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Dealing with Depression: Self-Help & Coping Tips to Overcome Depression

Dealing with Depression: Self-Help & Coping Tips to Overcome Depression
The road to depression recovery Recovering from depression requires action, but taking action when you’re depressed is hard. In fact, just thinking about the things you should do to feel better, like going for a walk or spending time with friends, can be exhausting. It’s the Catch-22 of depression recovery: The things that help the most are the things that are the most difficult to do. Start small and stay focused The key to depression recovery is to start with a few small goals and slowly build from there. Take things one day at a time and reward yourself for each accomplishment. Depression self-help tip 1: Cultivate supportive relationships Getting the support you need plays a big role in lifting the fog of depression and keeping it away. The thought of reaching out to even close family members and friends can seem overwhelming. Turn to trusted friends and family members. 10 tips for reaching out and building relationships Talk to one person about your feelings. Think outside yourself. » Yetkinlikler Kütüphanesi – 8 : Kendine Güvenmek, Özgüven Normal bir uçuştasınız, ortalıkta hiç bir olumsuzluk yok ve pilot konuşuyor : “Sayın yolcular, şu anda aklıma gelen bir iniş metodunu ilk kez deneyeceğim, endişelenmeyin, ben çok rahatım” Kendine güvenmek, sınırları gerçekçi tespit ederek hangi konularda nereye kadar ulaşabileceğimizi bilmek hayatımız boyunca gerekli bir yetkinlik. Kendinize güvenmeyince başarısız olmayı beklersiniz, hayatınızda döneceğiniz virajlara başkaları müdahale etmeye başlar daha doğrusu buna açık olursunuz. Hiç kimse kendine güven duymayan, sinirli ve değişken davranışlar gösteren birinin yönettiği proje içinde yer almak istemez, dolayısı ile “kendine güven” aynı zamanda bir takım liderliği olma özelliklerinden biridir. Diğer yandan kendine güven duyan insanlar bu duyguyu etraflarına da yayar, çevrede bulunan kişiler bunu kolayca hisseder ve olumsuzluklar karşısında daha sakin davranırlar. Peki siz dışarıdan bakılınca nasıl gözüküyorsunuz acaba, insanlar neleri değerlendirerek buna karar veriyorlar ? - Evet 1. 2.

The Benjamin Franklin Effect The Misconception: You do nice things for the people you like and bad things to the people you hate. The Truth: You grow to like people for whom you do nice things and hate people you harm. Benjamin Franklin knew how to deal with haters. Born in 1706 as the eighth of 17 children to a Massachusetts soap and candlestick maker, the chances Benjamin would go on to become a gentleman, scholar, scientist, statesman, musician, author, publisher and all-around general bad-ass were astronomically low, yet he did just that and more because he was a master of the game of personal politics. Like many people full of drive and intelligence born into a low station, Franklin developed strong people skills and social powers. All else denied, the analytical mind will pick apart behavior, and Franklin became adroit at human relations. Franklin’s prospects were dim. At 17, Franklin left Boston and started his own printing business In Philadelphia. What exactly happened here? Let’s start with your attitudes.

14 Things Positive People Don't Do Positive people don’t have a magical power that you don’t possess. Instead of letting stress control them, positive people take control of their life by managing stress and striving to improve every day. Check out these things that positive people don’t do, so you too can be happy and successful. 1. It’s amazing how many problems wouldn’t exist if we didn’t invent them. 2. It’s easy to live in a lie because lies can grow so strong that it can eventually make people forget about the truth. 3. Positive people understand that resentment only causes pain in life over and over again, so they let go of it. 4. Is it easy to forget the little things? 5. Positive people realize they are the CEO of their life and thus take full responsibility for how things are. 6. The word “problems” is seen as “challenges” for positive people. 7. This “reality” most people speak of sounds like a dreadful place where dreams go to die. 8. 9. Boredom is a place where creativity, inspiration, and productivity die.

