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Getting Disability for Depression and Mood Disorders. Which Types of Depression Qualify for Disability? Depression is a condition that is often not taken seriously enough because people do not understand the difference between having an occasional bout of “the blues,” which is natural and temporary, and having a major depressive disorder (MDD).

Which Types of Depression Qualify for Disability?

MDDs are ongoing and stem from a biochemical imbalance in the brain. They can't be shrugged off with positive thinking, nor are they a sign of an individual’s weakness. Symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder Symptoms of a major depressive disorder, commonly called major depression or clinical depression, vary among individuals. However, most people find that the symptoms sap their ability and desire to take part in daily living activities, even those they once most enjoyed. Depression. New biological evidence reveals link between brain inflammation and major depression. TORONTO (Jan. 28, 2015) – A new study by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) found that the measure of brain inflammation in people who were experiencing clinical depression was increased by 30 per cent.

New biological evidence reveals link between brain inflammation and major depression

The findings, published today in JAMA Psychiatry, have important implications for developing new treatments for depression. “This finding provides the most compelling evidence to date of brain inflammation during a major depressive episode,” says senior author Dr. Jeffrey Meyer of CAMH’s Campbell Family Mental Health Research Institute. “Previous studies have looked at markers of inflammation in blood, but this is the first definitive evidence found in the brain.” Dr. Specifically, Dr. To investigate whether brain inflammation was increased in people during clinical depression, Dr. Although the process of inflammation is one way that the brain protects itself – similar to the inflammation of a sprained ankle -- too much inflammation may not be helpful and can be damaging.

Bullying and depression - How I Beat Depression. Bullying and Depression Bullying and depression are deeply intertwined experiences.

Bullying and depression - How I Beat Depression

Many people who experience depression have also experienced bullying, either at school, in families or workplaces. Bullying is aggressive behaviour used to intimidate others, either mentally or physically. Note : Will they admit that depression is largely down to. Jonathan Harnisch on Twitter: "Depression is an illness not a choice. #DepressionAwarenessWeek #depression #depressed #MentalHealthAwareness #mhsm. Welcome to Unmasking male depression. Do men get depressed?

Unmasking male depression

They certainly do. In this, the last of this series of articles, I would like to explore what I consider to be one of the most significant challenges facing many cultures today the issue of male depression. Because male depression is wide spread, deeply misunderstood, and too often misdiagnosed, it desperately needs our attention. Pastors, in particular, need to be well informed on this topic; otherwise, the effectiveness of their ministry to men will be compromised, as will their understanding of themselves, if they are male. As I reflect on more than 30 years of clinical experience, I am appalled at the realization that I have all too often misdiagnosed male depression. How to recognize male depression Women are diagnosed as suffering from depression, mainly by exploring their feelings.

On the other hand, men give vent to it through frustration and anger. Let's look at a typical example that illustrates how men experience depression. Male Depression: How to Deal With It. Source: Life Editor’s note: This is a guest post from S.M.

Male Depression: How to Deal With It

Leahy. Mr. Leahy is a student studying at Columbia University. He is originally from Virginia. A man will have faults. Great men in history who suffered from depression are numerous: Abraham Lincoln, Ernest Hemingway, Winston Churchill, and Buzz Aldrin to name a few. What makes mental illness, such as depression, so difficult to deal with in men is the perceived shame that comes with admitting it. Depression in Men: Understanding Male Depression - HealthyPlace. Unemployment and retirement can be stressful times for men and be one of the causes of depression in men.

Depression in Men: Understanding Male Depression - HealthyPlace

Leaving work, for any reason, can be stressful. Research has shown up to 1 in 7 men will become depressed in the six months following unemployment. Emotional Health, Depression Treatment. Courtesy of Spontaneous Happiness: Your 8-Week Plan to a Lifetime of Emotional Well-Being.

Emotional Health, Depression Treatment

Depression is one of the most common types of mental disorders, affecting about 340 million people worldwide. Interestingly, about half of all cases of depression go undiagnosed and untreated, yet depression is the most treatable form of mental illness. Depression occurs in all age groups, social classes and cultures. It is far more common in women, affecting 25 percent of women versus about 10 percent of men.

Additionally, depression also affects one out of every 20 teenagers. It is very important to make a distinction between situational depression, which is a normal reaction to events around us, and clinical (also called endogenous) depression, which is triggered from within and is not related to external situations. Symptoms and Causes The core symptoms of depression include: Those with a family history of depression are much more likely to experience its effects at some point in their lives.