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Physicians Say Hospitals Are Pressuring ER Docs to List COVID-19 on Death Certificates. Here’s Why. When Drs.

Physicians Say Hospitals Are Pressuring ER Docs to List COVID-19 on Death Certificates. Here’s Why

Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi of Accelerated Urgent Care held a press conference last week, their goal was to galvanize policymakers to reopen the economy. The California-based hospital owners may have uncorked a bigger story. During their long discussion with reporters, Dr. New Study: Vitamin D Highly Effective in Removing COVID-19 ICU Risk. Published on September 4, 2020 Written by Chris Masterjohn PhD The first randomized controlled trial (RCT) of vitamin D in COVID-19 has just been published.

New Study: Vitamin D Highly Effective in Removing COVID-19 ICU Risk

The results are astounding: vitamin D nearly abolished the odds of requiring treatment in ICU. The Food and Supplement Guide for the Coronavirus – Chris Masterjohn, PhD. Newly updated September 3, 2020, and now in Version 6.

The Food and Supplement Guide for the Coronavirus – Chris Masterjohn, PhD

This guide was updated on September 3 to reflect the publication of the first randomized controlled trial showing that vitamin D can nearly abolish the odds of being admitted to the ICU, by 98%. Protecting ourselves, our families, our friends, and our community from the coronavirus is what is on all of our minds right now. And the most important way to do that is to follow public health recommendations on hygiene and social distancing. The First Clinical Trial to Support Vitamin D Therapy For Covid-19. [Updated 27 Sept] Oral calcifediol reduced ICU admission for Covid-19 from 50% to 2%.

The First Clinical Trial to Support Vitamin D Therapy For Covid-19

And key questions about the trial answered. A study from Spain finally presents the first clinical evidence for the use of vitamin D to treat Covid-19. The study, “Effect of Calcifediol Treatment and best Available Therapy versus best Available Therapy on Intensive Care Unit Admission and Mortality Among Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19: A Pilot Randomized Clinical study,” was published in The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology on 29 August.

It is called a pilot because the sample size is small, but its randomization and prospective design still make it a robust research. Risk Factors for Severe COVID-19: What Makes It Harder for Some and Easier for Others? The way it’s reported, you’d think that susceptibility to COVID-19 severity is equally distributed across the world’s population.

Risk Factors for Severe COVID-19: What Makes It Harder for Some and Easier for Others?

But when you compare case and mortality rates between countries, differences emerge. There are even differences within countries and states and cities. It’s clear that other variables besides simple exposure to the virus and infection are at play. Finally Confirmed! Vitamin D Nearly Abolishes ICU Risk in COVID-19. September 3, 2020 The first randomized controlled trial (RCT) of vitamin D in COVID-19 has just been published.

Finally Confirmed! Vitamin D Nearly Abolishes ICU Risk in COVID-19

The results are astounding: vitamin D nearly abolished the odds of requiring treatment in ICU. On the Treatment of Covid-19 – Swiss Policy Research. Updated: December 30, 2020Languages: German, EnglishShare on: Twitter / Facebook Based on the available scientific evidence and current clinical experience, the SPR Collaboration recommends that physicians and authorities consider the following covid-19 treatment protocol for the prophylactic and early treatment of people at high risk or high exposure.

On the Treatment of Covid-19 – Swiss Policy Research

Numerous international studies have shown that prophylactic and early treatment can significantly reduce the risk of severe or fatal covid-19 (see scientific references below). Note: Patients are asked to consult a doctor. Treatment protocol. Study: More than 80% of COVID-19 patients have vitamin D deficiency. More than 80 per cent of hospitalized COVID-19 patients at a hospital in Spain had a vitamin D deficiency, according to a new small study.

Study: More than 80% of COVID-19 patients have vitamin D deficiency

Published by the Endocrine Society, Spanish researchers from the University Hospital Marques de Valdecilla looked at the vitamin D levels of 216 patients admitted for COVID-19 between March 10 and 31. They compared their vitamin D levels to those of a control group of 197 people of similar age and sex from a control cohort in the same geographical area. They found that of the 216 COVID-19 patients, 82.2 per cent had a vitamin D deficiency, compared to 47.2 per cent of the control group. It was also found that men had “especially lower” vitamin D levels than women. The researchers also found vitamin D-deficient COVID-19 patients were more likely to stay in hospital longer and have an increased prevalence of hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and higher iron levels in the body. Everything you need to know about the COVID-19 therapy trials. Latest: In hospitalised patients with COVID-19 pneumonia who were not receiving mechanical ventilation, tocilizumab reduced the likelihood of progression to the composite outcome of mechanical ventilation or death, but it did not improve survival.

Everything you need to know about the COVID-19 therapy trials

No new safety signals were identified (Salama et al. 17 December 2020); In an interim analysis, the REGN-COV2 antibody cocktail was found to reduce viral load, with a greater effect in patients whose immune response had not yet been initiated or who had a high viral load at baseline. Safety outcomes were similar in the combined REGN-COV2 dose groups and the placebo group (Weinreich et al. 17 December 2020);Preliminary analysis of data from the RECOVERY trial has revealed that there was no significant difference in the primary endpoint of 28-day mortality between azithromycin (19%) and usual care (19%). Source: Covid-19 FAQ: Cleaner vs. Disinfectant. An incomplete list of COVID-19 quackery.

The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is the most significant public health event of a generation.

