aux objets physiques et à la matière programmable ? La complexité de la matière numérique montre qu’on gagnerait certainement à étendre le concept aux données, aux statistiques, aux algorithmes… Et faire de la matière numérique un objet d’appropriation commun, comme les Fab Labs le proposent pour le monde physique. Le Lab « ouvert » comme modèle Avec plus d’une centaine de Fab Labs dans le monde, leur relative réussite interroge. Pourquoi avons-nous besoin de Labs consacrés aux données ? Newsplex. Transmedia Lab. PrismaLabs. Medialab-Prado Madrid. - Knight News Innovation Lab. Medill - Northwestern University. MIT Media Lab. MediaLAB Amsterdam. VRT-medialab. J-Lab — Igniting news ideas that work.

Nieman Journalism Lab » Pushing to the Future of Journalism. The Editors’ Lab. The main objective of the Editors' Lab is to produce new and open journalistic tools, and to promote a culture of innovation within newsrooms. The future of quality journalism lies in constant innovation. The Editors’ Lab is a worldwide series of hackdays/workshops hosted by some of the leading newsrooms in the world, concluded by an international two-day Hackathon at the 2013 News World Summit which will gather the best teams of each Editors' Lab stop.

It's the first international hacking league for journalists! In today’s newsrooms, it’s not enough to train journalists in digital journalism or add new positions (programmers, web-designers, digital projects managers, data journalists, community journalists, etc.) to the newsroom. Too often, journalists, designers and developers are on different planets – even when they work in the same newsroom! Many civil society organisations already organize hackdays events to encourage and promote innovation in news. Contact Antoine Laurent. [nytlabs] Datajournalismelab. IRAM. Labs BBC. What is it?

Labs BBC

BBC Worldwide's Labs is a comprehensive six month programme for emerging digital media companies in the UK. Labs aims to help selected start-ups gain traction and scale by working closely with them with the objective of helping them strike a commercial partnership with BBC Worldwide. We don't take equity but rather focus on promoting innovation through mentorship and access to the varied resources of BBC Worldwide. Labs participants are given the chance to work in close contact with experts at BBC Worldwide across all divisions: from technology and content to marketing, sales, advertising and legal.

In addition, participants have access to prime office space in the Media Centre in White City, technical resources, monthly mentoring sessions and networking events - all comprising the rich BBC Worldwide ecosystem. Labs is aimed at helping a select group of companies grow and scale on a global basis, by offering a more tailored and collaborative approach. Who should apply? Sciences Po - Accueil.