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How To Remain Connected If Your Internet Gets Shut Off

How To Remain Connected If Your Internet Gets Shut Off

Designing Effective Action Alerts for the Internet An action alert is a message that someone sends out to the net asking for a specific action to be taken on a current political issue. Well-designed action alerts are a powerful way to invite people to participate in the processes of a democracy. Having seen many action alerts in my years on the Internet, I have tried to abstract some guidelines for people who wish to use them. Even if you do not plan to construct any action alerts yourself, I do not recommend that you forward anybody else's alerts unless they conform to at least the spirit of these guidelines. Although an Internet action alert should always be part of an issue campaign with a coherent strategy and clear goals, I won't discuss the larger strategic questions here. Both types of action alerts are obviously modeled on things that have been happening on paper, through telephone trees, and lately via fax machines, for a long time.

Surveillance Self-Defense International Published July 2009; revised June 2010. 6 Ideas For Those Needing Defensive Technology to Protect Free Speech from Authoritarian Regimes and 4 Ways the Rest of Us Can Help Peter Eckersley, Introduction: The Internet remains one of the most powerful means ever created to give voice to repressed people around the world. Unfortunately, new technologies have also given authoritarian regimes new means to identify and retaliate against those who speak out despite censorship and surveillance. Below are six basic ideas for those attempting to speak without falling victim to authoritarian surveillance and censorship, and four ideas for the rest of us who want to help support them. I. 1. Tor Bridges are a more discreet way to connect to the Tor network. If you use Tor and live in a country with a strong tradition of Internet censorship, your government might suddenly start blocking connections to the public Tor network. II. 1.

Top 10 Countries Censoring the Web When the World Wide Web was created in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee (not to be confused with the Internet itself, which is the core network developed many years earlier), its main objective was to enable the free exchange of information via interlinked hypertext documents. Almost 20 years later, that objective has been accomplished on most parts of the world, but not in all of them. Some countries are trying hard to keep an iron hand over the flow of information that takes place on the Web. 10. The rundown Pakistan started censoring the web in 2000, when the main target was anti-Islamic content. How does the censorship work? There are only three international gateways on the country, and all of them are controlled by the Pakistan Telecommunication Company. Internet service providers are also required by law to monitor the activity of their clients to make sure that they are not accessing prohibited websites. What kind of content is blocked? 9. 8. 7. Everything. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Bonus: Australia

Human Rights Video, Privacy and Visual Anonymity in the Facebook Age : Video For Change :: A WITNESS blog The successful nationwide organizing and subsequent protests in Egypt to oust the 30-year regime of President Hosni Mubarak have in part been facilitated by Facebook. But as media and technology commentators and human rights activists alike are noting, using Facebook for activism is fraught with risks. Facebook’s insistence that its users use their ‘real identity’ when signing up – and deleting accounts and groups that do no comply – makes it difficult for human rights activists needing to work anonymously or pseudonymously. The risks that affect activists using Facebook have their counterparts in video too. Some of the most notable and publicized examples include the Saffron Revolution in Burma, when intelligence agents scrutinized citizen-shot photographs and video footage to identify demonstrators and bystanders. In this post, I highlight some new dilemmas of privacy and anonymity related to the increasing ubiquity of human rights video. 1. 2. 3.

The Debate Over Internet Governance: Introduction Welcome to the Debate Over Internet Governance: A Snapshot in the Year 2000 This website was prepared as a final project for the course Internet & Society: The Technologies and Politics of Control at Harvard Law School. This site aims to do that which might seem impossible in a medium that changes so quickly and so dramatically to freeze a particular moment in the debate over internet governance. [Note: as of May 2005, the legal landscape has continued to change. The moment we seek to capture here is no ordinary moment in the development of the internet. At some level, even those most wary of formal governance for the internet recognize the need for central administration of some of the internets technical aspects. If nothing else, what is clear is that the decisions made today about the technical architecture of the internet and the body which will administer that architecture will shape the internets development for years to come. As the expiration of NSIs contract with the U.S.

About « Crabgrass Current Status Crabgrass currently consists of a solid suite of group collaboration tools, such as private wikis, task lists, file repository, and decision making tools. We are currently working on a large user interface overhaul, better social networking tools, blogs, and event calendars, as well as better support for collaboration and decision making among independent groups. Crabgrass is written in Ruby using the Ruby on Rails framework. Why Crabgrass? While social movements have grown more adept at using the web to communicate publicly, we are still mostly using inadequate tools to communicate amongst ourselves. There are many existing social networking websites out there. Most importantly, Crabgrass is software libre. What Crabgrass Does Crabgrass enables social change organizations to get things done, get the word out, collaborate and network. All of these elements are implemented from a social networking perspective. Features Types of content Model organizational structure Coming Soon

Bienvenue à l’e-G8, le Davos du web La grand messe d'Internet voulue par Nicolas Sarkozy se tient jusqu'à ce mercredi à Paris, avant le G8 de Deauville. Et la couleur industrielle de l'événement en effraie certains. Explications, avec des vrais morceaux de Maurice Lévy dedans. De la même manière que Cannes donne envie aux gens de faire des films, l’e-G8 doit être une vitrine du web. Dans la bouche de Maurice Lévy, puissant patron du groupe de communication Publicis et président de ce pré-sommet consacré aux questions numériques, cette phrase résonne comme un slogan publicitaire à destination des jeunes entrepreneurs. 1000 invités, des pointures internationales (Mark Zuckerberg de Facebook, Eric Schmidt de Google, Jeff Bezos d’Amazon, le magnat des médias Rupert Murdoch), un grand chapiteau, des ateliers, des stands où les jeunes pousses du web pourront s’exposer: le parfait environnement pour réfléchir à “l’impact d’Internet sur l’économie”… Quitte à oublier le reste. Dans les tuyaux depuis 2006 Abandon de la gouvernance?

