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Sharp Brains

Sharp Brains
Beyond concussions: football-related hits impact brain’s white matter By: SharpBrains Brains of Foot­ball Play­ers Don’t Fully Recover Dur­ing Off­sea­son, Study Finds (Edu­ca­tion Week): “Some foot­ball play­ers’ brains may not fully recover from hits endured even after six months of no-contact rest dur­ing the off­sea­son… imag­ing scans showed changes Read the rest of this entry » To improve total health and fitness, let’s enhance brain functioning Sur­geon gen­eral says brain health ‘new fron­tier’ (ARNEWS):

Cold Coffee Recipes for a Hot Summer Day Many coffee drinkers resort to the iced versions as summertime arrives. A variety of iced coffee recipes have been shared all over the globe, but the ones you'll find here are a bit more adventurous. There's an art to making a scrumptious cup of cold coffee, which involves some little tricks and a few special ingredients. The best way to enjoy these coffee drink recipes? Don't try them alone. 10 Websites With Fun Tests To Gauge Your IQ Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is a term that’s related to the wattage of your brain; in short intelligence and reasoning skills measured across a few standardized tests. Before an inferiority complex starts laying its foundation, remember that I.Q is not a measure of knowledge or its practical application. To rub our egos the right way, you might take a few serious approved tests and arrive at your IQ.

Embodied Cognition  Embodied Cognition is a growing research program in cognitive science that emphasizes the formative role the environment plays in the development of cognitive processes. The general theory contends that cognitive processes develop when a tightly coupled system emerges from real-time, goal-directed interactions between organisms and their environment; the nature of these interactions influences the formation and further specifies the nature of the developing cognitive capacities. Since embodied accounts of cognition have been formulated in a variety of different ways in each of the sub-fields comprising cognitive science (that is, developmental psychology, artificial life/robotics, linguistics, and philosophy of mind), a rich interdisciplinary research program continues to emerge. Table of Contents

Twitter Search, Monitoring, & Analytics With iOS 9, Search lets you look for content from the web, your contacts, apps, nearby places, and more. Powered by Siri, Search offers suggestions and updates results as you type. There are two ways to use Search on your iOS device. Quick Search Drag down from the middle of the Home screen and type what you're looking for. Siri Suggestions

Technology & Learning Connections Increasing student achievement through the systemic alignment of technology, policies, and curriculum in a multi-tiered system of supports. AT & UDL Loan Library - Online Resource As a part of Florida's MTSS Projects, this online resource library is designed to help districts and schools implement a universal, differentiated core curriculum based on the Florida Standards. The assistive technologies available in this library can be used to identify which technologies will best support students with disabilities to participate and progress in this core curriculum. The Universal Design for Learning technologies can be used to identify effective, instructional pedagogies that support highly effective learning environments. AIM-AT-UDL Implementation Plan - Handout

Study Shows Meditation Changes Brain Structure in Just 8 Weeks - Family Health Guide Written by Suzannah Moss - FHG Senior Writer Participants in an 8 week mindfulness meditation class experienced structural brain changes including increased grey-matter density in the hippocampus, known to be important for learning and memory, and in structures associated with self-awareness, compassion and introspection. This is the first research to document meditation-produced changes in the brain. Previous research has identified differences in brain activity and structure between practised meditators and non-meditators. Cognitive bias Systematic pattern of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment Although it may seem like such misperceptions would be aberrations, biases can help humans find commonalities and shortcuts to assist in the navigation of common situations in life.[5] Some cognitive biases are presumably adaptive.

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