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PyroElectro News, Projects & Tutorials

PyroElectro News, Projects & Tutorials

Quickstart Guide | code.compartmental Setup and Shutdown To start using Minim you must first instatiate a Minim object, which you can then use to load audio files or acquire inputs and outputs. Here’s a partial program that demonstrates these things: Minim minim; AudioPlayer player; AudioInput input; void setup(){ size(100, 100); minim = new Minim(this); player = minim.loadFile("song.mp3"); input = minim.getLineIn(); } void draw(){ // do what you do} If you are using Minim outside of Processing, then before your program exits you must close any audio I/O classes you get from Minim and then stop your Minim instance. Playing A File One of the main motivaters behind writing Minim was that neither of the available libraries for Processing allowed stereo playback of audio files. import ddf.minim.*; Minim minim; AudioPlayer song; void setup(){ size(100, 100); minim = new Minim(this); // this loads mysong.wav from the data folder song = minim.loadFile("mysong.wav");; } void draw(){ background(0); } Retrieving MetaData

DVD Training 12: Blender for 3D Printing - Blender Store By Dolf (Macouno) Veenvliet. Blender already supports 3D printing modeling and file-formats since 2002. With the latest Blender version (2.67) this now is even more accessible and powerful with the new 3D Printing Toolbox and real-time Mesh Analysis features. This Training DVD is for everyone who is into 3D printing, beginners and professionals alike. Whether you own your own 3D printer, or use online services such as ShapeWays, this 3+ hours training DVD will help you joining this exciting new Maker era! Dolf Veenvliet is a Dutch artist who has been exploring 3D printing for sculpture design for many years. This DVD has been produced by Blender Foundation. (Click on the image for an example chapter) Introducing Blender Available Options:Training: Bridge circuit A bridge circuit is a type of electrical circuit in which two circuit branches (usually in parallel with each other) are "bridged" by a third branch connected between the first two branches at some intermediate point along them. The bridge was originally developed for laboratory measurement purposes and one of the intermediate bridging points is often adjustable when so used. Bridge circuits now find many applications, both linear and non-linear, including in instrumentation, filtering and power conversion.[1][2] Schematic of a Wheatstone bridge The best-known bridge circuit, the Wheatstone bridge, was invented by Samuel Hunter Christie and popularized by Charles Wheatstone, and is used for measuring resistance. The Wheatstone bridge has also been generalised to measure impedance in AC circuits, and to measure resistance, inductance, capacitance, and dissipation factor separately. In some motor controllers, a H-bridge is used to control the direction the motor turns. See also[edit] - a miniature T-slot » Intro JeeLabs This is a daily weblog about my experiments based on the mix of electronics and computing called “Physical Computing”. I’m building little “sensor nodes” to measure electricity use, temperature, light, etc. which they transmit wirelessly to one of the central computers in the house. One goal is to better understand how we’re using electricity and how we’re heating the home, so that we can try to improve on it. We’ve achieved a roughly 15% reduction in the past few years, simply by paying a bit more attention to everything. There’s still a lot to do, particularly with gas consumption, as our house is fully open and very hard to heat locally. There is used to be one new post every day at midnight. Update – as of November 2014, I’m pleased to announce that the weblog has been resumed, but with a slightly different setup and frequency. There are three other websites associated with this weblog: Explore! Oh, and enjoy your visit, -jcw

La diode zener: transistor ballast série La diode zener: transistor ballast série De nombreux montages associent diode zener et transistor. Dans tous les cas, le transistor est utilisé pour son gain en courant qui permet d'obtenir un courant de sortie plus important, tout en ayant une tension stabilisée par diode zener. Régulateur série L'inconvénient majeur du montage "diode zener + résistance" est sa consommation à vide, identique à la consommation en charge. Le transistor (appelé transistor ballast) se trouve entre l'entrée et la sortie. Vs = Vz - Vbe Sans le transistor, le montage pourrait fournir un courant ib maximum. is = ib. Remarque : lorsque le courant de sortie est important, la dissipation du transistor peut devenir conséquente. Exemple : alimentation pour ventilateur 12V/200mA On souhaite réaliser une alimentation pour ventilateur de PC (12V, 200mA) à partir d'une tension non régulée qui fluctue entre 18V et 24V. Donnée : Izmin = 1mA, hfe = 100 Réponse Calcul de R La plus grande valeur de ib possible (ibmax) vaut :

Drone quadricoptère Parrot AR.Drone - Carène externe Jaune Google+ Twitter Facebook Youtube Contactez-nous au Le Spécialiste Européen de la Robotique de Service Panier : 0 Livraison en 48h Panier (vide) Aucun produit 0,00€ Expédition 0,00€ Taxes 0,00€ Total Les prix sont TTC Panier Commander Ex: Mindstorm, Kit Gadgeteer, Capteur… Bienvenue Identifiez-vous Langues : Catégories Electronique et robotique Robots programmables pour l'éducation Robots grand public Robots pour la recherche Fin de vie Fabricants Produits phares Chassis 6x6 Wild Thumper avec...Châssis robotique 6x6 Wild Thumper pour vos robots d'extérieur... Pourquoi commander ? Tous nos services Accueil > Robots programmables pour l'éducation>Drônes personnels>AR.Drone 2.0>AR.Drone 2.0 - Carène externe Jaune Agrandir AR.Drone 2.0 - Carène externe Jaune La nouvelle génération arrive ! Avis client 0 En stock En cours de réapprovisionnement Un produit Parrot dont 0,30€ d'éco-participation Ajouter au panier Par rapport à sa version précédente, l'AR.Drone 2.0 apporte les fonctionnalités suivantes:

