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Book Review: Digital Dilemmas: Power, Resistance and the Internet by M. I. Franklin. How are digital landscapes being incorporated into public space and what does this mean for civic engagement?

Book Review: Digital Dilemmas: Power, Resistance and the Internet by M. I. Franklin

In Digital Dilemmas, M.I. Franklin considers how publics, nation-states, and multilateral institutions are being continually reinvented in local and global decision-making domains that are accessed and controlled by a relative few. This well-researched tome of contemporary digital dilemmas positions itself well among other works that have been published within the discipline, writes Nikki Soo. It is well-suited for experienced media researchers and policymakers with existing knowledge of the field. This review originally appeared on LSE Review of Books.


OKFestival: Directory. EU commissioner: right to be forgotten is no harder to enforce than copyright. If Google can handle the millions of requests it gets to take down content that infringes copyright, it should be able to handle the few requests it gets to enforce the EU's "right to be forgotten", according to Viviane Reding, the European commissioner for justice, fundamental rights and citizenship.

EU commissioner: right to be forgotten is no harder to enforce than copyright

Speaking on BBC Radio 5 Live, Reding said that "there are relatively little numbers of requests" to take down information owing to the newly granted right to be forgotten, but that there are "some million requests to take down material because of copyright questions. " "So you see," Reding continued, "this is a small thing as compared to the copyright things. It is possible to handle the copyright question, so it should also be possible to handle the takedown requests on personal data questions.

" Google announced that it had received 12,000 requests from individuals to remove their personal data from the search engine in the first day it had accepted such requests. La guía del geek. Noticias y opiniones de internet, cultura digital, tecnología, propiedad intelectual.

Cultural policies (resources)

This algorithm can predict a revolution. For students of international conflict, 2013 provided plenty to examine.

This algorithm can predict a revolution

There was civil war in Syria, ethnic violence in China, and riots to the point of revolution in Ukraine. For those working at Duke University’s Ward Lab, all specialists in predicting conflict, the year looks like a betting sheet, full of predictions that worked and others that didn’t pan out. Guerrilla campaigns intensified, proving out the prediction When the lab put out their semiannual predictions in July, they gave Paraguay a 97 percent chance of insurgency, largely based on reports of Marxist rebels.

Players and strategic moves

Industrie culturelle et corruption, par Jérémie Zimmermann. Cofondateur de La Quadrature du Net, Jérémie Zimmermann passe 36 heures par jour à défendre les droits et les libertés des citoyens sur Internet.

Industrie culturelle et corruption, par Jérémie Zimmermann

Empêcheur de tourner en rond, ami de Julian Assange, défenseur de la neutralité du Net… Zimmermann cumule les tares, ce qui lui vaut le mépris des Hadopiens. Et il le leur rend bien. Rencontre avec cet épicurien à l’élocution parfaite, qui connaît ses dossiers sur le bout des doigts. C’est l’un de vos principaux combats : peux-tu me rappeler ce qu’est la neutralité du Net ?

C’est un principe fondateur de l’Internet libre et ouvert, selon lequel chacun, sur Internet, peut accéder à tous les contenus, services et applications, et peut également en publier, sans restriction ni discrimination. c’est l’universalité d’Internet.

Robotics and postnetworks tech

E-commerce. Gaming policies. Brasil renueva el pulso para despojar a EE UU de su control sobre la red. Big Data. Comparing the pay of Apple’s top executives to the pay of the workers making its products. This analysis compares the compensation of Apple’s top executives to the compensation received by the Chinese workers of Apple’s supplier Foxconn.

Comparing the pay of Apple’s top executives to the pay of the workers making its products

The most complete data are for 2011. In that year, Apple’s nine-person executive leadership team received total compensation of $441 million. This was equivalent to the estimated compensation of 95,000 Foxconn factory workers assembling Apple products. Enough information is now available to make a reasoned comparison for 2012, and the findings are similar. The executive team is on track to receive compensation of at least $412 million. EC Audiovisual Service - EbS. La política será otra cosa. Una tarde de invierno sin frío.

La política será otra cosa

Sábado. La convocatoria no coincide con ningún partido de fútbol importante. El Ministerio de Cultura discrimina claramente a las revistas nativas digitales en sus ayudas a publicaciones culturales – ARDE. Las 10 estrategias básicas de manipulación mediática: Doctrina del Shock, Noam Chomsky y otros. Para alcanzar una sociedad libre es necesario que las personas tengan garantizado el acceso al conocimiento, y sepan además manejar de forma crítica la información que recibe.

Las 10 estrategias básicas de manipulación mediática: Doctrina del Shock, Noam Chomsky y otros

La justicia alemana condena a la policía a compensar a activistas del Bloccupy Frankfurt.

Privacy reef

Pesadillas del siglo XXI. The increasingly blurry line between Big Data and Big Brother. The potential benefits of “big data” have been well described, both by us and others: the ability to spot flu trends earlier and potentially save lives, for example, or to make it easier for companies to provide services in a more personalized way.

The increasingly blurry line between Big Data and Big Brother

But these same tools could also be used for more disturbing purposes that smack of Orwell’s Big Brother, and two prominent digital skeptics — Nicholas Carr and Evgeny Morozov — recently raised warning flags about that prospect. Which kind of future will we get? Carr looked at a recent speech from PayPal co-founder Max Levchin at the DLD conference in Germany (one Om also attended, where he conducted an in-depth interview with Levchin) and clearly didn’t like what he saw. “How about dynamic pricing for brain cycles? We have been maximizing utilization of very high-value, very low-frequency specialists — today you can already rent the brain of a data-mining genius via Kaggle by the hour, tomorrow by brain-hour. Hong Kong-based Lenddo and U.S.

Media policies (in crisis

El Consell d'Europa denuncia les ingerències del Govern en els mitjans públics. Companies face EU cyber security law. Sobre el bloqueo de publicidad de Free en Francia. Imagining the Internet: policy challenges - Video and audio - News and media.