50 Kick-Ass Websites You Need to Know About It's time to update the entries in your browser's links toolbar. But with recent estimates putting the size of the internet at well more than 100 million distinct websites, it's getting harder and harder to get a handle on all the great stuff that's out there. That's why we've compiled this list. And unlike some lists you may have seen, which try to name the very "best" websites, but end up just telling you a lot of stuff you already know, we've chosen instead to highlight 50 of our favorite sites that fly under most people's radar. Think of it as the Maximum PC blog roll (remember those?). You might have heard of some of these sites, but we'll bet you haven't heard of all them. See What Can Be Done with 4 Kilobytes If you’re any kind of nerd at all, you probably know about the demoscene, where talented programmers create complex videos rendered in real-time, stored in incredibly small files. Clutter-Free Social Networking You can admit it.

Grup bülteni: ELEŞTİREN İNSANLAR VE ELEŞTİRİ DOLU İLİŞKİLER - "Ben eleştirilmekten rahatsız olmam" bu sözü duydunuz mu hiç? gerçekçi olmasını beklemeyin. her insan , belli dozdan sonra rahatsız olur. Eleştiri, bütün bünyeleri güçsüz düşüren bir virüstür. Eleştirel bir tutum, yapısal bir özelliğiniz ise, dikkat edin. soğuk, duygusuz, mükemmeliyetçi,inatçı, bencil,narsist,bağımlı gibi özelliklerinizi de keşfedebilirsiniz. Eleştiri, sadece evlilik ve flörtlerde değil, hayatımızda ilişki içinde olduğumuz tüm insanlarla sorun yaşatan bir tavırdır. size sadece olumsuzlukları yansıtan, övgü ve onur etme yerine sadece tamirci edasıyla düzeltmeye çalışan, ama bitmeyen bir tamir süreci gibi bir durum. Eleştirel tutumu olanları, tamirciye benzetirim. bir tamirci her zaman tamir edilecek yere odaklanır. İncelediğim evliliklerde 30 yılda bile eleştirel tutuma sahip insanların bir adım ileriye gidemediklerini, eşini değiştirmenin sınırının olmadığını,eleştirinin bir evlilik sorunu olmasından çok kişisel sorun olduğunu söyleyebilirim. Neleri eleştirmeliyiz?

PICTURE JOKES » Just some advice :) First post, 3 years in the lurking. This is me and my Papa (grandpa) He went on a trip last Friday… … and returned on Sunday to find his home of 50 years burnt to the ground. He built that home, but had no insurance (the foundation was on lava rocks). He lived there with Granny until she died. My house burnt down 17 years ago. There was nothing left for me, my mother, sister, and brother. The shirt I had on my back… it’s all I have from my childhood. 0stumbleupon New Selling Software To Large Businesses Understanding The B2B Purchasing Cycle So You Can Exploit It Most folks reading this have seen one-half of the B2B purchasing cycle at their day jobs: they fill out a form or ask a manager for X (a copy of MSOffice, a new computer, etc), and six weeks later X arrives. You may have wondered whether the intervening six weeks required dark rituals of eldritch power. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6a. 6b. 7. The Easiest Hack Around The Purchasing Process All internal users hate the purchasing process because it inhibits their ability to get work done. Because the whole rigamarole costs several hundred dollars in employee salary to approve any PO, most internal Purchasing Departments have a few enumerated exceptions. Some businesses do not have a corporate card available and will request to pay by PO all of the time. Dealing With The "You're Not Big Enough" Objection You may be dealing with a larger transaction than the $500 exemption or with a more conservative business than the typical megacorp.

How to Travel Full-Time for $17,000 a Year (or Less!) Wise Bread Picks For the last five years, I've been traveling the world full-time, and for less money than I've ever spent (and I'd wager less money than most people would spend) to live in one place. My worldly possessions fit into one bag (just larger than carry-on size) and a backpack containing my laptop and computer gear. This small entourage (weighing less than 45 pounds in total) comes with me as I wander around the world, sometimes quickly, but mostly slowly. In 2011 alone, I traversed 13 countries and over 45,360 miles. What if I told you it wasn't? Believe it. How to Keep Your Travel Costs Low Of course, I could travel for way more than $17,000/year. Here are a few of my secrets. Don't Pay for Accommodations In the entire year of 2011, I paid $173 for accommodation. Work-Trade/Volunteer There are lots of creative opportunities to work in trade for your accommodation (and sometimes food) and enjoy a more immersive travel experience. Hospitality Exchange House/Pet-Sitting Travel Slowly

