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Jessica Morgan is a Content Curator and Brand Strategist at TaskQue – an online task management software that simplifies project management process with its user-friendly and powerful features set. She has penned down many articles related to productivity tips, leadership, project management.

Do It Yourself (D.I.Y) How to Become a SEO Expert? - {Infographics} -Dubai Monsters. Every business today has the online presence in form of a website, and every business wants to generate as many clicks on its website as possible, that could result into subscribers and customers.

Do It Yourself (D.I.Y) How to Become a SEO Expert? - {Infographics} -Dubai Monsters

Clicks are generated through online traffic. Consistent online traffic provides you the freedom to spend time in ease and concentrate on the overall business expansion, by not letting you worry about online sales. This is the reality for online businesses today, as each strive to become better in terms of SEO rankings and to gain better organic results for better online visibility. But a doing professional SEO is not easy, and doesn’t even happen overnight. If you are doing it yourself, then this infographic will serve as an iconic guide for you. Firstly, SEO is not a process that revolves around few basic principles. 4 Tips for first-time Entrepreneurs - Computer Amp. This year was a major one for me.

4 Tips for first-time Entrepreneurs - Computer Amp

My salary quadrupled, my workload diminished and business extended smoother than I could have envisioned. Social Media Managers! Avoid These Instagram Marketing Mistakes -Branex Official Blog. 4 Productivity Hacks for Women Entrepreneurs to achieve heights. How to Get a Verified Twitter Account: Guide for Businesses -Dubai Monsters. What Highly Successful Entrepreneurs Do to Optimize their Daily Schedule – Story Standards Guide. Do you know how uber successful entrepreneurs stay organized and optimize their daily schedule to stay more productive?

What Highly Successful Entrepreneurs Do to Optimize their Daily Schedule – Story Standards Guide

They follow a daily schedule to stay organized and focused throughout the day. When you have so many tasks on your to-do list, chances are, you may feel overwhelmed, and find it difficult to get started. But when you have a daily schedule, it will help you to structure your day and help you maintain your focus and get more tasks done in less time. In fact, the key to success is not prioritizing what is on your task list, but to schedule your priorities. A study conducted by Atlassian suggests that more than 40% of time at work is spent unproductively. Here are some key tips for improving your schedule and boost your productivity levels. Planning Out in Advance. How Task Management Software Can Enhance Your Team Productivity? - Copychristian. Every business wants their employees to be productive.

How Task Management Software Can Enhance Your Team Productivity? - Copychristian

With the attention span of your employees at an all time low and so many distractions such as useless meetings, emails, social mhhnedia and conflicts between different departments, it can be extremely difficult to achieve higher productivity levels. 24 Free Apps To Help You Change Your Habits. I have a lot of things I want to accomplish in the upcoming year.

24 Free Apps To Help You Change Your Habits

Some of them are really small things (like learning to make hash browns, a breakfast food that has confounded me for years) and some are really big, like learning to live a more minimalist life. In the past, I have begun each new year with great intentions but found following through really difficult—like many of those who create goals for the new year. Where Should You Spend Your Time on Social Media? 5 Tips to Maximize Your Reach - MeetEdgar Blog. By now, you may have discovered there are tons of articles about how often you should post your social media updates, or even the ideal times to post.

Where Should You Spend Your Time on Social Media? 5 Tips to Maximize Your Reach - MeetEdgar Blog

(Both are super useful things if you’re planning a social media automation queue.) But there’s not a lot about where you should post. Expert blogs and articles are almost entirely focused on tactics for posting to each of the “Top 5” platforms – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Instagram – which is still cool and useful! In other words: There’s not much about which social media platforms actually matter. Productivity Secrets of High-Performance Employees at Google & Apple. These Tips Can Maximize Your Chances of Project Management Success – Hong East. While the end result of a project is definitely due to the efforts and dedication of the entire team, but the effectiveness and leadership of a project manager can undoubtedly influence the success or failure of any project, no matter big or small.