An incomplete list of COVID-19 quackery

Its worldwide spread has totally disrupted our old (early 2020) way of life. At time of writing there are 5.5 million confirmed cases and 350,000 deaths, across 217 countries. A vaccine, if an effective one is ever developed, is many months (more likely years) away. This is the most frightening event many people may ever have experienced. Do face masks decrease the risk of COVID-19 transmission? Disinformation, information, and confusion over masks Before I get to the study, though, I want to relate a brief story regarding news articles published a week and a half ago that show a bit of the disinformation about masks that is flying around social media.

In brief, The New York Post published a story entitled “Healthy people should wear masks only if caring for coronavirus patients, WHO says“. It was a republication of a Fox News story entitled “WHO guidance: Healthy people should wear masks only when ‘taking care of’ coronavirus patients“. Here’s an excerpt from the NY Post story: The World Health Organization is recommending healthy people, including those who don’t exhibit COVID-19 symptoms, only wear masks when taking care of someone infected with the contagion, a sharp contrast from the advice given by American public health officials who recommend everyone wear a mask in public. Now here’s the Fox News version: Hydroxychloroquine: A Morality Tale - Tablet Magazine. Not only are lay people confused; professionals are. All that seems certain is that there is something disturbing going on in our science, and that if and when the “perfect study” were to ever come along, many won’t know what to believe.

We live in a culture that has uncritically accepted that every domain of life is political, and that even things we think are not political are so, that all human enterprises are merely power struggles, that even the idea of “truth” is a fantasy, and really a matter of imposing one’s view on others. For a while, some held out hope that science remained an exception to this. That scientists would not bring their personal political biases into their science, and they would not be mobbed if what they said was unwelcome to one faction or another. But the sordid 2020 drama of hydroxychloroquine—which saw scientists routinely attacked for critically evaluating evidence and coming to politically inconvenient conclusions—has, for many, killed those hopes. 1. 2. Gastrointestinal symptoms of COVID-19: Why do they occur? - Hack your gut.

New data out on the novel coronoavirus indicates that many people may experience gastrointestinal symptoms of COVID-19 infection. In fact, that number may be upwards of 50%. Leaky gut and COVID-19: Is there a connection? - Hack your gut. Do leaky gut and COVID-19 share some sort of a relationship? According to a recent study they do. And when you look at other data as well as the mechanism, it definitely makes sense!

Respiratory failure in COVID-19: The gut-lung axis - Hack your gut. Respiratory failure is one of the leading causes of death due to COVID-19 infection. It occurs when the capillaries in your lung fail to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide with the alveoli in your lungs. Death effectively occurs due to suffocation. The gut-lung axis is one of several axes in the body involving the gut and other organs/systems. Many are familiar with the gut-brain axis, and the gut-liver axis, but there are many more. I’ve covered why the bi-directional communication between these axes is crucial for health many times. Interestingly, the gut and lungs are the only organs that take things essential to life from the environment and bring them into the body.

Survivor Corps: Life of a COVID-19 long hauler pt. 2 - Hack your gut. The life of a COVID-19 long-hauler Pt. 1 - Hack your gut. Therapeutic blockade of inflammation in severe COVID-19 infection with intravenous N-acetylcysteine. Selenium and viral infection: are there lessons for COVID-19? Coronavirus Pandemic Update 97: Vitamin D & COVID-19 Immunity, The Endothelium, & Deficiencies.

Good Masks Are Critical, But How Do You Find Them? ARDS and Tucker Goodrich. Dr. John Ioannidis Update: 4.17.20. Cheap ways to starve a virus: Masks reduce spread by 70%, Distance by 80% One good thing about Coronavirus is that people are suddenly paying attention to all the cheap easy ways to slow viruses. Hopefully we will get a bit better at preventing other respiratory infections too.

As I’ve mentioned before, masks stop as much as 75% of influenza, and now we know the number is similar with Coronavirus. The stroke virus? Covid causes hundreds of microclots throughout the lungs (and everywhere else) Could a mass clotting event explain the excess death rate, the hypoxia, the delirium Stories are now appearing of a few youngish people losing fingers, toes or even getting a leg amputated.

And strokes have been seen in some as young as 30. Mysterious, amazingly low oxygen levels, a pulse oximeter may give the first warning of coronavirus. A cheap device might keep people off ventilators and be the first warning of trouble In coronavirus blood oxygen levels can silently drop to unheard of levels. People may be unaware they even have coronavirus as oxygen levels fall to the point, medicos are rewriting the record books. This is a hypoxia crisis — it’s a defining feature of the disease.

Take Sambucol-Coronovirus Self-Assistance – Part 1. Published on March 21, 2020 Written by Geraint Hughes As a good starting point, I would suggest Sambucol. Flatten the Curve. Coronavirus, COVID-19, HVAC, indoor, health, environment, air quality, ventilation, filtration, particles, quarantine, Corona zahlen, outbreak, contaminations, particles, humidity, airborne, transmission, virus, infection, air-conditioning, WHO, droplets. Since the first version of the REHVA Guidance document which was published on 17 March, REHVA has received several questions and requests for clarifications from industry, academia and government experts.

The authors of the document in an effort to respond to these requests have added this FAQ section that it will be continuously updated as more frequently asked questions arise. Question Should there be any precautions to be taken when changing filters or cleaning supply vents on a maintenance routine? Are the maintenance personnel at risk while carrying out such works? The Risks - Know Them - Avoid Them. Please read this link to learn about the author and background to these posts. EVMS Critical Care COVID 19 Protocol. Everything You Need to Know about Coronavirus, with Dr. Ramzi Asfour. In this episode, we discuss: The spread of the coronavirusTesting for the coronavirusHow infectious the coronavirus isHow to protect yourself against infection from the coronavirusSupporting your immune system to prevent infectionThree recipes for immune-boosting botanicals.