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Newgrounds - The Weblog r a t l o o p Mightier is an independent puzzle action game developed by Lucas Pope and Keiko Ishizaka. Play as the Engineer and the Actionaut to solve puzzles and collect items in each sector. Drop us a line at for more information. The game was developed as an experiment and submitted to the 2009 Independent Games Festival. Mightier is now available as freeware. Download Mightier 1.4 (13MB) Requirements This game requires Windows XP or better and a modern DirectX 9 video card with at least 128MB of video ram. Notes Version 1.4 adds a demo mode and fixes a spinning camera bug. step2SOLVEstep2SOLVE Solve the puzzle by drawing on the page with a dark pencil or marker. step1PRINTstep1PRINT Print the puzzle from within Mightier using a color printer. A high-powered space laser carves the solution and the Actionaut is dropped onto the surface. step3SCANstep3SCAN Scan the puzzle into the game using an attached web camera. step4PLAY! Take control of the Actionaut and collect all the Datagons in each sector.

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Factornews - A fond dans la déconne mais pas trop Tumbledrop JayIsGames Grospixels Neuf mois après le numéro consacré à Viktor Antonov, le mook L'1nterview lance un hors-série de 90 pages intitulé Pourquoi faites-vous des jeux vidéo ? Cette question, pas moins de 111 créateurs célèbres ont été invités à y repondre parmi lesquels Hideo Kojima, Shigeru Miyamoto, Peter Molyneux ou Eric Chahi. Beaucoup comptent parmi les figures les plus célébrées de l'industrie. Japon, Amérique, Europe, Afrique, jeunes, moins jeunes, indies ou directeurs de studios, tous les savoir-faires sont représentés. L'ouvrage peut dès à présent s'acheter en ligne pour 10€, et sortira le 12 décembre en boutique dans trois villes (Lille, Paris et Limoges) au prix de 8,5€.

5 Homepage The Story: The surface world is ruled by the Empire. Its power is absolute. Its control is unchallenged. And, as a soldier of the Empire, you have a good, comfortable life ahead of you. The villain fled somewhere into Avernum, an underworld nation of eccentrics, misfits, and barely civilized monsters, most of whom hate the Empire. The enemy is waiting for you. System Requirements: PC Running Windows 2000 or later or Macintosh running System 10.3.9 or later. 50 MB free RAM. 200 MB hard disk space. 1024x768 screen resolution with 16 bit color (Windows) or 32 bit color (Macintosh). Pastel Games Notable Game Box 18th February 2014 Photo with 7 notes Out of curiosity over your Maze of Galious post, I reached out to Drew Struzan directly to see if he had any of those old game artworks lying around for the public to digest. According to him, the only games he illustrated directly were two Indiana Jones titles. It looks like either the Konami Goonies covers were either taken from movie materials he created, or that it’s not Drew after all. Thanks a lot for doing this, ultrace! 17th February 2014 Photo with 45 notes The Maze of Galious (1987) by Konami for the MSX. UPDATE:Thanks to ultrace, we got confirmation that this wasn’t done by Struzan after all. Tagged: The Maze of Galious19871980sKonamiMSXJapan 15th January 2014 Photo with 211 notes Bounty Sword(Sadly the best scan I could find). Thank you, Killroad! Tagged: Bounty Swordsnesjapanboxpioneer1990ssubmission 21st September 2013 Post with 13 notes Tagged: announcementindie gamesbaltimore 21st September 2013 Photo with 634 notes 4th June 2013 denymetanol:

Lazy 8 Studios obscure video games