These Tips Can Maximize Your Chances of Project Management Success – Hong East

Sometimes the situation comes when you don’t have control over your team, the only variable you can control is your efforts being a project manager. Improving your skills and expertise as a project manager is one of the greatest ways to make sure your project successfully accomplish its goals. Developing effective excellent project management skills takes time, efforts, dedication and lots of hard work. Here is a list of proven and effective project management principles that you can start using as they are vital for making any project a huge success. Implement them into your everyday routine and increase your chances of getting more success and achievements. Let’s dive in. Must-Know Website Design Tips for Young Entrepreneurs.

As a young Entrepreneur, you probably are very excited about your business success.

Must-Know Website Design Tips for Young Entrepreneurs

This is because the digital landscape has provided a medium for all the young minds to market their ideas and earn some bucks from it. But with so much of competition, it is nearly difficult to shine out there. This is why an Entrepreneur needs to wear different hats while establishing his venture. One of these hats is being a website designer. How to Create a Compelling Facebook Post that Converts -Branex Official Blog. So, you just published a post on your Facebook page and hoping to get maximum clicks, likes and comments.

How to Create a Compelling Facebook Post that Converts -Branex Official Blog

Creating a remarkable Facebook post can sometimes feel like a mystery. Many digital marketers want to increase their brand reach and audience engagement by creating a perfect Facebook post. But does the perfect Facebook post even exist? There are many things that can create an engaging yet perfect Facebook post – visuals, catchy headlines, text, perfect timing and much more. Since there is no standard formula for creating a compelling Facebook post, but you can test out some strategies and tips and create Facebook post that works best for your brand. The 10 Biggest Misconceptions about Remote Work. “One of the secret benefits of using remote workers is that the work itself becomes the yardstick to judge someone’s performance.” – Jason Fried – Entrepreneur Remote work’s demand is increasing astronomically.

The 10 Biggest Misconceptions about Remote Work

Believe it or not, majority of the employees want to have a sound sleep and work from the comfort of their homes rather than getting tired and losing precious time while commuting. According to a Gallup survey, 37% of the US labor force works remotely and this number is witnessing a steady rise. Yet there exist a lot of misconceptions and fallacies about the concept of working from home or remote workers. In this blog, I will list ten of the most common and biggest misunderstandings people have about employees working from remote location or from home.

A Timeline of UAE's Major Milestones Achieved In The Past 45 Years - Infographics -Dubai Monsters. Interview With The Project Risk Coach : Carlos Pampliega. Read The Good News That Snap Inc. Is So Excited About? -Branex Official Blog. 7 Features That Makes TaskQue the Best Task Management System. In today’s rapidly evolving business world, multitasking is the order of the day. Managing several tasks at once takes some doing that too without messing up anyone of them. Add to that the problems of inconsistent communication, poor team collaboration and inability to take right decisions at the right time, managers have a stiff challenge on their hands. That is where a task management system comes to their rescue and let you manage tasks and projects more efficiently. If you want task management, software that offers you a perfect blend of features, usability and customization options, then look no further than TaskQue.

With its focus on productivity, you can easily get more done in less time and with fewer resources with TaskQue. Here are seven unique features that make TaskQue, the best task management system around. 1 . 13 Awesome Hacks to Master Self-Discipline and Reach Your Goals. How to Increase Productivity: Tips to Be Productive. Project Management Recruitment Specialist Ms. Lindsay Scott Interview. Lindsay Scott is a very renowned name in project management community as she has been running her project management recruitment agency with the name Arras People for 15 years now, she is serving the community through arranging different events such as social meetups and PMO Mini-MasterClasses with the group named PMO Flashmob.

It has always remained pretty challenging for hirers to recruit right talent and resource for such high position but Lindsay Scott has solved this problem by “Arras People” through delivering to their promise of providing best resources for 15 years now. She remains fully updated with happenings and changing realms of project management world. She has been best at her work because she loves what she does and has found special interest in programme and project management office area of project management. TaskQue: You have done BSC in Psychology how did you end up in the project management field? How Big Data helped Branex UAE to get featured in Neil Patel blog -Branex Official Blog. In the fourth quarter of the year 2012, Wal-Mart was generating 2.5 petabytes of data to around 1 million customers every hour.