Circuit Projects's Electrical Engineering Blog RSA Supported Credit Card Payment System Posted Jun 18, 2012 at 9:25 am Credit cards are one of the popular means of carrying money around these days. This has become so widespread that credit card payments are increasing day by day and the demand for storefront terminals has increased. A well known standard that is… Interfacing Arduino and Radio Controlled Transmitter Posted Jun 15, 2012 at 9:21 am Want to know how to interface an Arduino with a Radio Control Transmitter? Capacitance Meter Made with Cheap Components Posted Jun 14, 2012 at 9:16 am The device features a low-cost alternative to the problem of testing capacitors since ready-made capacitance meters are too expensive. End of Laundry Indicator of Washing Machine Posted Jun 13, 2012 at 3:10 pm The main purpose of the project is to provide a high-pitched bleeping audible signal during the end of the washing cycle for your washing machine. Personal Mini DDS Posted Jun 12, 2012 at 9:52 am Prevent Water Leaks with Water Alarm

PWM - Pulse Width Modulation for DC Motor Speed and LED Brightness Pulse-width modulation is a digital technique for varying the amount of power delivered to an electronic component. By adjusting the amount of power delivered to a motor or LED, the speed or brightness (respectively) can be controlled. To me, the simplest and most flexible PWM is generated by a microcontroller. However, some people aren’t comfortable programming a microcontroller. This article begins with a schematic of an inverter-based circuit that outputs a variable duty-cycle square wave. The resistor-diode-capacitor combination that generates the PWM has been around for a while. Creating an Adjustable PWM A pulse-width modulation signal begins with a voltage that goes up and down repeatedly. Schematic of a variable duty-cycle PWM circuit based on a 74AC14 inverter logic chip. IC1: A 74AC14 Hex Inverter with Schmitt-Trigger Inputs. The 74xx14 number is the industry standard number for a package of six inverter gates attached to specific pins. Click on the file and save it.

A newbie's guide to UAVs What is an amateur UAV? An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is an aircraft that has the capability of autonomous flight, without a pilot in control. Amateur UAVs are non-military and non-commercial. They typically fly under “recreational” exceptions to FAA regulations on UAVs, so long as the pilots/programmers keep them within tight limits on altitude and distance. Usually the UAV is controlled manually by Radio Control (RC) at take-off and landing, and switched into GPS-guided autonomous mode only at a safe altitude. What do I need to make one? ---1) An RC plane, muticopter (quadcopter/hexacopter/tricopter, etc) or helicopter. What does DIY Drones have to offer? The DIY Drones community has created the world's first "universal autopilots", ArduPilot Mega (APM) and its next-generation big brother, Pixhawk. A full setup consists of: Pixhawk autopilot: The electronics, including twin processors, gyros, accelerometers, pressure sensors, GPS and more (shown at right).

Hacking the Samsung CLP-315 Laser Printer | Hello World! I am the happy owner of a Samsung CLP-315 laser printer. It is a fantastic printer for the price. Things were going great until it came time to replace the toner. At the time, the price of a full set of toner cartridges was around $150. To put things in perspective, the printer itself could be acquired for less on eBay. Not being the type of person who so easily bends to the will of “The Man”, I set out on a journey to find a cheaper source of toner. A “journey”? How Stuff Works Since I last purchased a laser printer (my circa 2001 LaserJet 1200 is still kicking) the industry has changed. Why does this matter, you ask? This causes two problems. Unsurprisingly, I am not the first person to try to address this problem. Sniffing After doing some homework, I decided to try watching the I²C traffic with a logic analyzer to see what memory locations were getting updated on the EEPROM after each print. I wrote an Arduino sketch to dump the entire memory of the EEPROM to the serial port. Notes

Sound / / Piezos diagram: Inside the Piezo Buzzer A Piezo is an electronic device that can be used to play tones and to detect tones. For simple tones without a great deal of depth, a piezo is adequate. PWM for the Aduino can be understood this way: The pulse is a short blast of 5 volt current, the width is the length of time that the controller send those 5 volts. Arduino uses PWM because it cannot actually output analog values. To make a tone, you send a 5-volt signal to the piezo sensor for a certain number of microseconds. byte names={'c','d','e','f','g','a','b','C'}; int tones={1915,1700,1519,1432,1275,1136,1014,956}; A melody can be input as a series of notes with lengths in front of them.4b indicates a b note with a length of 4 times the base length. A piezoelectric sensor is a device that uses piezoelectric effect to measure pressure, acceleration, strain, or force by converting these factors to an electrical signal. How it works Piezos have polarity. / / Piezo Read Revisited / /Motor Pulse

Kit robotique Lego MINDSTORMS EV3 Le tout nouveau kit Lego MINDSTORMS EV3 constitue la dernière évolution en date du kit robotique pédagogique Lego Mindstorms. Avec Lego MINDSTORMS EV3, créez votre propre robot qui peut penser, marcher et observer le monde. Grâce à Lego MINDSTORMS EV3, vous êtes libre de construire tous les robots qui vous viennent à l'esprit, en suivant votre imagination. Vous trouverez dans le kit Lego MINDSTORMS EV3 des instructions de montage pour 5 robots et 12 autres manuels officiels se trouvent en ligne. Donnez vie à votre robot Lego EV3 en utilisant un langage de programmation graphique très simple disponible pour PC et Mac. Connectez vous sur le site de la communauté Mindstorms pour échanger avec d'autre passionnés de Lego Mindstorms et échanger des idées et de l'expérience. Contrôlez votre robot MINDSTORMS EV3 avec la télécommande inclue ou bien avec votre smartphone ou tablette(aplication gratuite pour Android et iOS) ou enfin développez une intelligence autonome pour résoudre vos challenges.

Site présentant des tutoriaux des plus insolite aux plus util. Au delà de l'insolite, ils nous apprennent de nombreuses ficelles bien utils. by thomasau Aug 11
