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29-31 jlt 2021 Des produits toxiques dissimulés dans les cosmétiques. 29 juillet 2021 à 09h14, Mis à jour le 31 juillet 2021 à 11h50.

29-31 jlt 2021 Des produits toxiques dissimulés dans les cosmétiques

De l’amiante encore détecté dans des produits cosmétiques, dont le talc pour bébé par Nolwenn Weiler 23 juin 2020. Texte de la pétition: Cleaning Products Are as Unhealthy as Cigarettes - Demand Proper Labeling! Replay On n'est plus des pigeons ! - Nos produits ménagers sont-ils toxiques ? - France tv slash. Les produits ménagers industriels contribuent à la pollution de l’air intérieur. Replay Cash Investigation - Plastique, la grande intox - France 2. Does Your Laundry Detergent Contain 5 Common Carcinogens. You may be getting more than you bargained for when you wash your clothes.

Does Your Laundry Detergent Contain 5 Common Carcinogens

That’s because many commercial laundry detergents contain toxic carcinogens. And, you may be exposing yourself to these cancer-causing chemicals every time you do the laundry or wear the clothes you’ve washed. Tampax: divulguez ce qui entre dans vos produits et éliminez-en le RoundUp! Si un médecin vous disait qu'un produit hygiénique que vous utilisez couramment, un produit en contact avec vos parties les plus intimes de surcroît, contenait un herbicide cancérogène, vous seriez terrifiée, n'est-ce pas?

Tampax: divulguez ce qui entre dans vos produits et éliminez-en le RoundUp!

Eh bien c'est ce qu'une nouvelle étude nous apprend! Au moins 85% des tampons étudiés contenaient du glyphosate, mieux connu sous l'appellation commerciale que lui a donnée Monsanto: RoundUp. Tell Congress: Vote for Chemical Safety! Your nail polish might come with a coating of harmful health effects. Attention !!! poisons d'usages courants. Beauty Products May Be Slowly Killing You. Scientists from four institutions (Harvard School of Public Health, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, and University of Michigan School of Public Health) have come to the same conclusion as the Swedish researchers I reported on in Lipstick or Diabetes? The personal care products sold to us as body- and beauty-enhancing aids are contributing to the sharp increase in diabetes. The new study analyzed urine samples from 2,350 women, aged 20 to 80. Participants were part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey between 2001 and 2008.

Even after controlling for sociodemographic, behavioral and dietary factors, the researchers found that women with more phthalates in their urine were more likely to have reported diabetes. Those with the highest level of two phthalates (mono-benzyl and mono-isobutyl) in their urine had twice the risk of diabetes of those with the lowest levels.

Oops: Illegal carcinogen found in nearly 100 shampoos. You’d think that something you buy at the grocery store and slather on your head would be tested to make sure it won’t kill you.

Oops: Illegal carcinogen found in nearly 100 shampoos

Or at least that it wouldn’t include a suspected carcinogen banned in at least one state. Unfortunately, you’d be wrong. Amanda Just of Ecorazzi writes: The Center for Environmental Health, based in Oakland, California, did some independent laboratory tests on 98 shampoos and soaps to determine if they contained cocamide diethanolamine, also known as cocamide DEA, a chemical that is outlawed in the state of California because it is possibly carcinogenic to humans. The ingredient is a chemically modified form of coconut oil that acts as thickener or foaming agent.Some of the products that contain high levels of the illegal chemical are sold under well-known companies such as Colgate Palmolive, Paul Mitchell, and Prell. Makes you wanna join the no-’poo movement, doesn’t it? Top 10 Toxic Beauty Ingredients to Avoid. Many of the beauty supplies on store shelves contain toxic ingredients.

Top 10 Toxic Beauty Ingredients to Avoid

Here are 10 of the worst toxic beauty ingredients in those bottles. There are really two major problems with toxic beauty ingredients: they impact our health and they impact the environment. Our skin is great at absorbing, which means products that we put on our skin also end up inside of our bodies. When we wash those products off, they go down the drain and enter the water supply, polluting waterways and harming wildlife. Related Reading: The Dangers of Triclosan and How to Avoid it Until we see real chemical reform, it’s up to us as consumers to suss out toxic beauty ingredients and make healthier choices.

C'est l'histoire d'un monde obsédé par le materiel . Crèmes solaires : des indices de protection trompeurs - Maxisciences. Is Your Bra Harming Your Health? “To Bra or Not to Bra?”

Is Your Bra Harming Your Health?

That’s the question medical anthropologists Sydney Ross Singer and Soma Grismaijer, are asking. They’ve been studying the connection between bras and women’s health for twenty years. Some of you may recall their book Dressed to Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras. They found that wearing bras can make breasts droopy and stretched out, cause cysts, pain, and possibly even cancer. Years ago they conducted a study in which they found that bras are linked to breast cancer. The lymphatic system is the body’s “waste disposal system” which moves lymph fluid around the whole body collecting up debris and toxins found in the tissues so it can be eliminated. Their research shows that women who go bra-free have about the same incidence of breast cancer as men, which is extremely low. Additional Harvard studies along with Chinese and Venezuelan research have confirmed their findings.

Et les porter, est-ce si anodin ? Les enfants de plus en plus exposés à des neurotoxiques. 11 toxiques répandus dans l'environnement sont dangereux pour le développement du cerveau.

Les enfants de plus en plus exposés à des neurotoxiques

Les lingettes et laits de toilettes représenteraient un danger pour les bébés. Des produits nocifs.

Les lingettes et laits de toilettes représenteraient un danger pour les bébés

Convince SC Johnson: stop keeping fragrances secret. Uvestérol :un complément empoisonné pour vos enfants  125 Commentaires et 0 tweets Un lecteur m’écrit :« Comme de nombreux parents soucieux de leur progéniture, je donnais joyeusement la vitamine D quotidienne (l’UVESTEROL, prescrit par notre pédiatre) Quand vint le jour ou une question me tarauda l’esprit… que contient-elle exactement?

Uvestérol :un complément empoisonné pour vos enfants 

Quels en sont les excipients? Or, la boite n’indique que de l’Ergocalciférol dans la composition ». Pour répondre à cette question, je me suis rendu sur la page et j’y ai obtenu la vraie liste.Vous êtes bien assis ? Put Kids First!