In the same year, Facebook managed to circulate 2.5 billion pieces of content, 2.7 billion likes, and 300 million photos upload each day. While most of the small businesses still don’t understand the power of Big Data, Branex AE managed to grab the attention of Neil Patel when we shared this detailed infographic on our blog. Source: Here are five small things you can do to leverage your brand with Big Data: 1) Explore Trends on Google. Critical Thinking Skills: How to Use Them to Enhance Productivity. Critical thinking is basically the skill that separates effective business professionals from rest. A professional who can think fast and well has far more mental resources for effective performance than his colleagues who lack good thinking skills. When you are well-equipped with critical thinking tools, many benefits inevitably follow. You are able to recognize many thinking flaws, identify what’s good or bad for your company, communicate persuasively, manage difficult employees and tough situations and much more.

Critical thinking is focused, accurate and objective, continually analyzing the thinking process itself. It is basically thinking with a purpose – a real purpose. Complete projects within deadline and the given budget with our intelligent task management software. Facebook Messenger is Helping Companies to Increase their Revenue. Agile Coach And Co-Creator of PMI ACP Agile Certification, Jesse Fewell. You probably find so many business professionals in the project management community but only few of them are actually committed to their profession.

Jesse Fewell is one of them. Jesse is passionate to train managers, empowers teams and explores the secrets of success of organizations. He has been coaching agile methods since long. He is an inspiring speaker for Scrum, Agile and PMI conferences. He is the founder of PMI Agile community of Practice. 12 Powerful Amazon Marketing Tools the World is Still Unaware of -Branex Official Blog. 12 Clever Ways to Give Negative Feedback in a More Constructive Way. Traits for the effective leaders of today ARTENET Article Directory is an online article directory for both publishers and authors. Successful leaders own the power of a pharaoh for their respective organizations. They are the visionaries who are in charge to steer their brands towards immortality of popularity and customer’s trust. These are the people who know when and how to seize the right opportunities and put them to work that is in their company’s favor. Newton’s Mystic Laws of Productivity they forgot to mention.

6 Ways to Promote Transparency at Work. How to Write Irresistible Headlines? -Dubai Monsters. Success for Any Business is Great Customer Experience. Period! How Social Media Can Boost Your Marketing Automation Efforts? - Infographics -Branex Official Blog. How Social Media Can Boost Your Marketing Automation Efforts? - Infographics -Branex Official Blog. 6 Key Elements of Effective Task Management - Webbiscuits. Project management is a vital tool that helps organizations plan their projects and their requirements. However, if a project management strategy is built without the solid foundation of task management, then consider it made on the sand where the waves hit after every minute. Projects begin with a plan, but without a proper one managing, the remaining responsibilities would be nearly impossible. Land Your Dream Job in Digital Marketing: Here is What You Need to Know -Dubai Monsters.

4 Simple Tips for Improving Business Efficiency. Gear up Saharan-African SMEs, Startup Battlefield Africa is about to begin -Branex Official Blog. Some Surefire Ways to Handle Hard to Manage Employees - NewsBia. How to Write Ridiculously Good Emails -Dubai Monsters. A Brief Introduction of Agile Project Management Methodology. The agile management, agile project management or simply agile is a methodology that refers to an iterative, incremental model, which is ideal for dynamic working environments. Whether it is a company undertaking a project, software house working or different projects or an organization. It focuses on bringing drastic and constant improvements, flexibility and delivery of result in the desired time period. 7 Tools to Get the Best Out of Snapchat -Dubai Monsters. Team Management Skills They Do Not Teach in B-Schools - HR in ASIA. When I was starting out in business school just like others, I used to dream big. Top 8 Video Editing Software in 2017 -Branex Official Blog.

14 Free Business Tools to Make Your Startup more Successful in 2017. Being an entrepreneur, it is imperative that you must be equipped with an in-depth knowledge of the major variables, in the both internal and external environments, that will help you enhance your business’s growth. How Business Leaders Use 5 Hour Rule For Deliberate Learning? Penetration Testing: Does Your Company Really Need It? -Dubai Monsters.

How Task Management Software Can Enhance Your Team Productivity? - Copychristian. How to Write Instagram Captions That Drive Sales? -Branex Official Blog. Business Process Management and its impact Over Organizational Productivity. 20 Email Marketing Stats Useful for Digital Marketers - Dubai Monsters InfographicDubai Monsters. 8 Lesser Known Secrets of Effective Time Management. Emojis - the best thing that has happened in the digital ageDubai Monsters. LinkedIn Etiquettes - Common Reputation-Damaging Activities That You Must AvoidBranex Official Blog. Task Management Systems: 7 Advantages.

