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7 Effective Strategies To Get Your Music Noticed — Echoes - Insight for I... - StumbleUpon. In some music business schools, they still give students assignments that go like this: “Assume that you have one million dollars.

7 Effective Strategies To Get Your Music Noticed — Echoes - Insight for I... - StumbleUpon

Make up a marketing plan on how to promote a band.” Here’s a realistic assignment: “Go to MySpace. Pick a band. You have zero dollars. Now go promote them.” Although most bands would like to have the kind of budget to promote their latest album on TV, radio, and billboards, they are more likely to have just enough to print up posters for the next gig. Here are seven effective strategies to get you and your music noticed. You have one thing to do before you get started, though.

Once you know your audience, dig in. SEVEN EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES 1. 1. Don’t start there. The competition for attention in music publications and sites is overwhelming. Instead of focusing on music publications and media, think in terms of audiences. This is what we call the standing-out strategy, and the great thing about it is, there is room for everyone. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Music Business Journal-Berklee College of Music.

Music Industry Contacts, music managers, A&R, record label contacts, music producers, music management companies. ¡VAMOS A HACER RUIDO! El Movimiento del Ruido se expande en el mundo a través de las redes sociales.


Con la función de promocionar artistas independientes y generar intercambios entre ellos, ya suma más de 50 bandas. Podemos analizar al ruido de muchas maneras. Claro que esto depende del contexto y de la interpretación que se le quiera dar a esta palabra, y del tipo de ruido que queramos generar. De dónde provenga y qué efecto tenga nuestra percepción de él. A algunos les puede parecer molesto, como le pasa a Joaquín Sabina en su canción “Ruido”, donde llega al punto de agobio; o se lo puede tomar como algo revolucionario y necesario para hacerse oir, como los chicos de Tokio Hotel quieren expresar en su tema “Noise”. A Leo Road, director de MDR, se le ocurrió esta idea luego de que la promoción que realizó por internet de su banda, The Plasticos, fuera un éxito. ‟Somos una plataforma creada por músicos para difundir artistas independientes. Sell Your Band - A Resource Guide For Musicians. 25 Things Your Band can Sell at Shows and Your Website. Welcome to my brainstorm!

25 Things Your Band can Sell at Shows and Your Website

I decided to just do a brain-dump of different things a band can sell at their shows and on their website. This list is far from exhaustive, and I’m sure there’s a ton of other cool things. But, I wanted to have fun and write down some ideas. Especially since I need to start making merch for my band, soon! To Sell at Shows 1) T-shirts. 2) Stickers: Stickers are super-cheap, so have a range. 3) Buttons: I actually can’t recall how many buttons anyone actually purchased from my band. 4) Patches: Not enough bands are doing patches anymore! 5) CDs: CDs may be going the way of the dodo, but they still sell at shows. 6) Download cards: Most people get their music digitally, nowadays. 7) DVDs: Personally, I haven’t tried selling a DVD at a show. 8) Posters: Again, I don’t see enough bands making cool posters. 9) Drink Cozies: Because they are cool. 11) Vinyl: No experience with vinyl personally, but music collectors really dig vinyl records.

General Digital Sales. Management tools for Music Professionals. How to Manage a Band: 5 steps. How to Become a Band Manager: 7 steps. Edit Article Edited by Rob S, Babyface, Sondra C, Flickety and 28 others A band manager is an important piece of the artist or band's home team.

How to Become a Band Manager: 7 steps

He or she is the artist or band's partner. He/She receives between 10-20 percent of all earnings the act brings in. He/She is in charge of directing, motivating, and filtering the business aspects of a music career into workable info for the act. Ad Steps 1Learn the industry. 7Manage your act. Tips Less is more. › Organize your band from the ground up. Manage a Band. Band Management - The Basics for Bands. A band manager is someone who generally takes care of the "business" of a band, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't be on top of your music career before a manager comes into the picture - or that there aren't things you should be doing even if you have a manager on board.

Band Management - The Basics for Bands

These band management 101 basics - that is, band management for bands basics - make a good checklist of the things you should be doing from day one of your band's life. Find the Band Unless you're a solo artist, it goes without saying that the first part of managing your band is actually FINDING the band. Look for musicians with whom you share musical interests, of course, and also look for musicians that have the same attitude toward things like practicing and songwriting that you do. Remember, if all goes well, you're going to be spending a lot of time with these people, and it is worth being clear up front about expectations. Clout Música - Consejos fáciles para hacer partícipes a sus fans. In today’s ultra-competitive and sometimes oversaturated music industry, it is important for independent bands and artists to not only go out and perform in order to gain fans, but to also understand and relate with these people.

Clout Música - Consejos fáciles para hacer partícipes a sus fans

Knowing who your audience is and what they are all about can help you connect with them on a deeper level in order to gain truly devoted followers of you and your music. These things are necessary in order to independently take your act to the next level! As an independent musician, your fans are your greatest asset. Learning about them any way possible can turn them from a casual fan to someone who buys your merchandise and attends all of your shows.

One of the first things you should ask yourself is “Where do my fans (or potential fans) hang out? Independent Music Advice - Helping Independent Musicians Gain Knowledge & Monetize Their Music Career. Music Industry How To. Musica-pca. Mercadotecnia Para Proyectos Artisticos. Si tu proyecto artístico eres tú mismo, un colectivo o una organización este es el libro que necesitas para aprender a desarrollar estrategias inteligentes, separarte de la competencia, hacerte reconocible, captar, mantener públicos y posicionarte en los circuitos o mercados de tu interés.

Mercadotecnia Para Proyectos Artisticos

¡Hola! , mi nombre es Cristina Amaya, y más de veinte años de trabajo con artistas me ha demostrado que el camino del éxito esta frente a nosotros pero está lleno de obstáculos que sólo se pueden sortear con talento, inteligencia, conocimientos, perseverancia y mucha pasión. No eres la primera persona que ha tenido que enfrentar este gran reto. Todos los artistas y los que con ellos trabajamos amamos nuestro trabajo y soñamos con conectarnos con nuestros públicos, hacerlos vibrar con nuestras propuestas, y triunfar. ¿Cómo tener éxito en la música? 10 estrategias para el éxito en el negocio musical por Dave Kusek  Como tener exito en la industria de la musica, por Mike Shinoda. Yo estaba cenando con un amigo llamado Mark, y nos encontramos en el tema de ver las "nuevas" bandas en concierto. Mark había ido recientemente a Coachella, y me hablaba de sus actos favoritos, además de algunos de los que le abrumaban.

*Se preguntó porqué algunos grupos eran tan buenos en estudio, pero sus directos no parecían tan sólidos. Batalla por el futuro : La industria discográfica contra la música digital. Crónicas de una guerra sin cuartel.

Batalla por el futuro : La industria discográfica contra la música digital

Batalla por el futuroLa industria discográfica contra la música digital (1/3) ¿A alguien le sorprendería que empezara una epidemia de suicidios en Hollywood?. Es raro que todavía ningún empleado de la alta gerencia de cualquiera de las cinco grandes empresas discográficas haya saltado por una ventana. La industria discográfica y la revolución digital - César Palmeiro.doc. Portada.