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Develop I Read the latest news in game development

Develop I Read the latest news in game development

The Art & Business of Making Games Games Industry Magazine Datatech | Analytics Jobs | Home Jobs | Blogs "Everyone else is doing immersion wrong," says Please Don't, Spacedog! developer KO-OP Mode. They used the Oculus and a MIDI device to put players somewhere new, and it was a big hit at alt.ctrl.GDC last month. There are two important surveys running right now - one is focused on development trends, platforms, and tools; the other is focused on developer job satisfaction and quality of life issues. Want to start a revolution? The importance of story in games is often controversial, especially in F2P games/GaaS. Being an indie dev is brilliant and fun, but there's always dull paperwork to do. A discussion of Pratchett's ONLY YOU CAN SAVE MANKIND, the first in a planned series of posts on novels that deal with videogames and/or game development.

Flipcode Archives Welcome to the flipcode Archives. Here will you find our collection of reader-submitted content. A lot of this is timeless reference material, and we'll do our best to keep it available publicly, and of course completely free, for as long as possible (hence the ad banners, which help make this possible.) Featured Articles - Tutorials and Regular Columns The Developer Toolbox - Source Code and Mini-Articles Image of the Day - Development-related Image Submissions Question & Answer - Advice from The Pros Thank you to all who've contributed such great content to flipcode over the years! Engineering Jobs & Technology Recruitment | The Engineer Jobs

Game Dev Tycoon - Greenheart Games Inside Network - Providing news and market research to the Facebook platform and social gaming ecosystem