Last August, a woman arrived at a Reno, Nevada, hospital and told the attending doctors that she had recently returned from an extended trip to India, where she had broken her right thighbone two years ago. The woman, who was in her 70s, had subsequently developed an infection in her thigh and hip for which she was hospitalized in India several times. The Reno doctors recognized that the infection was serious—and the visit to India, where antibiotic-resistant bacteria runs rampant, raised red flags. When none of the 14 antibiotics the physicians used to treat the woman worked, they sent a sample of the bacterium to the U.S.

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for testing. The CDC confirmed the doctors’ worst fears: the woman had a class of microbe called carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE). 10 Of The Best Apps for Task Management. Set up Your Own Business in Dubai with these Amazing Hacks -Dubai Monsters. Bad Workplace habits to eliminate right now - Magazine, News for Business, Education, Fashion, Lifestyle, Education. Best PM Selling book " The Lazy Project Manager" Author Sir Peter Taylor. 3-Step Process to Eliminate Stress and Frustration at work. Best Time To Post On Facebook, Twitter and Instagram -Dubai Monsters. 7 Important Features That Every Task Management Software Must HaveThe Strong Article. How to Become Rich in Dubai -Dubai Monsters. Revealing Best Business Advice from 8 Successful Entrepreneurs. Creating a Personal Branding Strategy in 9 Easy Steps - Infographics -Dubai Monsters.

Creating a Personal Branding Strategy in 9 Easy Steps - Infographics -Dubai Monsters. A Complete Guide to Popular Image File Formats and their Uses - Infographics -Branex Official Blog. A Complete Guide to Popular Image File Formats and their Uses - Infographics -Branex Official Blog. 5 Habits of Remarkably Successful Marketers.

Learn About the Life of Mark Zuckerberg, the 5th Richest Person in the World -Branex Official Blog. Balance Your Hard and Soft Skills to Make Your Next Project a Huge Success. 4 Ridiculously Simple Ways To Achieve More In Less Time. Facebook Badges - Let your Politicians Know Who You Are? -Branex Official Blog. 7 Insightful Business lessons we can extract from football stadiums -Dubai Monsters. 6 Key Elements of Effective Task Management - Webbiscuits. Social Media Marketing Predictions that Came True for 2017 - Infographics -Dubai Monsters. Roadmap to a Successful Digital Marketing Strategy -Branex Official Blog.

8 Secrets of Michael Dell’s Extraordinary Business Success. 10 Tips for Writing a Compelling Ad Copy that Boosts Clicks & Conversions - Dubai MonstersDubai Monsters. Time Management Techniques to Boost Productivity. Time Management Techniques to Boost Productivity. Business Directory - Products, Articles, Companies. The Role of a Project Manager in Managing the 4 Stages of Team Productivity. Bad Workplace habits to eliminate right now - Magazine, News for Business, Education, Fashion, Lifestyle, Education. The Role of a Project Manager in Managing the 4 Stages of Team Productivity. 7 Instagram Mistakes Digital Marketing Managers Should Never Make - Dubai MonstersDubai Monsters. 7 Habbits of Highly Successful Managers Worldwide Taskque. How to use Google Maps Dubai to avoid traffic congestion?Branex Official Blog.

How can Task Management Software help your business? TaskQue Embraces Slack and Launches Its Android App. Upcoming Projects in Dubai that will Take Your Breath Away. Top 10 Workplace Productivity Killers & How To Neutralize Them. Most productive hours for entrepreneurs - HatchFest. Advantages of Online Task Management Tool that cannot be ignored - abcrnews.

Leave Multitasking Woes Behind With Personal Kanban Taskque. How to Advertise On Facebook?: A Step By Step Guide -Dubai Monsters. Figuring out Fixed vs. Growth Mindset to Excel in your Professional Life - Figuring out Fixed vs. Growth Mindset to Excel in your Professional Life - Advantages of online task management tool that cannot be ignored. 6 Stages of Web Design and Development Metamorphosis -Dubai Monsters. 15 Steps for Sure-Shot Success in Project Management – PMAuthority.