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Explaining White Privilege to a Broke White Person...

Explaining White Privilege to a Broke White Person...
Years ago, some feminist on the internet told me I was "Privileged." "THE FUCK!?!?" I said. I came from the kind of Poor that people don't want to believe still exists in this country. Have you ever spent a frigid northern Illinois winter without heat or running water? I have. So when that feminist told me I had "white privilege," I told her that my white skin didn't do shit to prevent me from experiencing poverty. After one reads McIntosh's powerful essay, it's impossible to deny that being born with white skin in America affords people certain unearned privileges in life that people of another skin color simple are not afforded. "I can turn on the television or open to the front page of the paper and see people of my race widely represented."" If you read through the rest of the list, you can see how white people and people of color experience the world in two very different ways. I do understand McIntosh's essay may rub some people the wrong way.

Related:  For Introduction to SociologyPrivilege

Why Don’t We Talk About the Gender Safety Gap in the U.S.? This week, John Krakauer’s book, Missoula, “a depressingly typical” story about college town rapes, was released. In a recent NPR interview, Krakauer describes his dawning realization about how many women in the United States have been sexually assaulted, most often by people they know. His prior lack of awareness about women’s experiences, either of being assaulted or avoiding assault, is hardly rare. A primary reason most people can remain blissfully unaware of the reality of sexual assault is that media continues to ignore the role that gender plays in the experience of violence. In December, for example, Gallup released its most recent assessment of a gendered safety gap in its annual U.S. crime survey, a report that garnered virtually no media interest.

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Dress Codes, Double Standards, and 4 Other Subtle Ways Women Face Sexism at Work When Ellen Pao, a California business woman, faced gender discrimination at work, she decided to do something about it. She made headlines for bringing a high-profile lawsuit against her employer, a Silicon Valley-based venture capitalist firm, alleging that they had discriminated against her and retaliated when she tried to do something about it by firing her. But Pao lost her suit, because like so many of us already know, sexism in the workplace is often a lot more subtle and difficult to prove than one might think. In the wake of the case, Pao’s story inspired women across the country to speak out about their own run-ins with discrimination.

People in Power Are Quick To Call Out Injustice When They Are Harmed You're being treated unfairly at work. How do you react — voice your concerns or stay quiet? That reaction may indicate whether you're a powerful or powerless person, a study says, but it could also explain how inequality is maintained in society. Powerful people react swiftly when they are victims of unfairness, while less powerful people are slow to notice and react to injustice, according to research published Friday in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. "Power shapes how quickly you respond to self-related injustices," explains Takuya Sawaoka, a doctoral student in psychology at Stanford University who conducted the study. "When people have a lot of power and resources, they come to feel like they deserve better outcomes than others."

How ‘Service With a Smile’ Takes a Toll on Working Women Discussions of gender inequality in the workplace often focus on the more visible manifestations of the imbalances between men and women: wage inequality, the motherhood penalty, or the lack of paid leave. These are all important issues that, if fixed, would help women. More difficult to pinpoint and address, however, are the ways that what sociologists call “emotional labor” also reinforces workplace gender inequality.

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The Rock Test: A Hack for Men Who Don’t Want To Be Accused of Sexual Harassment Are you a man confused on how to treat the women you work with? Do you feel like if you can’t say or do *anything* you don’t know what to say or do at all? Well stress no more! This life hack will have you treating women like people in no time. Entrepreneurs don’t have a special gene for risk—they come from families with money At first, it seems like a small thing. Reuters reports this morning that the European Union is weighing whether to start requiring visas from Canadian and US visitors to the region. This would be an incredibly shortsighted thing to do, given the lucrative tourist trade based on North Americans traveling to the continent. And it likely won’t happen. But its mere discussion—a response to the US visa requirement’s for visitors from poorer parts of the EU such as Romania, Poland, and Bulgaria—underscores the very real backlash against pro-globalization economic ideology of the last 25 years.

Trump Interrupting Pelosi Shows How Men Often Treat Women Researchers have been investigating who interrupts and who gets interrupted since at least 1975, when a landmark study at Stanford University found that, out of 31 conversations examined between partners of various gender pairings, men were responsible for all but one interruption. American notions of gender roles and interactions have changed a lot in the intervening 40 years, and a 2014 study from George Washington University suggests that’s brought a certain amount of parity to the act of interruption: Men and women in that study interrupted others at similar rates. Where gender differences remained pronounced in the 2014 study was in who got interrupted: Speakers of all genders were far more likely to interrupt a female conversation partner.

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explaining-white-privilege-to-a-broke-white-person_b_5269255 Years ago some feminist on the Internet told me I was “privileged.” “THE F&CK!?!?” I said. I came from the kind of poor that people don’t want to believe still exists in this country. Have you ever spent a frigid northern-Illinois winter without heat or running water? I have. The ugly segregationist history of the charter school movement As a parent I find it easy to understand the appeal of charter schools, especially for parents and students who feel that traditional public schools have failed them. As a historical sociologist who studies race and politics, however, I am disturbed both by the significant challenges that plague the contemporary charter school movement, and by the ugly history of segregationist tactics that link past educational practices to the troubling present. The now-popular idea of offering public education dollars to private entrepreneurs has historical roots in white resistance to school desegregation after Brown v. Board of Education (1954). The desired outcome was few or, better yet, no black students in white schools.

This App Splits Your Dinner Bill According to Societal Racism and Sexism We all know that moment of dread. You’re out with eight friends for a relatively nice dinner. Your vegan roommate has been sulking over a side salad the whole time, while the good-time Charlie of the group is on her fourth glass of wine. Then there are the people who order $24 worth of appetizers and try to make their escape after “throwing a 20 on it,” without even an iota of consideration for the concepts of taxes and tipping.
