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Paris climate talks: Bishop hails 'historic' day as nearly 200 countries sign deal | Environment Governments have signalled an end to the fossil fuel era, committing for the first time to a universal agreement to cut greenhouse gas emissions and to avoid the most dangerous effects of climate change at crunch United Nations talks in Paris. Speaking outside the conference hall, a jubilant foreign affairs minister, Julie Bishop, said the agreement involving all nations and trading competitors could give Australia “comfort” to take tougher action to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. After 20 years of fraught meetings, including the past two weeks spent in an exhibition hall on the outskirts of Paris, negotiators from nearly 200 countries signed on to a deal on Saturday evening that set ambitious goals to limit temperature rise and hold governments to account for reaching those targets. After an anxious two-hour wait for the final plenary session to begin, Laurent Fabius, the French foreign minister, who was chairing the meeting, invited delegates to adopt the agreement.

Loi d'orientation et de programmation pour la ville et la rénova Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. La loi n° 2003-710 du 1er août 2003 d’orientation et de programmation pour la ville et la rénovation urbaine, parue au Journal officiel du 2 août 2003, dite « Loi Borloo », est une loi française. À ne pas confondre avec le « Plan Borloo », ou Plan de cohésion sociale, voté en 2004. Contenu[modifier | modifier le code] La Loi Borloo s’articule autour de quatre axes : Politique de la ville et rénovation urbaine[modifier | modifier le code] Réduction des inégalités sociales et des écarts de développement entre les territoires dans les zones urbaines sensibles (ZUS). Développement économique des quartiers prioritaires[modifier | modifier le code] Création de 41 nouvelles zones franches urbaines (ZFU) qui s'ajouteront aux 44 ZFU créées en 1999, elles-mêmes prolongées de cinq ans. Procédure de rétablissement personnel[modifier | modifier le code] Dispositions diverses[modifier | modifier le code] Annexes[modifier | modifier le code] Texte de la loi

Walk Free - The Movement to End Modern Slavery Plataforma Dhesca Brasil Paris climate deal: key points at a glance | Environment Keeping temperature rises below 1.5C Governments have agreed to limit warming to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels: something that would have seemed unthinkable just a few months ago. There is a scientific rationale for the number. John Schellnhuber, a scientist who advises Germany and the Vatican, says 1.5C marks the point where there is a real danger of serious “tipping points” in the world’s climate. The goal of 1.5C is a big leap below the 2C that nearly 200 countries agreed as a limit six years ago in Copenhagen. But bear in mind we’ve already hit 1C, and recent data shows no sign of a major fall in the global emissions driving the warming. As many of the green groups here in Paris note, the 1.5C aspiration is meaningless if there aren’t measures for hitting it. Pledges to curb emissions Before the conference started, more than 180 countries had submitted pledges to cut or curb their carbon emissions (intended nationally defined contributions, or INDCs, in the UN jargon). Loss and damage

Amendement Scellier Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. La loi Scellier est un dispositif législatif français, mis en place le , qui avait pour objectif de soutenir l’investissement locatif privé. Il a pris fin le et a été remplacé par la loi Duflot[1]. L'arrêté pris pour son application définit les communes se caractérisant par un déséquilibre entre l'offre et la demande de logements comme correspondent aux zones A, B1 et B2 délimitées dans l'annexe à l'arrêté du 10 août 2006[2] relatif au classement des communes par zones. Les plafonds de loyer et de ressources des locataires sont les mêmes[3]. L'amendement Scellier permettait au départ une réduction d'impôt équivalente à 25 % du montant du prix du bien immobilier, dans la limite de 300 000 € et d'un engagement de location de 9 ans. Définition[modifier | modifier le code] Les investissements concernés par la réduction d'impôt au titre de la loi Scellier sont : Les avantages fiscaux de la «loi Scellier »[modifier | modifier le code]

EARTHWORKS Earthworks' Mission Earthworks is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting communities and the environment from the adverse impacts of mineral and energy development while promoting sustainable solutions. Earthworks stands for clean air, water and land, healthy communities, and corporate accountability. We work for solutions that protect both the Earth’s resources and our communities. How We Work We fulfill our mission by working with communities and grassroots groups to reform government policies, improve corporate practices, influence investment decisions and encourage responsible materials sourcing and consumption. We expose the health, environmental, economic, social and cultural impacts of mining and energy extraction through work informed by sound science. The Genesis of Earthworks Earthworks evolved from the work of two organizations: Mineral Policy Center and the Oil & Gas Accountability Project. In 2005, these two organizations joined forces.

Welcome To ILEAP In debt, out of luck: why Generation K fell in love with The Hunger Games | Film The brutal, bleak series that has captured the hearts of a generation will come to a brutal, bleak end in November when The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 arrives in cinemas. It is the conclusion of the Hunger Games saga, which has immersed the young in a cleverly realised world of trauma, violence, mayhem and death. For fans of Suzanne Collins’s trilogy about a young girl, Katniss Everdeen, forced to fight for survival in a country ruled by fear and fuelled by televised gladiatorial combat, this is the moment they have been waiting for. Since the first book in the trilogy was published in 2008, Collins’s tale has sold more than 65 million copies in the US alone. “This is a generation who grew up through 9/11, the Madrid bombings, the London bombings and Islamic State terrors. “In previous generations teenagers did not think in this way. Writer and activist Laurie Penny, herself a first-era millennial at the age of 29, agrees. Star Wars (1977) The film that shaped a generation.

Donnez pour réduire vos impôts Video Plusieurs dispositifs fiscaux permettent actuellement de réduire son ISF 2014, dont les FIP ou fonds d'investissement de proximité. De quoi s'agit-il ? Quels sont leurs principaux atouts ? Les explications de Jean-David Haas, directeur général de NextStage. France Participation : le flop du déblocage exceptionnel Seuls 2,2 milliards d’euros ont été débloqués de juillet à décembre. La chronique du notaire Les atouts fiscaux des monuments historiques La France a fêté les cent ans de la loi du 31 décembre 1913 sur les monuments historiques, texte fondateur pour la protection de notre patrimoine, plus d’une vingtaine de fois modifiée et... Banque ETF : la guerre des parts de marché Confrontés à un marché ultraconcurrentiel, les fournisseurs de fonds indiciels cotés remettent sans cesse sur le métier leur stratégie. Art et collection Bruxelles, plate-forme de l'avant-garde Art Brussels ouvrira jeudi prochain. Politique et société Ce qu'il faut retenir du plan d'économies dévoilé par Manuel Valls

See this turtle's miraculous recovery after getting caught in a piece of litter. When it comes to prioritizing environmental concerns, curbing litter isn't exactly at the top of the list. After all, when there are much bigger dangers like harmful emissions, overfishing, and climate change to worry about, how much harm are a few pieces of plastic on the ground really going to do? Just splitting a sixer of Strawberry Crush with my bros. But there's one turtle that would staunchly disagree with that mindset (or, at least he would if he could talk). Meet Peanut. The red-eared slider was found wandering the St. Peanut re-creating the fateful incident. Even after his rescuers snipped the plastic rings off, Peanut's shell was forever deformed into a figure-8, peanut-y shape (hence his name). These impairments made Peanut an easy target for predators, which meant he was unable to be released back into the wild. Today, Peanut has a home and a job with the State of Missouri. Peanut is ready for his close-up. Peanut rockin' out. Now that Peanut's a little older, he's taking it easy.

ECA Watch: International NGO Campaign on Export Credit Agencies
