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Homework before Planning a Marketing Campaign. A student researching on business slogan chanced upon 7 Famous Slogans of 20th Century at this blog.

Homework before Planning a Marketing Campaign

He was quite fascinated that the Maxwell Coffee’s slogan is already 100 years old. He left me an email inquiring where and how do I do my research on slogans. There is no secret. I read hard copy books I borrowed from the library or browsed at Borders or Kinokuniya bookstores. I used the top search engines to reach the archives of advertising agencies, universities, reviews, interviews and even free-content encyclopedia. This is critical when you are planning for a marketing campaign. Ad Exchanges Unclothed 07/25/2014. One of the worst-kept secrets in digital advertising is that although everyone talks about exchange buying and selling, with its alphabet soup of offspring such as RTB, DSP, SSP, DMP, remnant inventory, premium reserved and Joe Zawadzki, nobody really has a clue what they are talking about.

Ad Exchanges Unclothed 07/25/2014

We all know it has something to do with buying and selling digital ad inventory, but we are not at all sure how it all fits together and what to do when the paper feeder jams. Thousands of words have been expended in "thought leadership" columns, on conference panels, in company blogs and in PowerPoints to try and clarify, yet we still get that uncertain, I-can't-see-my-parents-in-the-mall gut feeling whenever the subject comes back around. Who better to set the record straight than me?

When you want to buy some ad inventory, if it's on TV, you call a guy who takes you to a $1,000 dinner, a Yankees game and a couple of Broadway shows, and your ad runs. 5 Tips For Creating Powerful Advertising — Ad Savvy. Advertising is the business of telling stories.

5 Tips For Creating Powerful Advertising — Ad Savvy

TV commercials tell us a story – the latest Nike Mercurial Vapor IV ad tells us how the new Nike boots help make professional footballers faster. Print ads – and online ads – are no different. 5 Free Tools: Low-Budget Content Marketing Campaign. How To Write Killer Google AdWords Ads. Google Content Network Ads. Google Content Network Ads. How To Write Killer Google AdWords Ads. 9 Tips to Write Effective Google AdWords Copy. If you are doing Pay-Per-Click Advertising for some time, you have probably figured that your Ad Copy plays a vital role in the success of your PPC campaign.

9 Tips to Write Effective Google AdWords Copy

Even after having your best keywords & a very compelling sales copy – your PPC campaign may fail. And among many reasons, the one that I’m going to elaborate on is your Ad Copy. Sometimes we tend to forget that no matter how technical the whole PPC gets with things like Quality Score, Campaign Optimization etc. – An Ad Copy is still just an Ad Copy. It has much less technicality and if you can keep it plain and simple, it would probably work best for you. 3 Ways Merging Google AdWords & Analytics Can Improve PPC Results - SEW. Integrating Google AdWords and Google Analytics makes for a data rich experience.

3 Ways Merging Google AdWords & Analytics Can Improve PPC Results - SEW

You can use this data to go into a second level of PPC advertising analysis beyond the impressions, clicks, conversions, etc., found in AdWords to see more deeply how campaigns are impact other media and paid search user behavior. Here are three examples of how combining Google AdWords and Analytics can help improve the performance of your paid search campaigns. 1. 15 Ways to Promote a Blog Post Right After You Publish It. 10 Smartest Things You Can Do to Promote Your New Blog. Promote Your Blog - Blogger Help. The 3 Types of Content Every Social Media Marketing Campaign Should Have - Learn To Be Heard. We’ve all heard some version of the following… “Content drives engagement.”

The 3 Types of Content Every Social Media Marketing Campaign Should Have - Learn To Be Heard

“It’s the glue that holds together your community.” “It drives people to buy what you’re selling.” All true… …but not necessarily helpful on their own. Especially given the fact that the hard part is usually figuring out how “creating content” translates into an overall strategy. First off, it helps to first understand that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. That does not mean, however, that you should just create content without any kind of guiding framework. To do this, most people categorize content by format (ie blog, infographic, video, etc). Although totally logical, I find this approach can lead to creating the same kind of content over and over again without much thought as to its overall business purpose. Another way to approach this problem is to separate content into three categories: Original, co-created, and curated.

How to Build a Business Using Paid and Free Content. Common Google AdWords Mistakes and How to Avoid Them. It happens all too often.

Common Google AdWords Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

You get turned on to the wonders of advertising through Google AdWords, only to have a hastily organized campaign run up thousands of dollars worth of clicks. You have no idea how you're going to pay for those clicks, and you don't have any sales to show for your trouble. AdWords can be an amazing sales-generator. The wonder of the tool, though, shouldn't detract from the cold-hard marketing math behind producing an ad that not only produces clicks but also sales.

Building a Successful Google Campaign from Scratch. The Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords, 3rd Edition What keywords will you use to reach your market?

Building a Successful Google Campaign from Scratch

Answering that question the right way can spell the difference between your Google ad campaign's success and failure. Ultimately you're out to hunt down the top one or two keywords that will bring you the most paying customers, and tweak your entire sales process around that. That's what the most successful advertisers we know are doing now.

A Look at Pay-Per-Click Tools for Small Businesses. If you need help managing your paid-search marketing efforts, consider this comparison of four options for business owners.

A Look at Pay-Per-Click Tools for Small Businesses

Managing online paid-search-term campaigns can be like water torture for a small-business owner: A slow drip of tedium, choosing keywords and deciding what to pay for each on services like Google AdWords and Microsoft adCenter. For the uninitiated, paid-search campaigns involve advertisers paying a fee, usually based on clicks or views, to have their links placed high on search-engine results pages. They typically bid on keywords or keyword phrases. Users can find themselves guessing at the words those searching for your products or services might enter into Google, Bing, Yahoo or other search engine. All for the prospect of having your short bit of linked copy appear across the top and on the right side of a web-search results page.