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Personnal Assistants (hardware : domotics etc.)

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Digimind. Ivee, l'assistant personnel qui rend votre maison intelligente. Ivee ne paye pas de mine pourtant il est un assistant personnel multitâches.

Ivee, l'assistant personnel qui rend votre maison intelligente

En plus de vous aider dans votre vie quotidienne, il va connecter votre domicile. Ivee, un assistant à votre service Cet objet contrôle vos objets connectés. Il communique avec les thermostats Nest, avec les ampoules connectées Hue, avec Logitech Harmony et bien d’autres pour vous faciliter l’interaction avec tous ces dispositifs. Besoin d’un service instantané, tel un Uber ? Mais ce dispositif ne s’arrête pas là. Le fonctionnement d’Ivee Sa mise en place est d’une incroyable simplicité. L’application disponible sur Android et iOS permet de configurer l’appareil et de le personnaliser. Ivee a fait l’objet d’une campagne sur la plateforme de financement participatif Indiegogo. L.U.C.Y., un assistant personnel sur le modèle du Jarvis d'Iron Man. L.U.C.Y. est un assistant personnel à votre service, concentré dans un écran tactile doté d’une caméra de reconnaissance faciale et d’un contrôleur de voix.

L.U.C.Y., un assistant personnel sur le modèle du Jarvis d'Iron Man

L.U.C.Y., l’assistante personnel qu’il vous manquait Dans un écran se cache un assistant. Il va vous assister, vous et votre famille, dans les petits détails ennuyeux du quotidien. En s’intégrant aisément à votre décoration intérieure, il va se connecter avec tout ce qui se trouve dans et hors de votre domicile pour faire office de hub. Il travaille actuellement avec Dropcam, Nest, Hue, Devolo, Dropbox, Smart things et encore d’autres. Samsung's personal assistant robot is called Otto - The Verge. Home - Jibo. ASUS Zenbo - Your Smart Little Companion. Aido Interactive Personal Home Robot. Sans titre. Mon Accueil est Essential. Introducing Lighthouse: The Future of Home. Home.AI - Sentient Homes. Mycroft: An Open Source Artificial Intelligence For Everyone - BackerKit.

Mycroft: An Open Source Artificial Intelligence For Everyone Created by Mycroft AI Mycroft: An Open Source Artificial Intelligence For Everyone 1,120 backers pledged $127,520.00 on Kickstarter Uses natural language to control Internet of Things.

Mycroft: An Open Source Artificial Intelligence For Everyone - BackerKit

Built on Raspberry Pi this whole home AI plays media, controls lights & more. Raised in Kickstarter $127,520.00 / 1,120 backers Raised in BackerKit $1,019.95 / 5 backers Checkout Estimated Shipping Date: May 2017 Monthly Supporter Support Mycroft development for only $1.99 a month! Annual Supporter Support Mycroft development for only $19 a year! Mycroft Mark 1 Mycroft Mark 1 Designed to be extended, altered, modified, and hacked. Mycroft Custom Feet Customize your Mycroft Mark 1 with feet in one of three different colors. Mycroft T-shirt Show your support for open source AI with a T-Shirt! Mycroft 3 Inch Vinyl Sticker Adorn your laptop with a Mycroft logo! Mycroft Key Chain Screwdriver torx T10 White 5' Cat6 Ethernet Cable. Home - Mycroft. Gatebox. Gatebox. JIBO: The World's First Family Robot.

LG's robot invasion. Baidu family robot a Chinese spin on Amazon Echo. Chinese internet colossus Baidu is out to make a splash with 'Little Fish,' a family robot that is a voice-controlled virtual valet akin to Amazon Echo or Google Home.

Baidu family robot a Chinese spin on Amazon Echo

Baidu showed off "Little Fish," a translation of its Chinese name "Xiaoyu Zaijia," on Thursday at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas ahead of its release in China later this year. "I think 2017 will be the year of conversational computing," Baidu chief scientist Andrew Ng said while demonstrating Little Fish for AFP behind closed doors at the show.

"We see a clear path of conversational computers changing everything. " Using voice to interact with computers that are able to essentially learn from experience was among the hot trends at CES. Arrays of device makers added digital aide capabilities with the help of Amazon's Alexa or Google Assistant technology. WooHoo Smart Home Hub, Platform. Intelligent Voice Assistant: SK Telecom Introduces Artificial Intelligence Voice Service NUGU. SK Telecom on August 31 held a press conference at its Seoul headquarters to introduce NUGU, an artificial intelligence (AI) service based on voice recognition technology.

Intelligent Voice Assistant: SK Telecom Introduces Artificial Intelligence Voice Service NUGU

The company has also shared plans to further develop its AI platform and services in cooperation with third party developers and customers. The service name “NUGU” is a Korean word for “who” and has been chosen to create an image that it can become anyone – i.e., user’s friend, family, assistant, and so on. To be launched on September 1, 2016, NUGU marks the first virtual home assistant service that understands and processes the Korean language.

Veille Arianet : Après Amazon et Google, Microsoft lance une enceinte connectée. Orange Adds Voice to Growing Chorus of Digital Assistants. PARIS -- Orange Hello -- Orange has added its own voice to the growing chorus of digital assistants that can be operated via the spoken word.

Orange Adds Voice to Growing Chorus of Digital Assistants

Branded Djingo, the voice-activated digital assistant, unveiled earlier today at Orange's annual Hello show in Paris, is due to become available in France early next year, with service launches in other Orange markets set to follow. The technology, which was debuted by Orange (NYSE: FTE) CEO Stephane Richard in front of Hello show attendees, works much like Apple's Siri and Amazon's Alexa, allowing users to activate services and request information through the power of speech.

Bonjour. Liste. Harman Kardon Invoke featuring Cortana: Captivating sound meets personal digital assistant - Windows Experience BlogWindows Experience Blog. We’re excited to share that today, our partner Harman Kardon, released new details about the previously announced voice-activated speaker featuring Cortana*.

Harman Kardon Invoke featuring Cortana: Captivating sound meets personal digital assistant - Windows Experience BlogWindows Experience Blog

The Harman Kardon Invoke speaker combines the rich, captivating sound that Harman Kardon is known for with your personal digital assistant, Cortana, in an innovative and beautifully designed speaker for the home. In addition to premium 360 sound, at the heart of Invoke is Cortana. With Cortana on the Invoke speaker, you can play your favorite music, manage calendars and activities, set reminders, check traffic, and deliver the latest news and much more. With Skype integration, you can make calls to cell phones, landlines and other Skype-enabled devices. You can also voice control your compatible smart home devices to do things like turn out the lights or control the temperature. Visit to learn more about Invoke and stay tuned for more updates on Cortana!

This device is available in the US only.