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Boson de Higgs. CERN celebrates as Higgs signal reaches significance. Today, in two seminars held at CERN, the European center for physics announced evidence that the elusive Higgs particle has finally been discovered.

CERN celebrates as Higgs signal reaches significance

Physics' Standard Model describes the fundamental particles that make up all matter, like quarks and electrons, as well as the particles that mediate their interactions through forces like electromagnetism and the weak force. Back in the 1960s, theorists extended the model to incorporate what has become known as the Higgs mechanism, which provides many of the particles with mass.

One consequence of the Standard Model's version of the Higgs is that there should be a force-carrying particle, called a boson, associated with the Higgs field. “We’ve observed a new particle”: leaked video reveals Higgs confirmation. "We've observed a new particle.

“We’ve observed a new particle”: leaked video reveals Higgs confirmation

" That's the opening statement in a video featuring Joe Incandela, the spokesman for the Large Hadron Collider's CMS detector. The video, first spotted by ScienceNews, was publicly accessible on the CERN website earlier today, but has now apparently been pulled. Electronic Configuration of Elements. Quantum theory rationalized the existence of and arrangement of all elements in today's Periodic Table.

Electronic Configuration of Elements

It has also been applied to explain their chemical properties. In order to fill the electrons in various atomic orbitals, we need to know how the energy levels vary as the nuclear charge increases. For hydrogen-like atoms, the approximate energy levels are as indicated below: The shielding effect and electron-electron interactions cause the energy levels of subshells such as 2s & 2p to be different from those of H-like atoms.

This is done by treating the electron shield cores as a proton but the core has an effective nuclear charge Z. Build an Atom. Energy Levels in the Periodic Table. The number of electrons in each energy level is displayed on the periodic table.

Energy Levels in the Periodic Table

The number of elements in each row shows how many electrons it takes to fill each level. Hydrogen and helium are in the first row, or period, on the periodic table. Therefore, the first energy level can have a total of two electrons. The second energy level can have eight electrons. The International Linear Collider will be a Higgs factory. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is currently undergoing upgrades that will allow it to finally reach its intended top energy of 14TeV.

The International Linear Collider will be a Higgs factory

When it comes back online, researchers will use it to probe the properties of the Higgs boson it discovered and to continue the search for particles beyond those described by the Standard Model. But no matter how many Higgs particles pop out of the machine, there's a limit to how much we can discover there. That's because the hadrons it uses create messy collisions that are hard to characterize.

The solution to this is to switch to leptons, a class of particles that includes the familiar electron. Leptons present their own challenges but allow for clean collisions at precise energies, allowing the machine to produce little beyond the intended particles. Hadrons vs. leptons Hadrons like the proton are composed of a mixture of quarks, gluons, and virtual particles. Since leptons don't like running in circles, the solution is to build a linear collider.

Two accelerators find signs of a particle that nobody can explain. Two different accelerators have found evidence for a particle that appears to contain four quarks, according to papers published in Physical Review Letters.

Two accelerators find signs of a particle that nobody can explain

Although particles with two and three quarks are common, this would be the first time that something containing four quarks has been spotted. Your Mass is NOT from Higgs Boson. Boson de Higgs: "nous pouvons espérer résoudre l'énigme en 2012" > Nucléaire. À l'occasion d'un séminaire qui s'est tenu mardi au Centre européen pour la recherche nucléaire (CERN), les responsables des projets ATLAS et CMS ont présenté l'avancement de leur recherche du boson de Higgs du Modèle standard.

Boson de Higgs: "nous pouvons espérer résoudre l'énigme en 2012" > Nucléaire

Leurs résultats s'appuient sur l'analyse d'un volume de données beaucoup plus grand que les résultats présentés lors des conférences d'été. Cette accumulation de données permet de marquer un progrès sensible dans la quête du boson de Higgs, mais ne suffit pas pour trancher sur l'existence ou la non-existence de cette insaisissable particule. One weird theory could make anti-gravity and faster-than-light travel possible. "Famously, physicist John Reed noted in 2006 that some parts of the theory don't yield the exact quantities that Heim claimed they did, only to reverse his opinion the next year and publicly say he believed that Heim was onto something.

One weird theory could make anti-gravity and faster-than-light travel possible

" More recently, Reed came to the conclusion that Heim's theory wasn't deriving the particle masses, but using them as inputs and then regurgitating them. (Among other evidence, it gives correct masses for particles whose masses were known in 1947, but not for those discovered later. "I think I have some idea of what Heim did now. (I tried to link to the discussion on physforum where he wrote this, but the comment was flagged as spam.)