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Search EOI Escuela de Organización Industrial's photostream. Experiencias de "Open Data" e Innovación Abierta. Making Worlds. The Space as Mediator. 8726. Roundtable 2: Learning by Doing. Knowledge and Learning in Community. At MLP users initiate projects or become involved as collaborators in others’ initiatives.

Roundtable 2: Learning by Doing. Knowledge and Learning in Community

Based on these concrete projects, know-how is exchanged, discussions and reflections take place, and knowledge is produced. The key lies in how to create plural learning contexts where significant interchanges take place among different fields of knowledge and different starting points including academic, professional, amateur and activist circles. Several debate topics: What conditions facilitate collaboration between experts and laymen, among persons from different disciplines, persons with different possibilities for involvement, etc? Comunicación y Educación en la era digital. Experiencias de 'Open Data' e Innovación Abierta.

En el contexto del encuentro Visualizar'11. Dani Latorre (dani_latorre) Arragonán. Mucho movimiento esta semana pasada que me pegué casi completa en Madrid, y por eso mismo la productividad no es que haya sido demasiada.


Quería aprovechar el viaje de asistir al Greach 2014 y al final estuve de Martes hasta el Sábado, tengo que agradecer a Laura Lacarra que me dejara quedarme en su casa esos días, aunque hubiera algún problemilla logístico XD. Aprovechando que están al lado de la estación de tren, el martes antes de salir para Madrid me pasé a visitar la nueva oficina donde trabajan Pablo y Francho (no sé si el nombre comercial de la empresa se puede usar ya públicamente :P), fijo que me pasaré muchas veces más, desde hace tiempo que conozco algunas cosas del proyecto y tengo ganas de ver qué van sacando.

Ya desde el AVE concreté tomar un café con Sergi Almar, aprovechando que él andaba de visita relámpago en Madrid y había algo de tiempo entre que llegaba yo y él se iba, hacía muchísimo que no nos veíamos. Desafío AbreDatos 2011. Dónde en Zaragoza. ENTREVISTA RUBEN MARTIN. Open Data @ CTIC. Por josema - Noticias - 7 May 2010 Como hemos destacado en el anterior post, se han producido novedades muy interesantes y se han presentado algunos de los proyectos en los que hemos participado activamente.

Open Data @ CTIC Nómada, blog de juan freire. Open Data Euskadi, el portal de Apertura de Datos Públicos del Gobierno Vasco. Alianzas y Colaboraciones. CTIC es miembro de las siguientes plataformas tecnológicas: Nacionales: (INES, eNEM, eMOV, eSEC y PROMETEO) Europeas: (NEM, eMobility y NESSI) ADAFA (Asociación Democrática Asturiana de Familias con Alzheimer) Convenio de Colaboración Proyecto ATLAS, Aplicación de Tecnologías Asistenciales. Medialab-Prado. Many workshops for the production of projects, conferences, seminars, encounters, project exhibition, concerts, presentations, etc. take place in its versatile space.


All activities are free and open to the general public. Our primary objective is to create a structure where both research and production are processes permeable to user participation. To that end, Medialab-Prado offers: About StudioLab project. Through a synergistic network, Studiolab is inspiring new approaches to environmental, technological and social challenges and providing a template for innovative art science collaborations.

About StudioLab project

Studiolab involves interaction between 13 leading centres of scientific research, artistic excellence and experimental design accross 12 European countries. StrandsThese partners are collaborating and working with world leading scientists, artists, and designers to pilot projects using integrated strands of incubation, education and public engagement. Incubation actions develop and strengthen ideas, bringing them from concepts to outcomes. How to participate. Open space Medialab-Prado is a free space open to the general public, so you can take part in all the activities as part of the public (presentations, debates, seminars, exhibits of projects created here, etc.)

How to participate

Occasionally, prior registration is necessary for certain activities due to space limitations. ¿A dónde vas, Madrid? e-ciudades and Cultural Politics in Madrid. > Program Our society, economy and culture are built upon interests, values, institutions and systems of representation that in general terms limit creativity, confiscate and manipulate the artist’s work and divert his energy towards a sterile confrontation and discouragement.

¿A dónde vas, Madrid? e-ciudades and Cultural Politics in Madrid

E-ciudades: ¿A dónde vas, Madrid? Debate sobre política cultural en Madrid. Programa:

e-ciudades: ¿A dónde vas, Madrid? Debate sobre política cultural en Madrid

Sankey_madrid2009_01.gif (imagem GIF, 1588×1106 pixels) - Redimensionada (57%) Presentación de Medialab-Prado. Kultur-O-Meter · Investigación sobre cultura en Madrid. About Medialab-Prado. Intermediæ: A laboratory, not a museum. Medialab prado. Laboratórios do pós-digital. Medialab Prado, Ontología / Ontology. Medialab Prado plans to become 'lab of labs' Over the past few years we’ve seen Medialab Prado in Madrid develop in to an active and exciting centre for creation that dared experimenting with many different themes (from data visualisation to urban screens) always with an approach of openness to participation.