25 Things To Let Go Of Before Your Next Birthday Imagine what we’d all look like if we wore our worries on the outside. If there were some physical manifestation of our emotional baggage and hang-ups, we’d all be unrecognizable. If you find yourself thinking sometimes that you’re not who you should be, it’s time to explore ways to kick that feeling to the curb and look at how to change things in a healthy way. Here are 25 things to let go of that we could all stand to ditch by our next birthdays. 1. We were built to pursue greatness and to perform to the best of our abilities. 2. We’re all our brother’s keepers in one way or another, but letting the burdens of others consume and rule over your own life isn’t healthy. 3. Most of us tend to think that other people judge us much more harshly than they actually do. 4. It’s almost a cliché by now to point out how badly our body images have been warped by the media. 5. 6. Regret is like a poison; left untreated, it can kill you. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. We all have responsibilities. 13. 14. 15.

13 Things to Remember When Life Gets Rough We’ve all gone through hard times. And we all get through them. However, some get through them better than others. 1. Buddha’s famous saying tells us: “It is your resistance to ‘what is’ that causes your suffering.” 2. Many times, we are our own worst enemy. 3. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. 4. You should just wipe the word “failure” right out of your vocabulary. 5. That’s hard to believe sometimes, I know. 6. This moment will never come again. 7. Most people live with “attached mind.” 8. Fear can be a great teacher. 9. Believe it or not, I know way too many people who don’t allow themselves to have fun. 10. But if you do compare yourself, compare yourself with people who have it worse than you. 11. You need to get out of your own way. 12. “And this too shall pass” is one of my favorite sayings. 13. Miracles happen every day.

Why Are Some People So Critical? - Steven Berglas by Steven Berglas | 12:00 PM March 6, 2014 Harsh critics are often talented, intelligent, and productive people. Unfortunately, they have a flaw that compels them to disparage others – almost, at times, as though they are diagnosing an illness in need of eradication. It seems they’re living according to the famous quip by Mark Twain: “Nothing so needs reforming as other people’s habits.” In the language of the self-help and recovery movements, these folks are often suffering from a disorder known as, “If You Spot It, You Got It [IYSIYGI].” What makes this dynamic so ugly is that unbeknownst to the person under attack, the critic is being driven to criticize by a repressed-and-intolerable feeling that he’s “got” what he deplores in others. For instance, years ago a client of mine and I were having dinner when he asked if I could help with a dilemma: “Diane, my comptroller, a woman 100% dedicated to the business, is also nastier than a junkyard dog.

It's a Hard-Knock Life for Freelancers Although some 9-to-5ers may envy the life of a freelancer, it's not always as easygoing as it looks. For starters, there's the money. Paydays are irregular and for some reason, checks always seem to be stuck in the mail. Then there's the shameful self-promotion, gigs falling through and parents that just don't understand — the list goes on. To highlight the woes and frustrations of freelancing, Garlic Jackson Comedy made this funny and oddly accurate parody, appropriately sung to the tune of Annie's "It's a Hard-Knock Life. "It's a Freelance Life," written by comedy writer Zack Bornstein, takes you through the daily problems of a freelancer in the modern age. Have something to add to this story?

Tech Trends 2014: Inspiring Disruption Help! My Wife Wants a Divorce, But I Don’t! What Can I Do? | husbandhelphaven “My Wife Wants Divorce, but I Don’t. I don’t understand where this came from, and I have no idea how I can get my wife back…What should I do?” As you continue reading, I’m going to walk you through several of the common reasons why your wife thinks she wants a divorce, and then once were done with that, I’m going to explain to you what you can do to change your wife’s mind. I’m not talking about psychological mind games or Jedi mind tricks, just a good old fashioned understanding of relationships and women. But enough talk, let’s get to the meat and potatoes, shall we? First Things First; Understanding Why My Wife Wants Divorce There are a number of reasons that could explain why your wife wants divorce. What I’d like to do in this section is talk with you about a few of the most common thoughts that enter a forlorn wife’s head when she is unhappy in a marriage. Reason #1. Let’s face it, marriage gets boring. Recommended Reading – How to Show Your Wife You Love Her Reason #2. Reason #3.