New: Three Reports on Circumvention Tool Usage, International Bloggers, and Internet Control August 18, 2011 The Berkman Center is pleased to release three new publications as part of our circumvention project. Over the past two years, the Center has carried out a number of research activities designed to improve our understanding of the knowledge, usage, and effectiveness of circumvention tools as a means to promote access to information online in repressive online environments. The Evolving Landscape of Internet Control by Hal Roberts, Ethan Zuckerman, Rob Faris, Jillian York, and John Palfrey This paper summarizes the results of the studies we have undertaken in order to better understand the control of the Internet in less open societies. Drawing on background research, meetings with tool developers, consultations with experts, interviews with users, structured surveys, and technical evaluations, these publications help improve our overall understanding of the role of circumvention tools in promoting greater Internet openness.

France: sauvons internet 158 086 ont signé la pétition. Ensemble allons jusqu'à 200 000 Publié le 29 Juin 2011Le gouvernement Sarkozy veut censurer internet par un décret qui pourrait bloquer des sites et pages de recherche que nous utilisons tous les jours. Mais un tollé national peut stopper cet assaut contre la liberté d'expression. Ce nouveau décret permettrait aux ministres de retirer tout contenu internet menaçant selon eux "l'ordre public", sans passer par un juge. Le Président Sarkozy a montré au sommet du G8 qu'il soigne son image de dirigeant moderne et de partisan d'internet. Cliquez ici pour signer la pétition! Dans le droit français, les contenus dit "manifestement illicites" comme la pédopornographie peuvent déjà être retirés sans contrôle judiciaire. L'ONU estime que les mesures de filtrage sont excessives et inefficaces et vient de condamner les lois françaises sur l'internet. Nous savons que le Président Sarkozy souhaite apparaître comme un ami de l'internet.

Safely and Securely Producing Media | Small World News Training Guides Safely and Securely Producing Media ENGLISH (9MB) (9MB) العربية This guide is a collection of our best practices and suggestions we’ve made to our colleagues over the last five years. We split up the process of shooting high quality video into three sections, Plan your Story, Record Your Story, and Share Your Story. I’d like to thank Jesse Hambley and Ashley Low for their involvement as graphic designers on this project. We’ve had some great feedback from partners, colleagues and collaborators around the world already. We’re going to reevaluate the guide in the coming months as we continue to hear about feedback and responses from it being used in the field. Update: If you’re based in the United States, we advise you to be aware of the Surveillance Self-Defense site put together by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). Safely using SatPhones ENGLISH (1MB) (1MB) العربية Satellite communications bring a specific series of risks, depending on your use-case. License

L'usurpation d'identité sur Internet bientôt pénalisée, actualité Mon petit droit m'a dit : Le Point Les faux profils pullulent sur les réseaux sociaux, à commencer par celui de Nicolas Sarkozy. Revêtir l'accoutrement numérique d'un autre est un jeu d'enfant. Il suffit en effet de connaître les identifiants de messagerie d'une personne pour envoyer des e-mails à sa place. 210.000 cas d'usurpation d'identité sont recensés chaque année en France et près d'une victime sur deux ignore la façon dont le fraudeur a obtenu ses données personnelles. Vide législatif Pour le moment, le simple fait d'utiliser la boîte e-mail d'une personne n'est pas punissable. Dans tous les autres cas, le vol d'identité n'est sanctionné que lorsque la victime de l'usurpateur encourt une condamnation pénale. Condamnation d'un internaute ayant créé un faux profil sur Facebook La violation du droit à l'image qui peut aussi servir de fondement à une action judiciaire à la suite de la publication sur Internet de photos de la victime. Ce que prévoit la Loppsi 2

For Bloggers at Risk: Creating a Contingency Plan In 2011, we have witnessed the incredible power of bloggers and social media users capturing the world’s attention through their activism. At the same time, regimes appear to be quickening the pace of their cat-and-mouse game with netizens, cracking down on speech through the use of surveillance, censorship, and the persecution and detention of bloggers. The increasingly the tech-savvy Syrian regime has been reported to demand login credentials from detainees, for example, while the use of torture in some of the region’s prisons continues.Aware of the threats to their safety, bloggers often devise contingency plans in the event they are detained. Assessing individual risk is neither easy nor straightforward. If you are arrested or detained: Is there a trusted person(s) that you would like to authorize to make major decisions on your behalf--such as whether to conduct a public campaign? This post was co-authored by EFF and Global Voices Advocacy, with special thanks to Zeynep Tufekci.


yeah im undecided as well where to put it under aswell.It seems like it can be put under a number of different categories. I just put it under general hacktivism because it is keeping the lines of communication open but on a tech level. by theworldthatis Jun 17