Medialab Prado plans to become 'lab of labs'

In Virtueel Platform’s effort to keep the sector linked to interesting developments in e-culture at home and abroad, we couldn’t miss the opportunity to interview one of their programme managers, Marcos García, who visited us in 2009 with the support of Virtueel Platform’s Visitors Programme. Our Spanish intern Carlos skyped Marcos recently, to find out how the Medialab is operating in the current cultural and political climate in Spain and to find out more about its plans to become 'a lab of labs'. English. Labtolab - dia a dia. Estive em Madrid em Junho para participar do Labtolab, encontro de medialabs europeus (com muitos convidados latinoamericanos).

Labtolab - dia a dia

Has temporarily moved to Intermediæ Matadero Madrid. Intermediae · HOME. Intermediæ: Matadero little history. Intermediae opened its doors in February 2007, occupying part of what used to be the refrigeration building at the former Matadero (slaughterhouse), upon completion of the work by architects Arturo Franco and Fabrice Van Teslaar in collaboration with interior architect Diego Castellanos. Since its beginnings, the Arganzuela slaughterhouse and livestock market was an open project meant to grow. With a surface area of 165,415 square meters, the project by municipal architect Luis Bellido was structured around a set of pavilions used for various purposes and services: management and administration, livestock markets, the health section, garages, stables, and even railroad service.

After the Civil War, new uses were planned and a potato storage warehouse was built in 1940, which was converted into a greenhouse in 1992. A conversation with Juan Freire on Medialab-Prado. 9247. A conversation with Comunes Collective on Medialab-Prado. Comunes collective. Kune: a web tool to encourage collaboration, content sharing and free culture. Move Commons. Bem-vindo. Pensar la mediación. Qué mediación. What is mediation? Who mediates? Between who and whom? What does it promote? We propose to start these encounters reading a text: The Just. Ethics of Collective Intelligence by French philosopher Pierre Levy. Making Worlds: Mediating Practices in the Network Society. > Presentation> Context> Program> Blog> Registration Presentation "Newspapers, political parties, museums… We see it everyday, it’s even a commonplace: traditional intermediaries are in crisis.

Internet Laboratories: Debate Sessions. Photo by CCCB. Photographer: Carlos Cazurro. Master DIWO. MasterDIWO es un proyecto independiente y nómada de aprendizaje autodirigido y colaborativo, que reflexiona desde la práctica cultural y contextual de las mediaciones culturales. El proyecto, que nace de una detección compartida de ciertas carencias (estructurales y de contenido) en el sistema educativo formal/institucional, tiene como objetivo facilitar la creación de una pequeña comunidad en torno a unos intereses comunes, y de paso fomentar las relaciones colaborativas en torno al proceso de aprendizaje. Master’s degree in Communication, Culture and Digital Citizenship (CCCD) > Presentation> Learning itinerary> Admission and registration> Faculty> FAQ Presentation. MásterDIWO. Tíscar Lara. My name is Tíscar Lara and I am the Vice Dean of Digital Culture of Spain’s School of Industrial Organization (EOI, Escuela de Organización Industrial).

I have been teaching digital literacy, educational technology and means of communication for over ten years in official centres for teachers’ education and in several postgraduate programmes in different Spanish universities. From 2004 to September of 2009 I have been a lecturer in Journalism for the Universidad Carlos III of Madrid. In addition to my BA in Journalism and my PhD studies in Multimedia, I hold an MA in Educational Television and an Expert Diploma in Artistic Education (all from the Universidad Complutense of Madrid), as well as an MA in ESL by the UIMP-Cervantes that I will complete this year. My research interests are related to digital communication and the educational use of information and communication technologies, especially within the context of free knowledge and open culture.

More information: Team. Former Cultural Mediators and Interns at Medialab-Prado. Coleção: Mediación cultural. Site. Commons Lab. Visualizar. Data Visualization is a transversal discipline which harnesses the immense power of visual communication in order to explain, in an understandable manner, the relationships of meaning, cause and dependency which can be found among the great abstract masses of information generated by scientific and social processes. The Visualizar project, directed by José Luis de Vicente, is conceived as an open and participatory research project around theory, tools and strategies of information visualization. Visualizar has the support of Bestiario, whose members have collaborated actively in every edition up to date. AVLAB. Digital Facade. Led Action Facade / Langarita Navarro Arquitectos.

Technical Information on the Digital Façade. Interactivos? Interactivos?'12 Nuvem - Autonomics: Rural Science. Call for Projects. Nuvem - Visconde de Maua/RJ. Interactivos?'10 Belo Horizonte: High End Low Tech (closed call) Interactivos? '10 BH. Vivo ARTE.MOV. M+lab 2012 > prototipando futuros. Inclusiva-net. Multimedia archive. Qué es. 7229. MediaLab_Prado. Follow Us. Medialabprado (medialabprado) Inclusiva-net - Bienvenidos al blog de Inclusiva-net / Welcome to the Inclusiva-net blog. Blog de Medialab-Prado - Thinking and Doing Medialab-Prado. Streaming of the activities. WIki Main Page. Visualizar '11. Medialab-Prado. MediaLab Prado Madrid. Medialab_prado's Photostream. Visualizar'11 - Flickr: Search.

Collection: Visualizar'11: Comprender las infraestructuras.